Trump causes confusion by sharing meme calling Jan 6 a ‘government staged riot’ even though he was in power to politics – 907 points –
Trump confuses by sharing meme blaming government for Jan 6 despite holding office

The meme has been liked nearly 9,000 times and shared 2,400 times as of Monday. In reaction to Mr Trump’s repost, journalist Aaron Rupar sarcastically wrote on Twitter: “rubbing my last 2 brain cells together as I try to remember who ran the government on January 6.”

The former president shared the meme despite a House committee that investigated January 6 declaring Mr Trump the “central cause” of the day’s events. “None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him,” the House panel wrote in its final report.


I mean, technically, yeah... if by "the Government" you mean "the President".

From tweeting on December 19th: "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there! Will be wild!"

To the actual speech that day demanding they take back the government and that he would march with them...

"Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated."


"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

ending with:

"We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue."

So... Trump lured everyone there 1/2 a month ahead of time, gave a speech telling everyone that you have to be strong and fight or you won't have a country anymore, then turned everyone loose on Congress...

"bUt It WaS ThE GOveRnMenT!!"

But, can anyone ever really prove that Trump was the president?


Yeah! Was he Donald Trump -- the person -- president? Or was it "Donald Trump" the legal entity? Is his name capitalized on the documents? Was his presidency valid under maritime law?

That'd explain why he's so into birth/berth certificates. Then there's this photo:

Gold fringes!

Gold fringes on the flag of the country "Donald Trump" was president of? Damn it! We've been bamboozled! We aren't even living in the real United States! We were the sheeple all along, just like they were trying to tell us!

His name is an anagram for "L pond mud rat". That park is only about 2 hours from D.C., maybe there's a clue to be uncovered there. Going to need some more yarn and pushpins for my bulletin board to put it all together and it could just be an old rant dump.

I believe a lot of them write their names differently as the legal entity, like: ©Donald Trump™

I didn't expect to see sovereign citizen stuff on this post!

The most generous interpretation I can think of is that he was talking about the "deep state", some sort of hidden conspiracy of government workers working against him... by getting Trump himself to support this massive rally that everyone knew was going to turn violent and getting him to use incendiary language that would get people riled up, then also getting him to delay calling in help for as long as possible and even going so far as to get his Secret Service agents to refuse to drive him back to the rioters after he wanted to go back. Either this deep state is super nefarious and tricky... or Trump is just easily manipulated.

It's called projecting. Everything he's ever said, done, and/or screwed up, he tries to blame others.

His supporters need to wake up and quit drinking the orange juice.

It's wild though because I don't think he's intending to be disingenuous when he projects. He just thinks this is normal because it's all he knows.

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Personally I think it's just the usual incoherent right-wing worldview. Their concept of "the government" somehow doesn't include the president, the military, or law enforcement.

It only doesn't include the president when they have an "(R)" next to their name. Otherwise, we're currently living under the brutally totalitarian, yet bumbling and senile, dictatorship of the Biden regime.

edit: goddamnit, lemmy updated it to a circle R registration mark, but you know what I mean.

You're correct of course. How could I have forgotten?

Trump supporters and media have been claiming undercover instigators from the FBI (I suppose the “deep state”) were planted in the crowd to egg them into violence and law-breaking.

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Reminder that Steve Bannon frankly confessed Trump's Start the Steal conspiracy plans to a group of Trump insiders before the election.

…audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election.

Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape]

STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy.

He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.

Did that come out after or around the 2020 election? I could have sworn I read it around then but I can't seem to find anything from a few searches, everything is current. My memory may be failing but I could have sworn something similar came out around then, unless it was just people guessing. Not that Trump is overly hard to guess, he said he won the first election by more but there was never anything major after he put people on the 'illegal votes' task force.

I saw it when I watched the Jan 6 House Committee hearing on 7-22-2022. I do not know when or how the congressional investigative committee received the video.

Political commentators were predicting it based off his behavior as well. Remember, he still questions the results of the election he won in 2016

Is it confusing when he is honest or what? I don’t get it. Even a broken clock can be right twice per day.

Trump and other republicans in government power staged an attempted coups on Jan 6. It’s not a conspiracy theory or anything, I didn’t even realize this was debated, it’s literally what happened.

