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DNC would rather lose than have an actual progressive win

This was made perfectly clear in 2016 when Hillary stole the nom by colluding with Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

If people haven’t caught on by now, they haven’t been paying attention. Or are just willfully ignorant.

Only because our “representatives” let them write the law entirely. Imagine if Congress wasn’t filled to the brim with 80 year old fundraisers…

Good, lock up the traitor filth already. Truly a reprehensible man.

Most idiotic plan, of course it’s hatched by the Dems.

Perhaps, but even with these alleged shortcomings, either would be so much better equipped for the job than the 2 senile geezers.

Biden (and his ego) is responsible for the inevitable loss in November, but they will surely blame leftists for not voting hard enough. It’s utterly deranged they expect a candidate such as this to pass muster, but here we are. Biden admin couldn’t even pass voting rights act, after Jan 6 and attempted coups with fake electors plot happened. The incompetency at governing is truly astounding, and this is why I’ll also blame Biden for the slide into fascism.

Biden’s throat was sore on debate night from gobbling Bibi’s knob, he’s easily one of the most Zionist presidents in American history. Biden wouldn’t even address Trump’s derogatory comments towards Palestinians during the debate. And most importantly - Biden is presently enabling the genocide. “Trump would be worse” is such a weak argument, even if true - where’s the accountability for the current administration?

Bernie is still mentally sound. He’d make for a far better candidate, and would easily mop the floor with Trump in a debate.

Then send in the UN and forcefully remove their nukes if they’re going to be gonicidal with them. So sick of this argument being trotted out to defend what Israel is doing. Might does not make right.

Surely this will work, eventually!

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God bless the onion.

MAGA bullied the moderators with threats of violence to prevent them from pushing back on Trump’s lies. Looks like it worked, they didn’t say jack shit.

CNN also made a big deal about live fact checking and did none of it during the debate. Corporate oligarchs licking their chops at the potential tax cuts with a 2nd Trump term, dictatorial ambitions be damned.

I don’t think you understood my reply. You asked how, and I gave a solution that would work.

As an aside, especially if you aren’t a US citizen, you might fall victim to some of the same liberal propaganda that many Americans do concerning the motivations of Trump voters. The vast majority of Americans of all political stripes are simply fed up with lack of representation. Give them a candidate who puts the people’s interests before those of corporations, and you might be surprised by the broad coalition of support which emerges from the woodwork. This is why any time a leftist outsider enters the political arena, they’re immediately subjected to bipartisan dogpiling. Trump is accurately considered an outsider, it’s just that he’s a right wing grifter and thus a fake populist. Consider that 2020’s record voter turnout was comprised of only 2/3 of eligible voters, and imagine a better world with a better candidate leading the charge. This is how we dispense with the “lesser of two evils” Hobson’s choice

This would hurt dem fundraising prospects over the next 4 years, so it’s not going to happen. (Unfortunately for us, because as you state it would certainly result in a landslide win of historic proportions.)


There are several viable alternatives.

Personally, I’d like to see the public rally around a 3rd party candidate who’s focused on getting money out of politics (stop the legalized bribery), and ending FPTP in favor of ranked choice or star voting. Then we could actually let democracy play out, and wouldn’t have these terrible candidates foisted upon us time and again.

I strongly believe both the major parties would crumble within 1-2 election cycles if this happened, and it could lead to the dawn of a new age of prosperity for our people.

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This stood out to me as well, the conservative stance on C-19 and the resulting general negligence seems a very obvious major factor to the rural population decline in this timeframe.

This was my first thought. “Ironing?! Ain’t nobody got time for that!” It would probably be nice though.

Aww these poor Boomers just made too much money on their homes and now they have to pay some taxes if they want to sell for huge profits. Boo fucking hoo.

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This event only marks the beginning of his metamorphosis.

In the future, when an unsuspecting minority youth mistakenly knocks on his mansion’s gate, the transformation will be complete.

Insider trading by Congress

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There’s an old adage in computing which really applies here:

Garbage in, garbage out.

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Chud Life Baby 😎

Yes, let’s legalize and give protections to all the sex workers.

Chuds: No, not like that!!

