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Now you've convinced me! I really ought to have been the bigger man when my mom called me in the middle of the night to tell me that Trump's a martyr like Jesus and that the Democrats are performing demonic baby-eating rituals inside underground tunnels, and just let her keep screaming about me being a brainwashed woke communist because we just have little differences and we all need to get along.

Haha, nope. I want scorched earth on every one of those conspiracy nut fuckers holding right-wing parties around the balls, since they went after my family with their brainrot. I don't give a shit that a handful of people exist who don't explicitly support Jewish Space Laser Marge or Venmo Bribes Clarence, because y'all still vote lock step to keep these crazy loons around because Roe v. Wade is worth killing for $300 extra on next year's tax return.

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An asshole who primarily courts right-wingers an inch to the left of Neo-Nazis by making them feel logical and superior for denying basic facts about reality, while the mask-off Neo-Nazis repeatedly send death threats to his family because they're culturally Jewish.

I don't pity him. He dug his hole by choice, and it is a very comfy hole in upper-class Los Angeles where he won't experience the consequences of societal collapse that he encourages poorer right-wingers to spread around. Tough for his kids, I'd imagine, since they'll be growing up in a world with all those oven-fanatic redcaps crawling out of the woodwork that their dad turned a blind eye to for clout.

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Hand sanitizer is ~120 proof alcohol. (Not a recommendation to drink it, since it's usually spiked with bad-tasting additives to keep people from doing just that. Some commercial hand sanitizers swap out ethanol for isopropyl alcohol, i.e. rubbing alcohol, which is more toxic when ingested.)

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You mean rejecting both popular and representative democracy by attempting to kidnap and execute Congress?

This isn't some event in 1850 that you can pretend was about state's rights or some bullshit like that, since you dumbasses recorded the event and voiced the motives yourselves. There wasn't any goal of making America a better place to live, just pure spite to punish everyone who said no to an openly shitty demagogue. Fuckin' pathetic.

Villifying plants is on the nonsensical agenda as well (i.e. making mountains out of molehills over soy/phytoestrogens). But Tofu and other soybean foods have been staples across a huge chunk of East Asia for centuries and nobody's been worse off for it (besides unlucky allergies). Funny enough, East Asia also has a few niche recipes for cooking bugs, and since my parents are from South Korea I occasionally ate steamed silkworm pupae as a kid (they sell them here in cans as 번데기/beondegi). The weird earthy taste and general phobia of creepy crawlies is the reason it's not too popular nowadays. I wasn't a huge fan myself but I do see bug meat as a potential resource.

So it's just the usual fearmongering over made-up problems. Plant protein is good, bug protein has existed as something I wouldn't mind if it tastes alright, and the meat industry's going to lobby for more subsidies and thrive regardless of what happens.

70 million people with a pulse voted for this guy and made life-size plastic idols of him in his honor. What amazes me is that they'll do it again. Trump has no loyalty to even his most fanatic worshippers and no coherent plan for America other than cashing out for himself at anyone else's expense. And he keeps telling everyone as much because he has no filter and uses our two-tiered justice system to keep getting away with it.

What kind of reason besides spite or greed could possibly motivate people to fawn over a blatantly awful man who already threw them under the bus a few times the moment it suited him better?

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To know better about religion*

Patching it up some more. Stay informed and spread the news of religion's intrinsic failings, so the next generation doesn't repeat the mistakes of today.

Former Speaker of the House, (R) Paul Ryan's favorite band

(He didn't understand that he was a cog in the machine they were raging against)

I'm a chemist, we're basically glued to our jeans regardless of gender. Yes, summer is hell for us.

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The UK remembers when Margaret Thatcher took their kindergarteners' free milk. Shortly before she fucked up their parents' not-free housing market.

Dubya gave us the housing market crash.

That's the power of branding and a good PR team, at least until Musk got high on his own supply and fired his PR team. His rise and fall is a bit similar to Purdue Pharma's Oxycontin marketing campaign; once the veneer of altruism was peeled off revealing an ant's nest of lies and greed destroying people's lives for profit, hype turned to horror.

