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Joined 1 years ago

Sorry fella, I put it up on as many giveaway pages as I knew. I'll take them down now.

I must be confused... Good omens Neil gaiman?

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Oh and no, you can't see the sun in that picture, we're a fraction of a fraction of a pixel.

I'm here for it, my wishlist is approaching 100 games. My unplayed list is approaching a thousand though...

It's everything, everything but subdued.

Colorado needs to tax the shit out of everything coming from and going to Utah, everyone should. Fuck it, tax the Mormon churches to make up for their theologically driven state of pollution.

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"At least" doing a lot of lifting here.

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I rewatched the usual suspects for the upteenhundreth time, I think it lost a little bit of its magic. Michael Baldwins character is just a bit too camera hungry and angry for me, some of the scenes have just lost their luster. It's still a 9/10, but after 20 years I think it's no longer my 10/10 go to for a guaranteed love rewatch movie. It hurts. Have I become jaded?

The supreme Court isn't certain Trump is winning

Right there with you, at this point it's absolutely a question if I want to fire up the laptop and hope the battery doesn't explode, or pull the desktop out of storage and take over the living room television. That deck is too damn versatile and portable, anything that doesn't run on it doesn't get added to the library any more, unless it's free!

It's hot out there

Emissions controller modifiers designed to "roll coal"

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I'm not sure how far back you have to go, but those are definitely pre 19th century

I'm not remembering a mechanical dog in fahrenheit 451, but it's been decades since I've read it....

Also not at all worried about "footed" robots navigating the real world.

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I can see supplies extending longer than they thought with their refurbishing program being as popular as it is (they don't stay in stock very long)

Comparing the games in this video and my wish list, planet crafter apparently!

The American social safety net fails again. At least this time it was mostly contained.

Condolences to those who will remember him.

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And don't confuse high budget indie studios with AAA game developers

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As they're living with their parents because they can't afford an apartment of their own.

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Remember this when any future conservative (I don't care what party flag they're flying) tries to claim they are about any policy. If they ever attempt to come up with a policy again.

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Pc gamers when their 350$ handheld laptop has a bigger library, more backwards compatibility, and cross platform access without any monthly subscriptions.

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Why is the onion one of the most mature takes on the Internet? Is it strange that cynicism sounds level headed in our era?

"we should remember that unpacking this conflict in an adequately thorough manner would require examining it through a diverse range of lenses such as antisemitism, Islamic fundamentalism, the Holocaust, imperialism, contact theory, and many more, all while keeping in mind valid but competing narratives of victimhood that span hundreds of years."

Or is that the goal of high level satire?

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About 140,000usd, or 45m sri lanken rupees.

I am not a bot

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I'm not for any religious discrimination.

They should all be worshipped privately and have no governmental supporting.

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I remember when the Republican Senate wanted to delay a supreme court justice selection for an entire until after the elections so the American people could have a say.

2 justices later it's a month before the election and they cram a 3rd down our throats.

Fuck them forever.

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I'm doing my part, fuck spez

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"Lgbtq+ organization" is as stupid as antifa leadership.

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English teacher caught me doing this, confiscated my walkman, told me to come by when the day was done to get it back. Came back and he was rocking out with his own headphones, said I had good taste, but not to let it happen again. (The best of 3 dog night), hallway home the batteries died, I was prideful and upset the rest of the walk home.

No, fuck you. It's hard enough to find a keyboard with Ctrl and Alt in the positions I prefer these days. I don't need any of the current keys smaller to make room for another one, the only times I hit that stupid key between them is quickly followed by cursing. I remove the windows key from my gaming keyboards because I don't need it, FN is also a pain, especially when there's no fn lock toggle. Why don't we just use that as an alternate key? Microsoft go fuck yourself.

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Man, oceanographers have been shouting this for decades. And let's just throw marine biologists/marine chemists in there as well. Ocean currents are stupidly powerful, to have them stop is scary beyond comparison. The warning temperature lifting the calcium carbonate compensation depth, literally acidifying the ocean past the point of habitability for everything but jelly fish... Good bye oxygen. It was fun hanging with y'all, break out the good stuff because you aren't handing it down to the next generation.

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I was the perfect target for the service, the wife and I went as far as downloading the app to get telemetry from our house, we were like 20% covered and decided to hold off just a little while longer. Then musk went jacking it on the corner in San Diego levels crazy, we pay just about as much for our current Internet (and it's mobile hotspot backup plan in case the internet goes out and we have vital work that needs to be done, or I need some low latency gaming time) which is 5 mb/s on its best days, and we're very happy to not be supporting that Russian stooge.

Push the button until you're intelligent enough to know you'll only regret it more the next time you push it.

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Mother nature is scary AF

Do you dig it out or just go over top with new road it's gotta be pretty effed up underneath all that, before chiseling through it and clearing it off, and where do you go with the slag if you do dig it out? Do you treat it like snow?

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Not sure it's cope as much as being unable to accept that their attempted put down is having no effect. Bully is in their own head about their inability to get under someone's skin.

A raging douche.

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No, fuck you, no. I never considered this, and I'm not going to, and if I do I'm going to find out where you live and put duplos on your bedroom floor, Legos in your shoes, and glitter in your mail.

I hope I never think about this idea again. Argh I'm sorry for anyone who has to go through with this now.

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Big bang theory, just, shake a stick

0 dollars received, or 0 Dollars received wink wink?

Should've reported a small amount.. dudes crooked as the winter night is long

They used the word "diversity", any diversity is unacceptable, especially that neurodiversity, there is no level of Neuro anything allowed in Kansas.

Grew up in a town near Neverland ranch in the 90s, he hosted the local little league champions team to a party there. I'm pretty sure a classmate of mine went there once. Only had nice things to say about it, but even then there were jokes and rumors.

On one hand I can see people scapegoating a successful black man, from multiple angles there may also be feelings of betrayal from the black community. On the other hand, I was also up the road from Oprah, and I never heard anything about parties for groups of minors that she hosted.

Where there's smoke there probably fire, but racists and radicals are good at hiding smoke machines.

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I don't know how to define pornography, but I know it when I see it. There's none of it in any damn school library.

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