Regulate on corporate price gouging and collusion, break up monopolies, tax the rich, use the money to bolster social safety nets and build new ones.

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This should have been obvious to anyone watching. Their coverage was tripping all over itself to avoid accurate descriptions of the atrocities ongoing in Gaza.

Youngkin really shoving his head completely up his own ass. Thinks taking a stand against massively popular ballot measures will cement his presidential run, while at the same time proving his inability to govern by leaving millions of tax revenue on the table. Here’s hoping this ushers in even stronger Dem representation in VA to keep the state blue.

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It’s only possible when the mega rich aren’t paying their fair share, or aren’t paying at all relative to everyone else.

This year the maximum income taxable for SS is 160k. This effectively means the top 10% aren’t paying into the system. End their special treatment and the system will be easily funded.

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I don’t think it’s the protesting, but rather the target of the protests. For some reason Israel seems to be held in higher regard than any American interest. We can protest and shit talk our own terrible politicians all day long and nobody really bats an eye. But ask that we stop murdering innocent brown children in Gaza? Threaten economic consequences for Israel if they don’t stop the murder? For some reason that is a grave offense worthy of trampling on our first amendment rights.

Think about how wild that is - speaking out against the atrocities a foreign government is committing is worthy of taking away your freedom in the US.

Is it confusing when he is honest or what? I don’t get it. Even a broken clock can be right twice per day.

Trump and other republicans in government power staged an attempted coups on Jan 6. It’s not a conspiracy theory or anything, I didn’t even realize this was debated, it’s literally what happened.

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Typical Dem - bad at politics, abysmal messaging, just there to say “oops the repugs did it again, darn if only we could have raised more money and done something to stop them!”

To Harris’ credit she has attempted to fight for women’s healthcare access, women’s inclusion in STEM, etc…she just sucks at telling anyone about it. And the rumors about how she treats her staff are super cringe if true.

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Ah yes, the time-honored defense of “…it’s just a prank bro!”

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Considering trump lost over 60 court cases for not being able to produce a single shred of evidence of election fraud, I’m afraid the answer is no, the republicans do not in fact have any idea what facts are. And they love to cry about it.

Nice attempt at moving the goalposts to “debate” on 3 days vs 4 or 5.

Get out of here with your thinly veiled attempts to safeguard commercial real estate investments now that you’ve been left holding the bag, executives.

If a job can be done from home, it should be.

Obviously Trump would do this.

You can thank AG Merrick Garland for allowing this to happen, who did jack shit for 2 years until finally tapping in Jack Smith to actually do something to hold the traitor in chief accountable.

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They aren’t pro-birth either, or they’d support things like paid family leave, etc.

These people are forced-birth

With each new HP news article I grow more pleased with last year’s decision to ditch HP once and for all and get a Brother.

The Brother just works. Even surprises me in some scenarios where I anticipate lack of support and it comes through anyway. Great printer!

…highest rate of economic growth among nations in the G7, the lowest inflation, and the strongest wage growth. The unemployment rate hasn’t been this low for this long in half a century. Even accounting for inflation, wages are higher today than they were before the coronavirus pandemic…

Yo, can some of this wage growth trickle down to me already? Nobody in my circles is even getting standard merit raises, never mind the 6%+ each year we’d need to stay ahead of inflation. Most companies seem to be withholding raises, and enshittifying existing policies, as an underhanded way to get people to quit without doing actual layoffs.

In fact, I suspect slate is just making this up entirely, based on anecdotal experience. They go on to claim that the big recipients of these wage increases are the lowest paid workers. Does that mean minimum wage earners got some 50% increase to now make $12/hr? News flash: that still doesn’t afford you groceries in today’s economy.

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Braindead strategy. How about galvanizing voters with popular leadership decisions which have a positive effect on people’s lives?! Did you think to try that you dumb fucks?

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During the height of Covid, there were countless stories of unmasked people verbally harassing mask wearers in public out of the South. I’m talking frothing at the mouth, in their face, furious that this person would wear a mask. Once the law is on their side, I suspect this will get worse.

he’s literally on tape flaunting secret materials in front of unauthorized people…this level of cognitive dissonance is truly astounding.

conservative logic: trump is god and can do no wrong