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Joined 1 years ago

Dropped Reddit a month ago after 12 years of daily use and while it was tough in the initial days Lemmy/Kbin activity has really picked up and is beginning to absolutely fill the gap. Just need the apps and a bit more stability and think it's going to be a proper successor.

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Paid for by the paper towel industry which was in response to the hand dryer industry putting out it's own paid study about how paper towels just spread fecal matter around your hands. It's all shit no matter how you spread it.

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It's not going to be offline forever. It'll reorient in a couple months. It was designed to do this when comms are lost. Still a little scary though.

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I think she was a complicated person who struggled in a lot of ways, but she did apologize for saying this...https://people.com/music/sinead-oconnor-apologizes-saying-white-people-disgusting/

I'll never understand the switch to Islam though, but then again, I'll probably never understand why anyone chooses any religion either -- Especially someone who took the kinds of positions she had taken earlier in life. People are complicated. I won't hold that against her.

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Quite possibly one of the greatest campaign ads I've seen. It's just too perfect.

Can we all just leave the Reddit chatter to the Reddit or Redditmigration communities at this point please? If not yet, then maybe soon? This ex-partner behavior is just going to turn off new people from joining in the long run.

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That usually happens when people don't want what you're selling.

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This complete and utter lack of compassion is something I'd expect to see on Reddit. How unfortunate this mindset seems to have tagged along in the migration. Show some damn humanity.

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The airplane itself mysteriously fell out of a window.

He's a spolier candidate that is openly backed by interest groups on the right. He isn't personally a Republican, or ideologically conservative, but he sure has some strange friendships.

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Floating balloons are also a common sight and they account for the vast majority of these UFO videos. It's really not that great of a mystery that tens of thousands of balloons are let go of on a daily basis and just floating around. When looking at a fixed object while in a fast moving object you end up with some interesting illusions. UFOs are seen regularly because a lot of things out there are unidentifiable, but that doesn't mean they are aliens. Shit loads of balloons though. 🎈

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That's it right there. They know Trump did a lot of wrong and got caught, but they think the left does a lot worse and is getting away with it. There's nothing further that can be done besides hold these people legally accountable. If that effort fails, we may as well have lost the country as we know it.

I'd say less so. There wasn't much by way of disinformation campaigns and bots back when Reddit first started so the posts and comments felt more genuine and organic. Even with Kbin/Lemmy being much smaller, there's still a ton of weird shit that gets posted here or comments that feel really suspicious. It would be nice for that kind of environment to make its way back, but it seems those days are over.

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If you read that full thread it sounds like someone who was let go from a place I worked years ago and just rings of serious mental health concerns. Slicing open your leg so you go to the ER to avoid going to work is not a sign that someone is of sound mind. All accusations need to be taken seriously and explored regardless given their severity, but I also seriously hope she can get help.

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The Constitution itself would suggest he's already barred from running. I am just hoping someone takes this up and actually challenges it in the courts well ahead of time. Disqualification comes the moment you're even brought to trial on sedition charges. This was incorporated language following the Civil War as there otherwise would have been too many people to disqualify individually through the litigation process ahead of future elections.

This article does a good job explaining this provision within the 14th Amendment: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/10/us/trump-jan-6-insurrection-conservatives.html

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Yeah he's basically just projecting his own inferiority complex.

I believe his main goal is turning Twitter into something of an "everything" site where he's looking to combine the likes of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Discord, and Venmo/Paypal into a single service. I don't know if it was his goal when he bought it or if it has any chance in hell of working, but that's something he at least said (while probably drunk) fairly recently.

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It'll reconnect and align back the next time it pings back to Earth. It was designed for this kind of contingency. It's very unlikely its lost forever.

We need a megathread to follow somehow. It's really hard to follow this without going to Twitter and Reddit at the moment.

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Hello from Kbin. It's nice that we can hang out.

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He's not bad though all things considered. I don't know if we could do much better in Ukraine than how Biden has responded. His global policy approach is pretty impressive. He's had a few misses in domestic policy but overall I'd say he is doing quite well.

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Thus how religion was born.

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We need to quickly move past Reddit. We cannot be consumed by it or we will repel newcomers. This needs to become it's own special place with it's own character. It'll take time. Be patient.

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This is almost definitely the case with ghost and alien abduction stories.

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It'll be drawn in red crayon and include just a circle around Mississippi, which I'd imagine he probably believes to be Georgia.

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Considering the series is coming back this month, I think you should shut up and take my money

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This is a forum literally dedicated to POLITICS. That's exactly what this community is made for.

On top of that, this has to be one of the greatest political "own goals" I have ever seen in the most confusing attempt at attacking the president of the most powerful country in the world in the middle of an election cycle. You bet your ass this thing is going to be seen by a hell of a lot more than 30M people by the time it's made its rounds.

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The article mentions confrontation with Russian forces in Crimea, so nothing that can't be shared at this point.

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Musk: "AI is the greatest threat to humanity and needs to be seriously regulated before it destroys us all."

Also Musk: "So anyway, here's Wonderwall..."

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I'd say the side doing the invading is probably just a wee bit more despicable if we're keeping score, but good try there, comdrade.

This is a thing that isn't happening, at least not among Gen Z. What a bullshit article.

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Why would he have immunity if he's got an arrest warrant out from the ICC?

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Completely fair price increase based on the timeframe and inflation.

It would be nice if they could package an annual booster with the flu shot, though I'm not sure of there are interaction issues. I got them both at the same time last year though and just had a mild cramp in my arm which is pretty typical for a flu shot on its own.

Eris fortunately doesn't appear to be more virulent than omicron was, but also doesn't seem to be weaking further as was the trend for the last few varients. It seems mutation with increased transmission over time seems to be the trend.

Just add it to the annual flu list and make your choice as to whether you want to get your shot every year or not. Not a big deal.

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My company had worked closely with KnowBe4 for ages and I remember reading so much about him as a kid. I remember the FREE KEVIN stickers. What a bummer. RIP.

No. Nobody is saying that.

Nobody cheated Bernie. He just wasn't popular enough to win. My god, move on.

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Thanks Obama!

He's done this three times now. He'll just pay his bond and leave. They aren't going to fingerprint or give him a mugshot or anything because everyone in the world can pick his orange ass out of a crowd.

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Why are you even there still? Mastadon has been a solid alternative for me for a while now.

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