Well you know how republicans deal with indisputable proven facts, they ignore them and make up their own story on what really happened.

He probably just got confused. You know like how old people sometimes get. Jokes aside this makes most sense to me.

Right, but it wasn't to "cover up a stolen election" it was to try and steal an election Trump lost.

It’s “debated” (and I use that term very loosely) because the current US Fascist Republican party and its voter base need to keep gaslighting the general public about what actually happened on Jan 6.

Like, any rational person knows that Jan 6 was obviously an insurrection attempt, which I like to think is the majority of the US - but apparently there’s a very vocal sect of citizens who would be pretty okay with a fascist state so long as it’s branded with a big red R.

According to the article, the meme said "January 6 will go down in history as the day the government staged a riot to cover up the fact that they certified a fraudulent election.”, which is pretty comfusing if you try to look at it logically.

But of course, within Trump's fantasy world he built, it makes somewhat sense because of course it's actually "the deep state" that is behind everything..

The meme said that it was a government staged riot and that the government also knew that the election was fraudulent. Obviously, neither are true.

Trump is trying to claim that the government somehow staged 1/6 like the crowd wasn't really Trump supporters whipped up into a frenzy by him and set loose on the Capitol. Instead, it was some mixture of deep state FBI agents and antifa who conspired to make it seem like Trump did this.

It's total garbage and is easily debunked, but Trump doesn't care about the truth. That explanation would absolve him if any guilt so he'll cling to that regardless of the facts

There are two wolves inside trump. One wolf is a goddamn idiot. The other wolf is an malignant narcissist. Both are chewing on the rotting carcass of his brain.

Obama just sat there and let 9/11 happen!

We all sat and let 9/11 happen. Guess we'll all just turn ourselves in. All 300+ million of us.

The guy raped E Jean Carroll and his cult worshipers don't care.

I find it hard to imagine she's the only one. Given what he himself has said regarding attractive women, about interacting with women he's attracted to, etc. I'm not going to be surprised at all if more people come forward with allegations at some point

That's because, in their minds they see the judicial system as rigged against him.

(No judges agreed with him that the election was stolen or that he won so "obviously" they're all democrats or whatever else he calles non cult members now)

If anything, they'd point at the judges ruling in Jean Carroll's case as an example or how "broken America is".

He's so used to calling things staged fake news he fails to realize that if the riot was staged He's 1 admitting the riot was a riot and 2 that it was staged by him

70 million people with a pulse voted for this guy and made life-size plastic idols of him in his honor. What amazes me is that they'll do it again. Trump has no loyalty to even his most fanatic worshippers and no coherent plan for America other than cashing out for himself at anyone else's expense. And he keeps telling everyone as much because he has no filter and uses our two-tiered justice system to keep getting away with it.

What kind of reason besides spite or greed could possibly motivate people to fawn over a blatantly awful man who already threw them under the bus a few times the moment it suited him better?

It owns the libs. They literally don't give a fuck about anything else.

Meanwhile, I would just like to feel confident that if I had to go to the hospital I could, and it wouldn't bankrupt me. But I'm getting owned so hard lol Trump MAGA lol

What amazes me is that they’ll do it again.

They're all living vicariously through his "sticking it to The Man" act. They love him because this is what they think they would do if they were in power. They cheer him getting away with it because it's exactly how they would write fan fiction about themselves (were they literate).

I think it's time we call and treat Trump for what he is; a dangerous cult leader. He leads a group of people who act like a cult, dress like a cult, and quack like a cult. They have their own cult news websites and social media outlets, and their cancer is spreading through republican rank and file. Nothing about it should be legal, it radicalizes innocent people and increases the chance of violent encounters in public spaces.

He most likely doesn't want to jail.

I wouldn't want to jail either personally, that's actually most of the reason why I don't start insurrections

Same here, many other things I don't do:

  • withhold congress assigned funds to blackmail a foreign country for personal gain
  • Steal protective gear from states during a pandemic
  • Commit tax fraud (this is the condensed version)
  • Rape women
  • Rape underage girls
  • Try and extort/convince states to change a fair election
  • Not illegal usually, but not lie like you're trying to win a high score with your heartbeats
  • Teargas protesters so you can get a photo op in front of a church

Like you need an asterisk now when you tell kids they could grow up to be US President. I know there's tons more.

