Trump causes confusion by sharing meme calling Jan 6 a ‘government staged riot’ even though he was in power to politics – 907 points –
Trump confuses by sharing meme blaming government for Jan 6 despite holding office

The meme has been liked nearly 9,000 times and shared 2,400 times as of Monday. In reaction to Mr Trump’s repost, journalist Aaron Rupar sarcastically wrote on Twitter: “rubbing my last 2 brain cells together as I try to remember who ran the government on January 6.”

The former president shared the meme despite a House committee that investigated January 6 declaring Mr Trump the “central cause” of the day’s events. “None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him,” the House panel wrote in its final report.


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Is it confusing when he is honest or what? I don’t get it. Even a broken clock can be right twice per day.

Trump and other republicans in government power staged an attempted coups on Jan 6. It’s not a conspiracy theory or anything, I didn’t even realize this was debated, it’s literally what happened.

Well you know how republicans deal with indisputable proven facts, they ignore them and make up their own story on what really happened.

He probably just got confused. You know like how old people sometimes get. Jokes aside this makes most sense to me.

Right, but it wasn't to "cover up a stolen election" it was to try and steal an election Trump lost.

It’s “debated” (and I use that term very loosely) because the current US Fascist Republican party and its voter base need to keep gaslighting the general public about what actually happened on Jan 6.

Like, any rational person knows that Jan 6 was obviously an insurrection attempt, which I like to think is the majority of the US - but apparently there’s a very vocal sect of citizens who would be pretty okay with a fascist state so long as it’s branded with a big red R.

According to the article, the meme said "January 6 will go down in history as the day the government staged a riot to cover up the fact that they certified a fraudulent election.”, which is pretty comfusing if you try to look at it logically.

But of course, within Trump's fantasy world he built, it makes somewhat sense because of course it's actually "the deep state" that is behind everything..

The meme said that it was a government staged riot and that the government also knew that the election was fraudulent. Obviously, neither are true.

Trump is trying to claim that the government somehow staged 1/6 like the crowd wasn't really Trump supporters whipped up into a frenzy by him and set loose on the Capitol. Instead, it was some mixture of deep state FBI agents and antifa who conspired to make it seem like Trump did this.

It's total garbage and is easily debunked, but Trump doesn't care about the truth. That explanation would absolve him if any guilt so he'll cling to that regardless of the facts