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Joined 7 months ago

This would be amazing if he can do it. At least he's promising good changes vs trump promising judgment day on day one...

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Insane that I have yet to see an article about trump lies during the debate. All I saw was Biben be replace bs articles.

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3, then 4, then 5... Just like putin.

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Sad to see. Feels like Lemmy has no bright future with people in charge of it thinking russia's and China's government is good and ban difference of thoughts, opinions, and beliefs.

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Some thing needs to keep the court in check and remove the bad apples.

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No one should be proud of corrupt court systems and dictatorships.

I think the tiktok fiasco is just another wrong solution to a problem. The problem is data collection and mismanagement of it; and no one is getting 'royalties' for their data being sold or used.

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If it's Boeing, I'm NOT going.

They are probably pushing it.

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I was excited at first, then sad. Trump's death would be the only way american people get justice as he's clearly above the law. Can't believe all the news hasn't called him felon trump, instead calling him president trump, dropping the former.

Biden needs to make some harsh executive orders, fixing the court (adding more judges or removing them), disbarring Trump from running and forced jailing, then claim all the bullshit changes made by the bad apples are unconstitutional and be reversed.

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Too many articles focusing on replacing Biden when they should be focusing on Trump being a federal convict walking around free.

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Black Nazi in that picture. Absolutely insane, delusional people.

Even on windows 10, Onedrive uploaded random crap you don't want and then yells at you that the space is full and buy a subscription. It has to be the worst cloud service of them all because of the bullshit integration. It was easier to disable and remove it than to work with it.

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Yes. He said both what I wrote and wanting revenge, saying he will be a dictator for one day, day one. This video has both clips, if you want to skip to 8:17 for the revenge and judgment day after that:

Google should have improved the search with more powerful tools instead of chasing numbers and greed.

I hope Ukraine wins and takes a cut of Russian territory as compensation.

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That's good news for the coming election. But I still fear he won't ever be punished for his numerous crimes, the biggest yet to come, the pedo rape connections from the Epstein papers.

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Republican states are the worst states to live in, and instead of trying to improve their life and get nice things, they resort to attacking people for their problems. They want to remove and tear down agencies, the balances of power, and other programs and regulations because they are not happy with their own state governance. Instead of reflecting on their own cooked ideas, they are violent, hateful, and destructive, and don't realize without the nice things that took a long time to implement, they would have a dystopian hellscape. They would rather blame anyone other than themselves. And no strong leader figure promising a paradise is going to give you the solution, he's just Hitler, and history remembers how that turned out.

I hope he has a breakdown and it's public when he loses again.

Recently came across project 2025, which is a plan to upend the government for trump to run it like a dictatorship. It's actually frightening to even entertain the possibility. And I'm guessing it's derived from how putin got to his dictatorship position, because trump really likes putin and met with him too often.

I hope there won't be a series of unfortunate accidents...

I don't mind looking through several pages of results, but the problem is that many results are the same web domains, which causes glazed-over eyes seeing the same results. So, I think it's the search engine's fault for this behavior, at least for me.

Agencies are probably watching the rightwing nutcases making plans, like how they knew Russia was going to invade shortly before it happened.

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Such a good short video. Never saw that last bit where trump says he doesn't care about his followers and only wants their votes.

If you are voting the opposite of the norm in your area, you are making a bigger impact than the reverse of the situation. Go by county and try to flip yours to blue. If it happens to flip, your vote counts 100%, otherwise you have at least tried and voted. Here is some links to check 2020 results by town or county.

Right, we need something to roll back these obvious unconstitutional changes... Or civil war.

A judge released the Epstein papers recently, with the names all numbered 'doe', to protect the rich and famous pedophiles from the public eye. Sleuthers on the internet have match trumps movements and actions up to 'doe 174' as most likely as trump. Some suspect the shooter motives might be because of this reason.

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I stopped using Hulu when it introduced ads over a decade ago and never looked back. The stock of that company did really well despite the cable-like inconveniences.

Any product that is a portable electronic and does not have an easily replaceable battery is considered disposable, a commodity. Every single one.

My dad owns stock in some train companies. I was looking at their voting stuff recently, and the two I looked at had a vote for safety measures/committees. Both recommended against it. One was voting on raising the worker limit of 2, also recommended against.

If you didn't know, votes are weight by how much stock you own, so if you own the majority, your vote is counted as such. The companies themselves and the major stakeholders (rich people and other companies) are basically voting on themselves, mostly the rich and powerful. The system is straight up corrupt even though it sounds okay on the surface.

32% of Americans want to be Nazis? Sad to see.

I hope they get denied, because they can rebuy those stores again.

Events seem to be ramping...

These are the people who denied covid until it was too late.

Are there non-twitter links?

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Insane prices for basically the same phones of previous years models. And still no easily replaceable battery.

Most, if not all game reddits, product reddits, and company reddits are secretly or openly controlled by their respective corpos. Keeping communities as third party forums is a must have IMO.