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Joined 1 years ago

I’ve stayed off it since the blackout started, but I did visit a sub yesterday that I used to read regularly about a topic I haven’t seen covered here. I left after a few minutes because it really seemed like no one there had anything intelligent or interesting to say, but maybe I’ve forgotten just how much crap I used to scroll through before landing on something decent. Either way, I’m OK with not going back.

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I think governmental organizations should do the same. It's absurd that FEMA or whoever essentially has to rely of Elon's goodwill.

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I haven’t had live TV in years and it’s quite shocking to see what the average user deals with. Junk TV + ads that play 30% of the time is absolutely insane.

Yeah, I’ve had the same experience. We don’t have live TV, and when we occasionally hang out with friends or family who do I’m always flabbergasted at the frequency and length of ad breaks nowadays, and similarly amazed that despite a nearly endless list of channels there never seems to be anything I actively want to watch.

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Fine by me. I never saw any value in it, even well before Musk took over. The character limit is guaranteed to eliminate any nuance, and the interface makes it incredibly difficult to follow what discussion there is.

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Yeah, some of my favorite subs would often go for days or even weeks without a new post.

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Personally I think it's just the usual incoherent right-wing worldview. Their concept of "the government" somehow doesn't include the president, the military, or law enforcement.

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It’s genuinely infuriating that with 2000 employees Reddit couldn’t be bothered to put together a halfway decent app. Apollo was created by a single developer.

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They are also almost certainly a Republican who is pretending not to be one in order to gain credibility.

I’m just glad we have an adult at the helm and I don’t have to wake up the next morning to see what bat shit insane thing has just happened.

Exactly. For four years, practically every fucking day it was, “Oh God, what’s he done now?”

"The planet," in terms of a rock orbiting the Sun, sure, but we are killing an awful lot of flora and fauna that would be doing fine if we weren't around to fuck things up.

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At my old job the director of my department had a poster up that said "move fast and break things", but he also demanded 99.9999% uptime.

Unfortunately, that’s how it is. The last time I served on a jury we all got free donuts, because a juror on another case earlier in the day had brought in donuts for the court, and the judge and bailiffs weren’t allowed to accept them.

When the API shut off early, Apollo dev u/iamthatis ( revoked his token so I cannot see any of this

Yeah, Reddit singled his app out to be cut off first. So petty.

It’s amazing how half-assed everything about Reddit is.

I wish the micropayments model people were proposing twenty years ago had taken off. I don’t have any interest in subscribing to The New York Times, for example, because I just don’t read it very much, but I wouldn’t object to paying a few cents every time I happened to read one of their articles.

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It will probably drive away a lot of adults, though. Even if they are unaware of the Fediverse or don’t consider it an acceptable substitute for Reddit, they won’t stick around if the threads are dominated by bored teens screwing around.

It’s already bad enough. On my single visit back a few days ago it struck me that the largely ignorant and unperceptive comments I was reading were probably written by kids who were just killing time and didn’t actually have much interest in the topic at hand.

When I was a kid 10% was the standard. I don’t know of any other profession whose pay has doubled in real terms during my lifetime. As far as I’m concerned, if 15% isn’t enough, too damn bad.

Yes, the whole thing is especially frustrating because the app was quite nice. Harriette did a really good job really quickly.

Also the two handguns.

On my iPhone if I save a shortcut to this site as an app, the navigation controls at the bottom of the screen are missing, which hampers usability tremendously. I think this must be something specific to Kbin, because it doesn't happen with other sites when I save their shortcuts.

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The rice isn’t raw, just cold.

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One of the most enjoyable bits in REAMDE was about how the users of an MMORPG split into two warring factions over whether they preferred the default color palette or a custom version.

Individual users having some sort of reputation is useful. I always thought it was handy on Reddit to be able to distinguish people I happened to disagree with from actual trolls. The latter always had pretty high negative karma scores, and it was good to know that there was no point in engaging with them.

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Yeah, the people who prefer old.reddit are exactly the sort of people the owners don't want to have to deal with as they try to change Reddit to more closely resemble other social media sites like Facebook or Twitter.

If I remember correctly, another reason was so that bots wouldn’t get usable feedback from voting.

I agree with you that high karma doesn’t indicate anything besides popularity, but someone with negative karma is almost certainly either a troll or a political extremist of some sort.

If the logo was flipped so that the bird was facing to the left it might help. At least for those of us who read from left to right, the first thing we see when scanning the image is the back of the bird’s head instead of the beak.

You're correct of course. How could I have forgotten?

Absolutely. The golden period is always the exact moment you discovered it, whatever it is, and as soon as you become more familiar with it and begin to see flaws, you perceive a decline.

Life always finds a way.

Are you sure? Even if it's true, I like the life forms we've got right now an awful lot, and they don't deserve what we're doing to them.

Same, on my phone the menus don't close.

They don’t really think that. They just want to muddy the waters. Anything that makes actual discussion of issues more difficult is a win for them.

Each state gets a number of electors equal to its congressional representation (senators plus representatives). If the number of representatives weren’t capped it would go a long way towards making the Electoral College more representative of the population.

Not a problem :)

Reddit’s value has never been in the “average redditor” or the “popular subs”. The real value is in the niche tail of communities and the fact that they have such a massive amount of people that even if “only” 10% of their users were decent people, it still meant that they had enough decent people to talk with something to contribute.

Yeah, I don't use Reddit any longer, but it was really great that there were active subs devoted to incredibly obscure topics. If you wanted to talk about something, chances were that thousands of other people did too.

I know what you mean. There’s nothing wrong with being young, of course, but I really cut back on my interaction on Reddit when I realized a while back just how many people there are teenagers or in their early twenties.

Even if they’re not actually trolling, there’s an awful lot of attitude motivated by ignorance. It got really frustrating being downvoted for simply explaining some actual verifiable fact about the early development of JavaScript.

Yeah, I agree with the writer's overall point, that some level of moderation is always going to be required, but there is an elitist tone in the article that I don't care for. As someone who first gained home access to the internet at the beginning of the "Eternal September" people like the author are always moaning about, I think it's deeply offensive to write off anyone who wasn't privileged enough back then to have internet access through a university or employer as a "fool".

How do you identify a bot account?

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I’m genuinely surprised at how well behaved people are. I’ve only run across a single case so far of somebody being deliberately annoying.