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Joined 1 years ago

I've seen live people actually starting a bonfire in their living room something like 20 years ago, so to me this is perfectly possible :D

This is not a subreddit, and this is the original article's title.

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There's a ton of great small scale things we can do with machine learning, and even LLM.

Unfortunately, it seems the main usages will be crushing people down even more.

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Sure you can. You can also spend time disabling intrusive telemetry, you can also spend time reverting half the UI changes (not the other half though), you can also spend time removing integrated services you don't use but are still running, you can (regularly) change back some settings that gets reverted every once in a while, you can also block some IP to prevent intrusive ads, you can toggle off part of the "user experience" that bloat the lockscreen…

Or you could, I don't know, not have to do any of that and still have a working system that's not trying to bend you over.

Journalist doing reports in front of their dildo collection: "hold my beer"

Because some people think that getting high as a kite is a suitable way to not be depressed.

Firefox has always had our backs

It's been going in a less friendly direction for a while. Embedding of mandatory useless extensions, aggressive advertising, deals to display more and more content to more users, disregard for user settings on multiple updates, opt-out telemetry, and now telling you that you're using it wrong.

Sure, you can navigate through various settings to disable most of these, and check back on updates for settings that toggles back, or are simply renamed and mysteriously got back to their default, intrusive value. But we should not have to do that.

And that's not even touching the issue with the Mozilla Corporation itself.

Firefox is the alternative browser, but it certainly isn't there to "have your back".

Firefox has a tendency to embed optional extensions as impossible to uninstall core features these days, so it would not change much.

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I'm sure the evil intolerant mechanic guy wanted to remove them for some fake, made-up reasons like "you're gonna die if you ride with these".

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As an outsider I'm always amazed at that "land of the free" that is insistent on censoring stuff, and "home of the brave" that will run through the mud someone standing for freedom and having principles.

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Better question is what are you doing to see so much hentai. I have NSFW on, and regularly browse "all" and porn in general remains a very rare occurence.

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I'm still baffled that some people can argue "why are you so worried?" about this. We have twenty years of history of shit hitting the fan, how much more do you need to not trust Facebook/Meta?

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Most of reddit's content is user generated to some extent. If there's bad content, it's because of people. Most of lemmy's content is user generated. Same cause same consequence.

If we want to delve into what could be different… moderation. Made by people (aside from very far-reaching illegal stuff, on both platforms).

Conclusion: the problem is people, not reddit nor lemmy.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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You can have a preference, even a strong one. You can also discuss it with people. But shutting people out because of their phone? That's a major personality red flag anyway.

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A while ago, gecko was such a mess to use that very few projects dared to use it. At some point, chromium showed up and it's the easiest thing to bundle anywhere. This probably led to a lot of the current situation.

Ah, that's where you're wrong: it's not your phone.

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But if we show a full-sized scrollbar all the time, we lose all that space that we could have left completely empty otherwise!

Yeah, losing function over form is annoying.

That's a very important distinction. While the first part is, to put it lightly, bad, I don't really care what people do on their own. Getting real people involved, and minor at that? Big no-no.

With the number of people concerned about privacy

Generous estimate there. "People" don't care. Who cares if your browser tracks your online presence when everything is connected back to your facebook profile or whatever is trending.

Most individuals embrace convenience above all; literally putting all their private stuff on any online service that tout "shiny feature that you won't even use". Even some privacy-focused people don't see putting all your emails/photo/video/agenda/chat/text messages in one third party opaque service as an issue.

Tons of business do the same, outsourcing the most basic stuff like private discussions and storage to anything "convenient" to not pay for two sysadmin to manage it (leading to most major leaks). I have direct experience of business coming to us, asking "yeah, privacy is good, data ownership and control is mandatory, so we won't host anything and you'll keep all our data, deal?". They prefer have us, a third party, bill them for hosting rather than have some control over it.

My take on this is that while pointing that browsers can be an issue is not a bad thing, the first step would be to get people and business interested in their privacy. Without that, it remains a niche. Sadly.

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Haha, as if there was not a push for people to work more around the clock than ever.

Sure. There's an application process; supposedly they can apply. It will take years, with a lot of conditions, and none of the previous exemption they had.

Someone needs to edit their new "logo" and add four lines at the extremities, just to see what it would look like.

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The only useful email validation is "can I get an MX from that" and "does it understand what I'm saying in that SMTP". Anything else is someone that have too much free time.

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or write your windows ISO using rufus and check the "no MS account" checkbox.

Weird. I have the exact opposite experience. Not for lack of trying mind you; it's the last thing that makes me open reddit.

Ah, I remember when they said "you can sign a petition without an account, just a mail validation", immediately followed by "if you don't create an account, the validation link in the mail will not work, fuck you".

Guess they didn't really want people to engage.

White light is a tightly squished rainbow, so I guess these people's only option is to all go blind.

I mean, more blind than they're now.

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I'm curious how they will tank their worth by then, as is tradition.

The whole page transferred about 7kB and shows 18.2kB of ressources according to the debug tools.

Physicists are warry about splitting atoms; historians are warry about splitting Germany.

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Any of these large business coming out to explicitly say "this will not happen" is concerning.

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I believe the appropriate, corporate-friendly answer in this case is "go fuck yourself"

He should just ask Trump for money, I heard he's loaded.


Didn't they march inside some important government building and try to overthrow an election at some point?

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Software developers are staying silent on this one.

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You'd be surprised at how much performance this kind of setup can squeeze off. Often the limitation is more on the DB/storage than network handling and processing power.

I miss everything having distinctive features, personality, and allowing themselves to use colors and shapes.

Restaurants, business logo and branding in general, apps, everything getting normalized to the death. I know a large part of that is accessibility and cost reduction, but it's a bit sad.

In my town, subway stations where all themed around what's above them. No two stations where the same (there isn't a lot, so there's that). Now that the network is getting extensions and the old stations are remade, they're all flat, white walls with square lights, flat uniform labels (harder to see, since they're lined with the walls). If you were dropped in one without indication, it'd take some time to even know where you are.

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"It seems you wanted to start an application, let me guess which one you want instead of just letting you proceed with that"

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Not even transparent. Colorful design, actual individuality, recognizable imagery, etc.

Now, everything have to be like "a letter or two in one color, inside a flat geometric shape in another color", and the most exuberant logo you can find in a well known product is like the firefox icon that just moved from an actually colorful and detailed fox on a clean blue planet like earth to a 3 and a half color based orange circle and blue dot.

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