28 Post – 171 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

I’m not excited to vote for a corporate Dem again, but if that’s what it takes to keep a twice impeached fascist out of the White House, we’ll then, sign me the fuck up.

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I mean, honestly, the FBI or relevant SBI needs to go dig these losers out of their trailer park and throw the book at them. We cannot tolerate traitors and fascists. These people are just begging for the FO stage.

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Anyone a big enough drunk to take a shot every time Trump, himself, tries to object?

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You’ve got to assume that Twitter can revoke any users access at any time for any reason under its existing terms and conditions. This is a predictable douche move by Musk but the original account holder very likely has zero recourse.

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Well what do you know? I agree with Nikki Haley on something.

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It’s all to distract from the GOP seditionist trials beginning in October. What a bunch of clowns.

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TIL: The outcome of the democratic process is a “coup”. 🙄

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Left leaning people tend to be better educated. The majority of the jobs for better educated people are in cities. Cities are more expensive because jobs for better educated people tend to pay more.

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Frankly, I’m surprised that the current slate of indictments haven’t extended to MTG, Boebert, Gaetz, and the rest of their traitor caucus compatriots.

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Let’s hope it lasts. We already gave Cawthorn the boot. Boebert, Gaetz, MTG, and the rest of the sedition caucus should all be right behind him.

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I’m sure they will. It just takes a little time to drive all the way out to bumblefuck and figure out which cousin was using the trailer park communal Commodore 64 at the time.

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Do you have hobbies and interests? If so, hop on Google and search for MeetUps in your areas. When you find one, go to it and do that activity with other people. This is a practically fail proof plan because it sets you up to do something that you like doing with other people that also like that thing… which gives you a built in conversation topic.

While you’re there, talk to everyone for a few minutes. Next time there’s a meet up, go back. Don’t put pressure on any one person but, after you’ve been a few times, you’ll recognize and enjoy the company of other regulars and, voila, friends.

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Our cousins out in bumblefuck elected their ‘Pub clowns and are surprised they’ve got a circus.

They want to impeach Biden so Trumps two impeachments aren’t such a shit-stain. It’s not about Biden, it’s about normalizing their nonsense.

Shit. I could have told them to just block lemmygrad for like $100 😂🤣😂

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It’s not just Trump. It’s the entire GOP. Since at least the early ‘90s the ‘Pubs have been purely an opposition party that trades on ignorance and hate.

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Dang, that voter fraud the ‘Pubs are always talkin’ about sure does seem to be everywhere. Lock ‘em up! Right?

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There’s a pragmatic solution here:

1). Make vaccines free. The government pays.

2). Require vaccines for participation in publicly funded social programs. Schools. Social Security. Etc.

3). Allow doctor authorized health waivers to number 2.

4). Wait.

Most people will get the free vaccines either because they’re reasonable people, because the vaccines are free, or because they want government services. Those that don’t will die earlier. Eventually even stupid people will notice or they’ll be dead.

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Sanders was getting appropriately shit on for abusing the resources of her office for personal gain. This law allows her to abuse her office “more secretly”.

Recently, he has deteriorated significantly, looks very swollen, and often cannot open his eyes in videos. It is believed that Kadyrov has serious kidney problems, according to Ahmed Zakayev, the former deputy prime minister of Ichkeria, who is in exile.

Sounds like someone has been taking tea with Putin.

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Or, maybe normal people think criminals should go to jail. No matter what color their jersey is.

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seems longest sentence in Capital siege by so far

There’s still time for Trump to have the longest, most beautiful, sentence ever!

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By temporarily embarrassed millionaires, no less.

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You know how it is, OP. If no bus gets you exactly where you want to go, you take the bus that gets you closest. What you don’t do is take the fascist sedition bus because your preferred bus doesn’t stop at your front door.

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Seems like typical behavior for a guy named “erection”.

“I simply can’t support him for elected office again,” Ellis said.

Because she’ll be a convicted felon by Election Day. If she weren’t, she’d 100% vote for Trump again. Don’t believe the crocodile tears.

I bet Murdoch has his own definition of the words “improve” and “we”. What he means is “make me richer”. By this definition, he certainly did.

So Kushner fucked Trumps daughter, used Trump to make a buck, and then turned on him when the heat cranked up? Sounds like Trump doesn’t like gettin’ Trumped. 😂🤣😂

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Always have.


I’ll donate to whatever PAC wants to run this ad on TV in MTGs district nonstop during the next Presidential election.

Oh no! Anyway…

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Some people say that there’s a woman to blame.

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I guess we just need to keep putting these seditionist assholes in prison.

And the other half should. Maybe they’d chill out a little bit.

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GOP: We absolutely can not let people study lying liars.

Normal people: Why’s that?

GOP: …

He strongly suggested that Mr. Trump, 77, and President Biden, 80, should follow his lead and bow out to pave the way for younger candidates

Hey, what do you know, I agree with Mitt Romney on something. Maybe people who would be roundly considered unemployable in any other profession shouldn’t be leading the country. This goes for Fenstien and McConnell too. Let’s just make sure the “younger people” aren’t all Boeberts.

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Sounds like Jesse Waters is a liar and a seditionist.

The “colonies” described in this study are the heart of rural, red, America. If you want to see conservative politics in action, this is where you find it.

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Based on the ‘Pubs I know, I have no difficulty believing that at least 24% of them are this fucking stupid. It’s kind of their defining characteristic.

Tommy Tuberville the military hating Putin sycophant? That Tommy Tuberville?