I can't believe you left out

  • Steal classified documents and show them to people without security clearances like Kid Rock and the Saudis

Can't believe I did either, I knew there was something but there is just so much that makes that man an awful human being and a downside to any society he's allowed to be free in. Like if you sifted out the worst traits a human could have and squeezed 400lbs of it into a 250lb case, you'd end up with that orange douchy turd sandwich.

Admitting to the crime seems like the wrong way to go about that...

He won't go to jail. At best he'll be banned from running for president, but that won't happen. At worst he'll be president again. Either way, the justice system is in his favor with this judge.

He has three sets of charges coming total for now. "Honorable" Aileen Cannon is just one judge in his pocket for one set of charges. Other judges won't be bought or threatened into letting him slither away.

Cannon won't be presiding over the J6 charges. She's Florida circuit; J6 will be filed in D.C.

Really? Then why say, out loud, that during the time you were in charge of the government, that the government staged a riot?

I mean, that's a confession, right? Does he realize it's a confession?

"Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

As a fellow fan of syndicated daytime television, I'm sure that Mr. Trump is as familiar as I am with this above quote by Detective Lenny Briscoe, N.Y.P.D. So a re-post from him like this is puzzling to me….

Trump will testify under oath or take the Fifth -- he'll be forced to do one or the other. My guess is that he will "exercise his right against self-incrimination" in all pending and yet-to-be-announced cases against him.

Without any live testimony given by the defendant, prosecutors will be free to present any part of any of Trump's public statements and social media posts as testimony.

Prosecutors will be free to pick-and-choose whatever public comments they want, to show Trump in whatever light they want to show him in. Trump won't be able say anything back about it, because he'll've already invoked his constitutional right to not say anything at all.

Public comments (including endorsement by "re-truth"ing like this) are not made under oath, so they're not legally binding, but they are still things that Trump said out loud and on purpose.

However much they gin up support from his base of voters, they also add to the threat of Trump's own words being used against him later in a court of law. Used against him in the general election, too, if he somehow manages to make it that far.

Trump is all too familiar with the millions of Americans who love him for what he says, but I don't think he has any true notion about the millions more American voters who have come to despise him for what he has done. I'm not sure he ever will.

In a trial, the prosecution goes first and presents their full case. Then the defense gets their turn to refute anything presented by the prosecution. Even if he pleads the 5th, his lawyers will do their best to refute any presented earlier by the prosecution.

As someone who has served on a jury... for me and everyone else in the room who served with me, legal teams words carried a lot less weight than the words of those who were actually involved in the alleged crime.

And we got all the advice we needed from the judge. There was no compelling reason to listen to the legal nonsense of the two opposing legal teams. We listened go the legal teams of course, but they didn't have much impact on the verdict.

I agree they'll do their best, but how? With what? Are they going to try to refute Trump's crazy tweets with other crazy Trump tweets?

Among the most damning aspects of Trump's public statements is their lack of consistency -- the OP meme we're discussing is an example. I don't think this aspect will be refuted by his lawyer demonstrating even more inconsistency.

The only thing Trump has been consistent about on social media is lying about the 2020 election and personally attacking anyone who says anything against him. I don't see how either of those behaviors are going to help his lawyers refute anything either.

To think this idiot is what’s influencing the right of far right in the rest of the world is just fucking sad

Well, didn't he sort of instigate it by calling people to do it? It adds up to call it a government staged riot if the guy was in that position at the time.

His not shutting up is going to be what breaks him. The trials are going to be very fun to watch. I can't wait to see this guy get dragged by the prosecution.

That's it. Now I'm fully convinced he's really Tony Cliffton.

Wow a whole article without including the actual meme

Did you not check the article link?

It's there, just slightly cropped on the left and right edges.

LOL, Jerboa said this post had -2 comments!

It’s a little more complicated than that.

I don't think it is lol. It's a rally he and his proponents called for, organized, and sought supporters for, specifically to halt the election process. Whether or not it was successful doesn't matter; I'd still get charged for robbery whether I stole money or not. It was govt supported; it was his rally, the sitting president. To me, the point was for it to be violent and messy, preventing the legal counting of votes, and giving him time to build a legal case for martial law or some other two-ply defense while he called more AGs and state officials to grift for votes to be "found" or valid ballots thrown out.

