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Joined 12 months ago

You don't agree with most aspects of reality.

Why? We get to tell the truth and apparently deeply bother you all at once. Seems like a win-win for everyone but you , and you don't matter.

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It's definitely not.

I'm still not over learning that ponies aren't just young horses.

The unknown biases issue has no real solution. In this same example if instead of something simple like snow in the background, it turned out that the photographs of wolves were taken using zoom lenses (since photogs don't want to get near wild animals) while the dog photos were closeup and the ML was really just training to recognize subtle photographic artifacts caused by the zoom lenses, this would be extremely difficult to detect let alone prove.

The emissions from ACs for 2 weeks likely isn't close to the emissions from all the construction they did just to host . The whole thing is ridiculous. The corrupt IOC officials watching from box seats and staying in 5 star hotels are all going to have AC.

Because the bidding/bribing process is where a lot of grifters get rich. The construction contracts are where the others get rich. With your simpler less wasteful system all those worthless people might have to work for a living.

Yeah one of the main causes of the downfall of chariot warfare in the ancient world was that horses were bred that could carry a fully armed rider with armour for a long enough period of time.

Disclaimer: I know very little about anything.

He can't get that loyalty from any other US president

Literally all evidence points to the opposite of this being true Lol

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Remind me why it's legal for a foreign government to fund election campaigns in the U.S. against it's critics?

Because in this case there are people that will call you antisemitic for even noticing that it's happening.

Isn't the Smartmatic lawsuit still in play? That one has the potential to be even bigger.

If you're sincere, you're an idiot. So I hope you're lying.

Life has a carbon impact. Forcing this burden disproportionately on athletes while spectators (not to mention corrupt IOC officials) enjoy hotels with AC is ridiculous.

So it's basically designed for rich people to be to ignore?

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If you don't know much about investing then you shouldn't short anything ever. People who know about investing will tell you that even when your logic is 100 percent sound, the market isn't that predictable and in general the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

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That guy looks like he was breastfed until he was 14.

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Because book Dumbledore is a calm person who is able to control his emotions and he realizes that shouting isn't going to solve anything?

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Of all the 60+ million people who intend to vote for him next year, this ridiculous rhwtoric will dissuade exactly none of them.

Meanwhile the left needs to be cajoled and won over and made to feel special just to get them to the fucking polling station.

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Xitter is also acceptable in my book.

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I know they're generally harmless (they eat bugs and won't bite you if you leave it alone) but they make my skin crawl and I can't help but kill them with extreme prejudice when I find one.

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He could sell Mar-a-lago so we could all find out what it's really worth.

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These are truly wretched people that have been granted unassailable power. This scandal has no teeth - Alito is going to sit on the bench until he dies or retires during a favourable administration.

I think you're misreading the dynamics. Elon will absolutely not stand up to trump. He's a right-wing chud now, he needs Trump's base who love that he's sticking it to the woke libs because no one other than them like him anymore. He will ignore this.

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Even when she was made up to be ugly they couldn't bring themselves to mess with her perfect tits though. They didn't commit that much.

This comment was brought to you by "everything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport is far-left".

I mostly agree but I mean it's not like they were trying to destroy art or suggesting that all art should be destroyed. There's plenty of unprotected art in the Louvre. In the same room as the Mona Lisa There's a huge painting on the opposite wall that's arguably more interesting than whatever view of the Mona Lisa you can get from 6 ft back and they didn't go after it. They're trying to get attention, like most protests.

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They're called mercenaries.

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If someone working in semiconductor manufacturing were to answer this question they would probably have to say "I make sand think" and just walk away.

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They don't expect him to pay it back. No reasonable person would expect that. They expect him to do something for them in return should he win the presidency again, for which they will forgive the debt.

AM radios are also incredibly cheap and simple. It's just one more source for a digital stereo system connected to a fairly simple circuit. I doubt this costs more than $5 per car to implement.

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The best part was that Alex Jones and whoever that other chud was were actually trying to be voices of reason lol.

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In worlds where they can barely survive doing carpentry.

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The Vision Pro is the best example of video passthrough and hand/eye tracking that has ever been produced, but they're also insufficient for it to be a seamless experience.

This isn't really the problem, I think. MKBHD touched on this but this system doesn't seem to have a killer app. There's a bunch of stuff you can do with it, but which of those things can be done better than just using a computer?

Gaming is the big one but apple doesn't care about that so what else is there? It would be good for virtual walkthroughs of a home you're considering buying. Or at an architects office to show off the experience of a new building. But...cheaper VR headsets can already do all of that.

So what actually task can this do better than anything else?

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A decision that will be validated when 30 million people pre-order the next COD which will also be a buggy mess. And the cycle continues.

People pre-ordering is what creates all the perverse incentives to release buggy unfinished garbage.

Plenty of conservatives want this. Or are inextricably convinced that they think they want this, as fine a distinction as that is.

Without phone-number based contact finding signal wouldn't be relevant enough to matter.

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Western countries employing Indian coders are generally looking for the cheapest coders they can find who speak passable English. All of that sounds like you got what you paid for.

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The GOP spent the last 2 decades getting to an overwhelming 6-3 majority on the court. They won't risk that over something they find as superfluous as integrity.

I pretty much agree. To prove this theory wrong they have to produce a working prototype with those capabilities.

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