Trump Georgia DA rejects House GOP demand for records as ‘unjustified and illegal’ to politics – 373 points –
Trump Georgia DA rejects House GOP demand for records as 'unjustified and illegal'

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis tore into House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan on Thursday in a searing letter accusing the Ohio Republican of trying to obstruct her criminal prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

“There is no justification in the Constitution for Congress to interfere with a state criminal matter, as you attempt to do,” Willis wrote in the nine-page retort to Jordan, whose committee last month launched a probe into the district attorney’s prosecution of Trump.


Oh man everyone needs to read that letter. It's a thorough tearing apart of Jordan's demands. She throws shade left and right and I love it.

“Here is another reality you must face: Those who wish to avoid felony charges in Fulton County, Georgia — including violations of Georgia RICO law — should not commit felonies in Fulton County, Georgia,” Willis wrote.


‘Moreover, “investigations conducted solely for the personal aggrandizement of the investigators or to ‘punish’ those investigated are indefensible.”’

2nd paragraph and already has him on pucker status right out of the gate.

"STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE" Only, you know, professional.

I don't think Jim Carrey could have managed the professional version with a straight face

I don't know how he did any of that movie with a straight face.

man, I dunno if she's gonna get a conviction, but this is definitely going to be the Watergate of this century, the defining political shitshow for a generation. And it's gonna be fantastic to watch.

The only way this doesn't end in a conviction is if a Magat ends up on the jury.

Fuck, that's pretty likely, isn't it?

Would be amazing to be on that jury, wear a red MAGA hat, and then vote to convict.

I read it on your good recommendation. Was not disappointed. That woman is fire! She even ends it with recommendations for congress on broader issues related to the justice system they could be working on. 10/10, no notes.

A shame Jim Jordan, or any of the Republican shit heads, won't read it. Same with the Muller report, the one that did read it reacted with "holy shit you guys should read this, it's really bad"and then radio silence.

Unjustified and illegal? That could be Trump's campaign slogan!

From the same party that won't shut the fuck up about State rights.

"States' rights" never meant "state's right to do their own thing without federal interference" anyhow.

It meant "slave states' right to receive the compelled assistance of non-slave states in enforcing slavery."

The states who wanted to just do their own thing were the Northern states, who had no interest in enforcing slavery by returning black folks to the South. They were not allowed to do their own thing; the federal government sent US Marshals into states like Pennsylvania and New York to compel their state governments to participate in slavery.

Lincoln didn't plan to free the slaves; he didn't think he had the authority to do so, except as a wartime measure. However, he did intend to stop the practice of compelling the North to participate in slavery. And that's why the South seceded when Lincoln was elected.

“Your letter offends each and every one of these settled principles. Its obvious purposes is to obstruct a Georgia criminal proceeding and to advance outrageous partisan misrepresentations...

Please, please, please charge him with obstruction of justice in Georgia.

"A spokesman for Jordan did not immediately respond to CNBC’s request for comment."

It's going to take some time to recover from a burn that severe...

One rare instance where the fanni spanks you!

She burned him to the fucking ground and salted the earth for good measure.

None of the people he's pandering to will ever read the response.

No, but if they could read they'd be very angry. Actually I did read the thread on freerepublic about it, they basically just called her a communist and brought out a whole bunch of racist imagery. One person posted a field of cotton ripe for picking, and they were joined by others basically lamenting the end of slavery.

Well as far as I have heard he is a racist piece shit so I would expect nothing less from his "followers"

Someone call an ambulance! gym jordan needs immediate attention for that sick burn.