Is what the meme says supportive of him? No. Is he aware of that? Seemingly no. Is it incorrect? Also no. And that's the funniest part. It's literally calling it a riot while the most prominent images are his name on a hat, a flag, etc. Who staged this riot? I wonder...

Exactly. The time and location of his rally was not incidental.

These are all good points. By saying it is more complicated, my intention wasn’t to absolve him of responsibility but merely highlight that other government actors influenced the events of that day. Namely, FBI instigators encouraging violence, Capitol Police deaths being falsely attributed to happening during the riots, there not being enough security at the Capitol, Capitol Police waving in protestors, etc. It was his rally and he played an integral part so ultimately I agree with you but I contend it was more complicated than “Trump said violently enter the Capitol” or “other government actors are responsible and not Trump”. In other words, Trump was an irresponsible dumbass but there are definitely other forces who want to make sure Trump will never be president again.

See, I feel like the lack of security and other questionable actions were more in favor of Trump, allowing the crowd to move more freely and come closer than ever would be possible if they responded as expected. I'm not exactly up on my 1/6 lore recently, but regardless, shit wasn't handled correctly, regardless of what side you're on. Motivations get much more murky, which is insane. It just goes to show the state of US politics that were having to deep dive into primary, secondary, tertiary motives.

Not that other major nation politics isn't the same, it's just exhausting.

Yeah you’re totally right. That pretty much sums up Trump’s entire presidency. As someone who leans progressive, I was hoping he was playing 3D chess at times and would fix certain things given the overlap between populist and progressive ideas. But instead, we just got chaos.

It really isn't though. Donald Trump took to Twitter and went on camera to quite literally call his base to action. There's copious recoed of all of his actions throughout. He called for it and they came. There's really no gray area here.

Please do elaborate.

By saying it is more complicated, my intent wasn’t to absolve Trump of responsibility but to suggest that other government actors influenced the events of that day. Namely, FBI instigators encouraging violence, Capitol Police deaths being falsely attributed to happening during the riots, there not being enough security at the Capitol, Capitol Police waving in protestors, etc. It was his rally and he played a very integral and important part but I contend it was more complicated than “Trump said violently enter the Capitol” or “other government actors are responsible and not Trump”. In other words, Trump was an irresponsible dumbass but there are definitely other forces who want to make sure Trump will never be president again.

I don't think anyone is arguing that it is 100% all Trump's fault. We know there are countless people under him in our society that aided. Did these people do this to make him look bad? It is very possible in this wide and wackey world. Though, I would conjecture a lot of those who "followed orders" on that day were doing so at the behest of Trump. I have no idea why I cannot see these replies on Connect but I can't.

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Well, keep in mind how much footage there was of the capitol police letting "rioters" in and escorting them throughout the building as if they were on tour. I remember reading that there were opportunities to shore up the area out of concern there would be riots, since it was fairly obvious that there was going to be discontent, but the democrats declined.

I will make the standard disavowal that the riots shouldn't have happened, and those involved should be charged and prosecuted accordingly. But Trump very specifically said to protest peacefully during his speech that day.

My take on all of this has always been that the establishment hates Trump, sees him as a legitimate threat to their way of doing business, and have always exaggerated and highlighted anything they could to make him look like the most evil and incompetent person possible. I don't think you could neutrally look at all the evidence and think otherwise. I was a Democrat supporter before Trump came along. When I saw how united and unfair the portrayal of the man was by democrats and mass media, I realized the extent of corruption in the system, and more was slowly revealed over the next decade.

They want you to hate anyone who would upset the status quo. It's the same thing they did to Tulsi Gabbard. Anyone who is anti-war, pro-America, and is for populism and against globalism. Just watch for yourself. These people get fat off of selling Americans out to foreign interests and by feeding the war machine. They can't do that if we stop playing world police and start focusing on initiatives that improve the value of local labor. It requires us to rip up free trade deals and to stop funding military and PMCs, where a lot of elites make big money. That's why populists get shut out.

Jan 6 was a handful of people doing something stupid. They've turned it into a giant cross to lay on the entire moderate and conservative voter base. If you think that's reasonable, you're being tribal, not rational.

You're amazingly uninformed.

"But Trump very specifically said to protest peacefully during his speech that day."

No, he told them they have to "fight like hell" and sent them to the capitol. The speech was on national television. Wake the hell up.

