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I don’t like this guy, but imagine having to write an article about a simple slip of the tongue and trying to turn that into something it isn’t. The article, to further support the claim that he is weird, references his alleged and unproven relationship with his couch, something we all know he didn’t do (no matter how funny it is).

He isn’t a good VP pick by any means but this article is trash in my opinion.

It compromises the legitimacy of CBS. How can they be okay with blatant lies being aspired on its network?

The lawmaker said the investigation seeks to remove him from office and smear his name. “Asking about my sexual history as a single man with adult women is a bridge too far,” he said.

I’m pretty sure they are asking about your sexual history with underage women, buddy.

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It will be interesting to see how this plays up/down the ticket.

Get the popcorn popper ready

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Fucked around in Iran and about to find out I guess.

Oh it is!

Imagine being the guy working on this and how much you hate yourself anytime somebody asks you what you are working on.

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During an interview that aired Thursday on Real America's Voice, Trump sought to lower expectations for his debate performance. He argued that Biden should take a drug test before the event.

"They're going to feed him a lot of stuff, and we should do a drug test," he demanded. "I'd love to do a drug test beforehand."

Somebody needs to drug test Trump. Projection at it’s finest.

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“There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy,” Mr Newsom said on 22 December. “But in California, we defeat candidates at the polls. Everything else is a political distraction.”

I’m so sick of this shit. We had a choice of Trump or Biden in 2020 and we decided. Then Trump attempted to overthrow the government. We don’t need to decide again at the polls.

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A good day for democracy and abortion rights in my home state. Way to do it Virginia.

Alabama is such a shithole. When does any good news come from that state?

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Let’s just not vote for Trump. We went through this already and we already know he will profit from the Presidency in any way he can. This article is the same one I read 6 years ago. It’s insane that people have forgotten all of this already.

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It sounds like it is and that’s how they were able to catch on to this fake parts company.

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His long term plans of fucking Americans were complete long before this election cycle.

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And you wonder why people are taking shots at him now. The system has failed us.

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One less Freedom Caucus member. Good.

Ever win anything?

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He is so full of shit. How is something that was previously considered a universal right somehow made better for citizens when it is then handled at the state level? And his leaving the door open for federal restrictions is him admitting this. He has to regret what he and his Supreme Court have done to his own electability.

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It’s not a HIPPA violation. That law doesn’t apply to companies like Meta beacause they do not fit the definition of an entity that the law was written towards. This is just people freely giving away their personal health information and nothing more. From your own link:

The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals' medical records and other individually identifiable health information (collectively defined as “protected health information”) and applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health care providers that conduct certain health care transactions electronically.

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He has a very punchable face.

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Too many people in this thread are shitting on this guy without having read the article.

Luttig played a [now famous role]( in persuading then-Vice President Mike Pence to defy Trump and certify the 2020 presidential election. In a series of tweets drafted at the request of Pence’s attorney, Luttig spelled out in stark terms the legal rationale for Pence to reject the former president’s attempt to overturn Joe Biden’s victory.

I think more of the blame should fall on Trump. She is at least apologizing, despite her racism. Trump shone the national spotlight on this city by amplifying an obvious lie in front of 10’s of millions of people last Tuesday and his squad reacted as they always do.

At whatever point it becomes clear to him that he is going to lose the election he will almost certainly cash out. If the race is close then he may make a gamble. But he is going to need the cash if he loses.

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Unfavorable views of the project rose the most among Democrats, for whom the plan's net favorability dropped by a whopping 36 percentage points, but it also became less popular among the smaller share of Republicans who had heard of the project: Net favorability for Project 2025 dropped 9 points among those who identified as MAGA supporters and 17 points among other Republicans.

I would love to be a fly on the wall when these Republicans finally come to realize who and what they have been supporting all of this time.

“Over the last several years there’s been this kind of perversion that has taken place, I think, which is to suggest that the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down. When what we know is the real and true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up,” Harris said at a campaign appearance in Pennsylvania.

Everybody can take a lesson from these words.

He obstructed justice when he didn’t return them as well.

I read a comment from some article somewhere and the quote was that “JD is the Dan Quayle of Sarah Palin’s”.

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You can’t say that about the rampant spending that took place during his administration. Conservative fiscal policy be damned!

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An article I read earlier, it sounds like the Governor has a reasonable chance of winning a court fight to invalidate that law for being unconstitutional.

You got trombone Riker on speed dial

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This guy helped save us in 2020 by working to convince Pence to defy Trump and to certify the election. If you are going to save us a click at least read the article and allow us to give the guy an ounce of credit.

Hopefully it is not transparent glass.

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When your freezer conks out and all of your “children” are dead, then you are now liable.

This is why people doing IVF are so terrified. They could be held liable if their embryos become non-viable.

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She is fucked. If she sent nudes of Hunter Biden to her constituents then the DOJ will absolutely come after her for that. Insane doesn’t come close to describing what may have happened here.

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So fat and no scars. Got it.

I feel like this lands pretty soft given the news that Trump and the Republicans asked for, and got, yet turned down, the best border deal they could ever hope for.

It’s hard to assume it is for good intentions when he has exposed himself for what he is. I don’t want to hear about another SCOTUS justice complaining about the media when they practically generate the controversial stories without even a prompt.

So maybe he should dropout of the race then.

The University of Notre Dame reimbursed the most justices for educational programs, paying travel for Justices Samuel Alito, Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas for a combined six different trips.

Interesting that Alito and Thomas felt the need to disclose this travel when their luxury travel trips somehow did not warrant similar disclosures. I feel like, for Thomas especially, if he disclosed anything at all, for any reason, but then failed to do so for his luxury travel, shows that he intended to act in bad faith.

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