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As i recall either Manchin or Sinena already came out and said the would not approve a justice in an election year. Having her resign now will be a repeat of the Garland nomination

Edut: it was Manchin

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I dont think his appeal moved all the way there, though it was a federal case so it could have. I think this was a hail mary last play for them to intervene and put a hold on things. Either way even they said no

Shit they will probably defect for a regular serving of Borscht

Are there odds this guy flips to being an R if he wins the general?

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Databases of gun owners? "DoNt ImPeDe On My FrEeDom"

Database of pregnant women? "Great idea"

This the only political statement I needed to support Swift

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Small enough to fit in your bedroom, doctors office, and anywhere else you think is private

I wish I had this amount of confidence in my fellow man. I fear this election is going to be just as close as the last two and it will be a coin flip in the end.

DeSantis tried doing what Trump does where he rails against something and threatens action, but rather than doing what Trump does which is talk big and then declare victory. DeSantis actually went through with the fight. The fights drag out and he takes harder and harder positions to defend. People dont want the fight, they want to talk big and declare victory without doing anything.

DeSantis is not helped by his campaign team either, as they seem to be perpetually online to where some of his ads are completely unintelligble to anyone that is not online all the time.

Finally, while petty, I think a lot of people liked DeSantis until they heard him actually speak. His voice is not what you would expect from a culture warrior strong man. He is also terrible at interacting with people too. Like really bad, those clips of him around other people are just hard to watch.

I think there is like a 1% chance rate limits were an actual thing. It really feels like someone fucked something up, caused the issue and the "rate limits" were how Elon decided to try and play it. Then "increasing" the limits multiple times to completely illogical values was the system slowly coming back up. Elon increasing that limit makes him look like he is listening to the users and thus the good guy.

I have not seen anyone complain about rate limits since the day it happened. Other than jokes has anyone seen or heard of the issue?

I would say a company suddenly introducing a major policy change like view limits with no warning is beyond stupid but then again it is Elon who seems to believe he is God's gift to tech.

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I dont see how this helps at all. They can release whatever financial info they want, and even if it is super clean, the right's response will simply be "they lied on those documents."

Hell, it didnt bother anyone voting for him that Trump never released his tax returns ahead of the election. If he is the nominee again he won't release his newer tax returns. So at best this becomes a gesture that isnt going to sway a single vote and will only serve to have people nitpick and create more conspiracy theories.

He is running to do what Trump wanted to do in 2016. When he fails to win, and he will, he will pivot his followers into some new media outlet. He may also be angling for a cabinet spot but he probably doesnt fit the mold for that.

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So in your example Black people have no right to a service if the location does not wish to serve them? If the next closest location is a days drive away so be it? Maybe they just need to go live closer to those services?

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Trump is 100% the Republican party of today. Maybe you could say he was an outsider in 2015 having little political experience but he is now the face of the party. He is leading in Iowa by 23 points and in national polls by an average of 37 points. Republicans courted the MAGA base for a long time and now that they have control of the party. The Republican party can no more excise Trump and his base than one could cut out their own heart and remain whole.

Just you wait 2 weeks for him to release it. Its going to be the bestest most amazing healthcare bill by far. Some might even say it will be yuge.

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The "blue check" system which was previously used to denote verified users were who they claimed to be suddenly became a complete cash grab for $8 a month, even more for companies to have verified checks or sets of them? Then when not everyone was buying in those users were pushed to the top of replies to users posts. This of course caused tons of people to just get blocked outright because of their checks.

Additionally i believe he has threatened to remove some companies handles because they stopped using them most notably NPR.

Now he has floated the idea of removing the blocking feature because reasons? Who knows what he thinks. So the functionality has not changed a ton, for now, the quality of what you get has gone down.

Oh also he made a specific exception and unbanned some user who posted literal child porn

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He will yell, get media coverage, wait a few days, somehow declare victory and never speak of it again. Its the same playbook can we just ignore him until his court dates?

I am like 80% sure Sinema or Manchin would wring their hands saying we cant do that and stop the whole process.

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If I am remembering correctly the only thing needed to get into heaven is to accept Jesus as your saviour and truely believe. Most of these people believe they are saved because they said some words and attend church regularly. They dont know the scripture outside the big ones, John 3:16 and probably the one in Leviticus about not sleeping with another man. Everything else is new to them every time they hear it.

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And yet, he is still not the worst person that was on Newsradio

Really none. The game walks you through rolls and what each thing does.

Having a little knowledge of how D&D works only serves to make the leveling up process go quicker since you have ideas on how to allocate stats or what specialties you take without reading through everything.