I was a Democrat supporter before Trump came along.

No you were not, astroturfing sockpuppet.

Eh, me too. And check my account if you think I'm an astroturf.

There were a lot of Democrats who switched after seeing what the DMC did to Bernie Sanders. I will personally never vote for the Democrats going forward

How do you go from voting for Sanders to voting for Trump? They don't agree on pretty much anything!

Being angry over how the DNC handled the 2016 primaries, having been in favor of Sanders, is one thing; embracing the Republican party is quite another. The second does not reasonably follow from the first. Republican politics is in direct opposition to pretty much anything Bernie Sanders has ever said.

I thought everyone gave up trying push the #walkaway bullshit years ago when they realized no one was buying it.

"I literally cannot fathom someone having a different view from me"

Nope I literally can't fathom that anyone who supported Bernie Sanders' policies would throw away everything they believe and vote for literally the complete opposite.

Or maybe this isn't astroturfing and you're just a fucking idiot.

There weren't any other candidates who I believed could uphold his policies. Furthermore, I have no faith that any candidate supported by the DNC would support his policies, so I'm not going to waste my vote on it

Different views I get. Monumentally stupid ones I do have trouble with though. I also generally tend to doubt flat earthers and the "birds aren't real" folks are serious if that helps as a benchmark.

The "birds aren't real" thing has always been a joke. Not like flat earthers.

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Yeah I knew a guy like this. I told him Sanders himself would slap him in the face if he could. FWIW I thinks theres plenty of evidence the DNC stole the primary from Sanders.

Voting for Trump to punish the DNC does not make strategic sense at all. The DNC establishment is rich and they benefitted from his tax breaks. The GOP accomplished destroying SCOTUS, abortion rights, and damn near NATO itself.

Does the DNC get hurt from that? Nah. It was always a childish, emotional decision to vote for Trump to punish the DNC for its primary. The way you punish them is by building ranked choice voting your goddamn self and many states have - but that doesn't provide instant, self-righteous gratification for very little effort like voting for Trump did.

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ROFL imagine thinking the establishment hates Trump. Trump family is OLD OLD OLD MONEY, they are part of the establishment, kiddie-fucking Epstein clients and all.

The fact that he convinced you he was anti-establishment just shows that he's a decent con man. I can't think of one fucking scrap of evidence that's he's anti-establishment, and he sure did pass those tax cuts for the rich and run that money printer while in office (even in 2019, pre-pandemic), and he sure did let those Jan 6 people rot in jail.

So if you're STILL thinking he's anti-establishment I have a bridge to sell you.

Trump may be rich, but he's also a fucking idiot, and a populist. Those are terrible for business. He desperately wants to be 'the establishment', but he's not.

The tax cuts (and the attempt at repealing Obamacare) were part of the trade he made with the Republican party, and Paul Ryan in particular, in exchange for their support.

Uhhuh and did he have to run the money printer to get their support too? Nah? I guess we'll ignore that one (and the Epstein jab) because the repubs can't blame anyone else for those.

I have no idea what people think a 'populist' is anymore. If you mean 'he tries to appeal to the working man' then most politicians do, and in fact the entire GOP platform is blaming the government for things (while running the government).

If you mean he 'blames the elites while being part of it' then, duh, so do many people including Tucker Carlson have been doing for that for decades. Does that make them populists or con men?

In studies, the predicting factor for Trump voters was authoritarianism. Seems ironic somehow.

Are you under the impression that I'm a Republican, much less a Trump supporter? I'm not trying to defend Trump, I loathe him and I sincerely hope he goes to jail for the January 6th riot, because that set an extremely dangerous precedent. At the same time, facts are facts.

The money printer kicked in specifically due to COVID. Before that Trump gave some big tax breaks to corporations, as well as an offshore-tax amnesty. You can definitely be mad at him for that, but it wasn't paid for with newly-minted money.

If Trump is shown to have abused minors with Epstein, that's another very good reason to put him in jail. But Epstein did his best to rub shoulders with the rich & famous, and pedophilia is not an airborne disease, so the fact that some rich or famous person is associated with him in some way is not sufficient proof to me that they're a pedophile. If somebody in my neighborhood was convicted as a pedophile, I wouldn't immediately assume that everybody who ever hitched a ride with him or went to see the superbowl at his place was also a pedophile.