Does obtaining the financial security of the average adult American in the 1980s count as a superpower? Home ownership on near-minimum wage does seem pretty fantastical.

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They rennovated it too. How much could a starter home cost, $1.5 million lump sum?

I'd be lucky to dream about having the funds to get a mortgage 1 home 15 years from now. All I want is a place I can live in and call my own for 40-odd years until I kick the bucket, then my future nephews and nieces can have a catfight over how to carve it up for coin assuming global warming hasn't decisively fucked everyone over by then.

Of course I wouldn't be able to comprehend the mindset of affluenza-huffers who can't live without cutting out the biggest slice of pie even if it means breaking the oven and starving out everyone else.

Excuse me, but genocidal baby oven enjoyers belong in compost, not landfill.

It's been painfully obvious since 2016, but the bulk of the Republican party from the average voters up to their current orange god-king have been addicted to hate and contrarianism for a long time. Everyone other than them is an enemy they must never agree with, even if it's for something basic like building a road or following public decency guidelines. Everyone on the planet has human wants and needs, but Republicans have been publicly calling non-Republicans as inhuman demonic monsters for a while (no hyperbole necessary, their own ugly words).

So now we're at the point where millions of wingnuts will sabotage anything that might conceivably help an ordinary person, set the planet on fire and kill themselves in the process, because they value hurting the enemy more than benefiting a group beyond themselves. It boggles the mind how these guys get a slap on the wrist for blowing up a power grid, taking bribes over Venmo or sharing revenge porn on live TV when ordinary sane people get thrown in solitary or a coffin for far less.

Okbuddygenshin is leaking again.

Pressing one inconvenience-fixing button also causes a random inconvenience in the list to reoccur. Hope you like invisible splinters in your socks and random hiccups every time you want to cure your allergies.

"If you punch a Nazi, the number of Nazis in the world remains the same!"

"Punch two."

But that's the issue, they only care about specifically "protecting" their kids from the scary crossdressers and penis scissors, but give a free pass for those same kids to be fetishized at a beauty pageant, molested by a church youth group leader, turned into Swiss cheese by a gunman, or exploited left and right by corrupt businesses withholding essential goods or re-instituting child labor.

The hypocrisy is that they claim they want to protect children while letting them suffer from all these other problems, which are entirely unaddressed and sometimes directly promoted by the RWNJ governments they vote for. Because it's not really about protecting their kids; it's about hurting strangers they're instructed to hate.

The reasons we oppose abortion bans: exceptions are not made for rape victims (e.g. 10 yo girl from Ohio) because conservatives lied, contraceptives which let couples avoid STDs are also talked about being banned because conservatives lied, conservatives tend to end up having a bunch of kids they didn't plan for and can't afford a good standard of living for because conservatives lied.

The reasons conservatives think we oppose abortion bans: You just want to have sex all the time lol (a conservative SC judge, a dozen conservative congressmen and the conservative ex-president were all convincingly accused of sexual abuse allegations in recent memory).

Commies speedrun civilization suicide because the government hoards all the money and let the workers starve.

Nazis drag out the process because capitalism incentivizes work (until it doesn't, e.g. LSC) and maximizing suffering for outgroups gets them off, but eventually their anti-intellectual groupthink hits critical mass and they unalive themselves in some colossally stupid fashion while claiming germs aren't real and that they totally didn't get scammed out of their life savings because Lord Donald told them to.

I got banned off /r/politics because of an article about a Fox News reporter who was caught lying about the election and inciting viewers to commit revolution (i.e. treason and assassination). I commented that he should stuff it up his ass, and got kicked for "death threats."

Mod was probably a powertripping wingnut masquerading as an independent. "Centrists" who coddle and defend the fascists are no less fascist themselves, and if that hurts their feelings then I have some nice horse paste for them to cry into.

Satan got demoted from nepo baby to HR manager.

"Surely there's a mistake, I shouldn't be here!"

"Wow, how original, Arnaud, it's only the two millionth time I've heard that line today. Lemme pull up your file... ah yes, 'God will know his own,' what a convenient excuse for burning a city to the ground and executing 20,000 unarmed civilians. Dad damn it, Catholic hypocrites are the worst. Bet you diddled some kids while you were at it too, you sick fuck."