Because it ia only a more recent phenomenon. 10 years ago if you asked a republican voter if Roe would be overturned they would think it would never happen. They were all for it but didnt believe it would happen. Now they are the dog that caught the car. Birth control, IVF, no fault divorce, hell maybe interracial marriage is all on the table. I fear its going to get really bad before it might be ok

I dont think people are inherently greedy. We are taught from a young age the need for money which in turn makes people greedy. Ie nurture not nature

If people grew up on small farms with only a bartering system, i dont think people would hoard resources nearly as much.

It may be i want to see the best in people but i do believe most people would rather help others than not.

This is a bunch of hot air at best I think. They floated the idea of removing him after the deal he made earlier this year around the debt ceiling. And keep floating it every time they get upset he isnt following the most insane part of the party. The thing is, if they had the votes for a different speaker they would have removed McCarthy already. They dont, they probably dont have enough votes to even remove him, i believe you need a majority to actually remove him. So this just seems like more talk with no ability to do anything.

Trump and every conservative mouth piece is going to bring this up constantly until the election. Example 1

He isnt misinformed, and is lying. This "post-birth abortion" talking point has been making the rounds off and on for a few years now.

What they are talking about is when a baby is born that has no chance of surviving, rather than forcing the hospital/parents to take life saving measures, it allows for the choice for pallative care for the baby. Its the kindest thing one could do but idiots want to associate it with abortion to make people mad. Every time i hear the phrase post birth abortion i just get sad.

The US is a Christian nation. Just they follow Supply Side Jesus not you know the brown skinned socialist Jesus.

It comes up every so often in battle. You will hear the enemies, both on a planet and in space yell something to the effect of "someone stop him/her/them". It is so quick you can easily miss it.

Really the outrage is probably nothing more than click bait. Like a video made the rounds shortly after it came out of some guy yelling for 2-3 minutes about pronouns.

Power. Plain and simple.

He did exactly what republicans wanted to do just he kept saying the quiet part loud. Now they are stuck. He is a result of decades of right wing talk radio and tv telling people everyone who disagrees is a satan worshipping pedophile. I fear he wont be the worst though

No. It doesnt matter when or how he dies its going to be thought to have been the deep state. I mean some of these people believee JFK and JFK Jr are still alive and will come back to rally for Trump.

We are doomed

This is somehow worse

No way Trump survives in Russia long term. He would have an adoring crowd for a few months, maybe a year. Most likely at the threat of bodily harm more than them liking him. Then the crowds thin because he has outlived his usefulness. A new leader for the party has been found. He cannot golf all the time. He can never return to the states. He likely cannot even leave Russia. Slowly he becomes a shell of the man he once was, yelling "Make America Great Again" into a mirror. Then one day he falls out a window, completely by accident. He tripped on the power cord there, or the CIA did it. Thats best case.

Worst case is Russia doesnt even let him in knowing it would further turn the West against them. Furthering their resolve to support Ukraine. Or worse dragging NATO into the war.

I mean if it happens he is going to have to pay the Sandy Hook families the money he owes. Dude is still on the hook for a cool billion with 2 trials to go.

Well those kids are obese. Probably do them some good to drop a few pounds right?

Seems like a great way to campaign, "you're kids are fat so i am goibg to starve them to make them healthy?"

Kissinger lived to be like 100. This motherfucker is gonna be around another 20 years. Spite and hate make you age horridly but you somehow survive off of it way longer than anyone expects.

True they probably dont care about who the speaker is. But he is now the defacto leader of republicans in governemnt. Ads showing Johnson calling for the criminalization of homosexuality, killing medicare/social security, repealing gay marriage or even walking back no fault divorces will be powerful. Johnson sets the legislative agenda in the house, tying reps to his agenda is what every republican ad did with Nancy Pelosi for god knows how long.

Though i wonder if Johnson is still speaker by next fall. Dude is going to run afoul of someone sooner or later and we will get another motion to vacate

Closed to press not those he was talking to. Granted he should have called their bluff ages ago because really what are they going to do? They dont have the votes to oust him and there is no viable alternaitve. This whole thing is a dick measuring contest and McCarthy finally brought out calipers.

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The problem here, I think is, is that Trump does stuff like this all the time. He says things that are absurd, or outlandish and people always say "he's joking", "don't take everything he says literally", but at what point do you take him literally?

You think for one second if he had won in 2020 he wouldnt be trying to run for reelection again? Or trying to declare himself president for life? He said multiple times his first term shouldnt count because they spied on his campaign or the impeachments. He said the US should try president for life as China had done during his term. Trump also praised Rodrigo Duterte who encouraged murdering drug users/pushers.

We can stick to facts all we want but the one thing we should do, is believe Trump when he says something.

Ryan clearly thought they were raging against like dishwashers and washing machines