I would agree that 'populist' pretty much means 'con-man'. It's somebody who basically says: Everything that's wrong with the world, and your life specifically, is somebody else's fault! You people are great, you're the real salt of the earth, keep doing exactly what you're doing! Vote for me and I'll make things better for you and worse for everybody you don't like! Anybody who suggests there's more nuance to the situation is your enemy!

Tucker Carlson is 100% a populist.

The mainstream Republican party of the post-Bush years was never really populist, because they kinda loathed their own voters too much for that. They'd pander, but their heart wasn't in it. The big schism in the party today is basically between the new populists and the old elitists...which is pretty much the state of the Democratic party as well.

We mostly agree, I just need to push back against the assertion that trump started money printing post covid.

He started loudly blaming the FED and calling for money printing in August 2019, well before COVID

He wanted a juiced economy for the election year, nothing else

When saw how united and unfair the portrayal of the man was by democrats and mass media, I realized the extent of corruption in the system, and more was slowly revealed over the next decade.

Yeah, all the free advertising sure was diabolical.

I imagine that's why he wanted to end democracy as an institution in the US: because of how unfairly he was treated! It makes total sense when you put it that way!

It really it everyone else's fault that he attempted a fascist coup. Thanks for explaining it!

I don't think a billionaire "coastal elite" could ever be described as an outsider or not part of the establishment.

Jan 6 was a handful of people doing something stupid.

We all saw the video. Quit lying for the Orange Turd Idol.

My view of trump was shaped by the incredibly stupid and asinine things he says on his own on television with no prompting, not any sort of portrayal by the media.

Man if your name isn't Dmitry or Boris and you're not getting paid by the troll farm, then this is just sad.

. I remember reading that there were opportunities to shore up the area...but the democrats declined.

You remember reading...lies. You just reinforced the well known stereotype that conservatives love to be lied to. Qtards, Pizzatards, Birthertards, Sandyhooktards, Start the Steal tards, etc, and now you, all prove the stereotype.

My take on all of this has always been that the establishment hates Trump, sees him as a legitimate threat to their way of doing business,

My take on all this is that Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump and the rest of the billionaire elites tricked you and into giving them another gigantic GOP tax cut. Yet Again.

I realized the extent of corruption in the system,

Then why did you vote for the person that Bernie Sanders said over and over is "the most corrupt president in American history".

[Sanders: Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in history and he must be held accountable.]

You voted FOR the most corrupt president in American history. You voted FOR giving a huge mountain of money to the billionaire elites and establishment. You voted FOR anti-American neofascism.

But Trump very specifically said to protest peacefully during his speech that day.

To protest what? Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump pre-planned his Start the Steal Conspiracy before the election.

Reminder that Steve Bannon frankly confessed Trump's Start the Steal conspiracy plans to a group of Trump insiders before the election.

…audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election.

Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape]

STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy.

He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.

Finally. Someone calling those darned warmongering Democrats and praising the brave Republicans that tried so super duper hard to stand against the establishment. I salute you, brave keyboard warrior o7

I'm sure history will remember your bravery

This couldn't be a more astroturfed comment if it tried. This reads like it came directly from the mouth of Steve Bannon.

Well said. I’m not exactly fan of Trump, but it’s abundantly clear the establishment hates him. Every news outlet and social media campaign paints him negatively no matter what he does. Kamala Harris said she would not take the Covid shot because at that point it was associated with Trump, and we all saw how that changed after they took the Presidency. Every person they show supporting him is portrayed as either a dumb hillbilly and a white supremacist. It’s cartoonish, and for the established circles of power to make such over-the-top propaganda is a dead giveaway more than anything else that they want him gone.

but it’s abundantly clear the establishment hates him.

Yep. The establishment elites absolutely despises that $4.5 trillion GOP tax cut that they got from Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump. LMFAO!

is portrayed as either a dumb hillbilly

Dude, the establishment elites tricked you into giving them $4,500,000,000 $4,500,000,000,000. You knew that was going to happen. We knew that was going to happen. How idiotic can you get?


That's only 4.5 billion. In this instance they collectively scammed $4,500,000,000,000.

Anyone in their right mind wants him gone. It's not rocket science to see how inept and corrupt he is and has always been.

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