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Joined 1 years ago

You're amazingly uninformed.

"But Trump very specifically said to protest peacefully during his speech that day."

No, he told them they have to "fight like hell" and sent them to the capitol. The speech was on national television. Wake the hell up.

People who use cucked as a pejorative in normal conversations are stupid AF.

4 more...

Banned permanently from the site for this extremely
mild comment. Anyone know how to see what I wrote? I would like to forward my story to journalists while Reddit is a hot topic.

It's removed but it simply complained about r/politics moderators and told the story of them banning me permanently for saying, "only a fool links opinion pieces as evidence.". They banned me for "harassment.".

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I imagine you must have a pretty sad life if you find yourself spending free time insulting people who enjoy something you don't like.

There must be some serious mental illness going on to spend time in threads about products you don't like. I don't like Ford vehicles, but I don't spend my time on Ford forums insulting them and their owners because I'm not a miserable loser with nothing to fill my time.

Go find something you enjoy. Nobody is interested in your pathetic trolling.

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I'm a firm believer there isn't a better value than a Shark vacuum. The thing is reasonably priced compared to other high performing vacuums and it works phenomenally. I would recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat.

TLDR; buy a Shark @ sharkclean dot com

There's a never ending sea of people like you who just make assumptions about others. You know fucking nothing about me and have already dismissed my position in favor of free speech because you're so incredibly biased and not open to conversation. It's not surprising that someone so opposed to any opinions contrary to their narrative is opposed to free speech.

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I couldn't disagree more. The ACLU are the biggest defenders of free speech in the world. Opponents of free speech are far more dangerous than advocating for free speech.

Downvoted for supporting free speech and the ACLU. Tell me again who are the extremists? Because fuck a Nazi but they aren't the ones trying to silence discussion in this thread. YOU ARE.

18 more...

I oppose your reactionary, thoughtless response. You think that attempts to silence them is righteous. I think you're every bit as misled and confused as they are.

And fuck you for your assumptions about my race and gender as if they're at all relevant to the support of free speech.

You're just like those people you despise. You make ignorant assumptions, assume righteousness, and refuse to have open discussion. You're using the EXACT SAME in-group out-group dynamics that are toxic as fuck.

When you find yourself in opposition to the positions held by the ACLU, you're probably fucking wrong.

I said politics mods are the worst. Permanently banned after 12 years and 150,000 comment karma. I hope the site burns down.

Um, old timer here and squadrons is a different genre than tie fighter. One is a single player campaign, the other is a multiplayer game. Squadrons was nothing like x-wing imo. If space battles were a sport, squadrons would capture that level playing field. If you're looking for the experience of being a Jedi pilot who turns the tides of battles, squadrons isn't it.

Eve is still there as long as you're willing to be social and play regularly. It's a brutal game solo. Having a regular fleet to roam with or to provide protection is essential to making any money. Solo players are basically just food.

Will this include comments that were "removed by Reddit"? Edit: it does not.

It has nothing to do with agreement. It's the premise of spending time in a forum for a product you don't like, and insulting everyone else. That screams mental illness and a miserable life.

I'm looking at the image on a very high quality OLED screen. On an OLED, it's very obviously NOT black. You can see the top of the dress in the light and it's not at all black. The black on my screen makes that incredibly obvious. Who cares what it is in real life, I'm not judging that, I'm judging the image and black is not a part of the dress, in this image.

The Guardian's image is black and blue. The image in this thread IS NOT. My eyes may look red in a photo, that doesn't mean they're really red. An image is not a perfect reflection of reality.