Bob's gotten chummy with the wingnuts over their shared fear of needles, so he's probably trying to split the vote for them.

Unfortunately, Bob's also a fucking idiot and nobody other than a complete moron would fall for this nonsense. Good thing the average American voter is totally not a complete moron who wants to hand the nuclear football over to the most entertaining clown rather than a moderately competent person. /s

Yes, I'm voting for Biden. Not like I have much of a choice when our most likely options are (1) very old guy, (2) Conspo clown #1 coasting on his family name, (3) Conspo clown #2 who had a real-life Golden Calf moment, and (4) Meatball who has literally said he wants to make America into Florida.

Evernote (functional note-taking app), ReVanced (Youtube ads are a blight on civilization), My Boy! (Fire Emblem GBA series are my comfort games which get me through my bus commute. I would buy them on actual hardware if Nintendo didn't make it such an obtuse PITA with limited-time subscriptions to induce artificial scarcity.)

Meaning one could hypothetically spray a tomato with dioxins up to 5% of its body weight and it would still qualify as organic.

And slip some cash over to the FDA when one of their interns asks too many questions.

And replace him with a younger wingnut? Tbh I want him to live simply because the two dozen people who didn't vote for Mitch to keep assfucking the state suffer less when he's got lag issues over him turning over to a new cretin.

The guy who paid 45 billion dollars to lift bans on several infamous wingnut trolls like Catturd and turned a bird logo into an X for clout doesn't seem like a Democrat to me. Neither is the billionaire oil baron who owns Fox News, Sky News, Fake News, etc., the former of which is the largest media company in America. You're not an underdog.

And then they just organize on Facebook or WhatsApp instead. Monopoly 101 failed.

Any credibility he had ought to have crumbled in the early 2000s when he promoted Oxycontin and pushed a deal to continue sales. Absolutely mind-boggling, I read about him 15 years afterward and I'm amazed by how conservatives fell in line to defend a ghoul who tried to get them all hooked on opioids for a nickel just because he said some pretty words about defending the orange god-king or whatever.

The distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli nationalism needs to be clarified more often.

I respect Jewish people's right to peacefully practice their religion. (Though I disagree with all organized religions for their seemingly intrinsic capacity for inflicting harm by providing a haven for opportunistic demagogues and predators). I do not respect the Israeli military and police blowing up and beating Palestinian children to death, or ordinary people who say that violence is neceasary because they want more land.

There's plenty of crazy people who think the other way, calling the religion unacceptable but embracing the nationalists who make human piñatas.

Bonus points for games that let you make cinematic moments yourself.

Monster Hunter World (A Greatsword True Charged Slash into a head break or tail sever feels ridiculously good to land)

Rogue-lites (I've mostly ran Hades, but I've seen a lot of great things about Dead Cells and Risk of Rain 2)

Dragalia Lost (May it rest in sweet sassy molassy, and may Silent Hope bring some of that ARPG goodness back)

I used Reddit is Fun for about 7 years, I can't imagine going back to the official app with its clunky format even on the most compact setting and its hundreds of trackers mining user data for who knows what. The browser version still a useful enough tool for news, but that only lasts as long as users keep posting. Once they migrate here or somewhere else, that's the end for Spez's moneymaking scheme. I heard the RIF developer's working on an app for Tilde, but Connect for Lemmy has been a pretty good alternative so far.

Exactly. Talking heads on Fox or the legion of alpha male/libtards destroyed podcasts will bitch and moan endlessly about problems that only exist in their own vile imaginations, while everyone else is scrambling (or slowly shuffling in the neoliberal grandpa section of the Democratic Party's leadership) to fix everything those manchildren keep breaking whenever they're given a nickel from a lobbyist.

The one on the upper right-hand corner of the recommended watch sidebar always manages to sneak past my multiple adblockers. I'm tired of having my eyes seared by massive anime tiddies (Queen's Blade ads) just because I sometimes watch anime and the monkeys working in the algorithm machine greenlit softcore pornography to be plastered all over their platform. But I sure as shit ain't paying them $170 a year to get those idiots to stop.