5 Post – 383 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This isn't a victory. They will just be replaced with Trumpites.

29 more...

Lol just remember that all people that vote Republican support this.

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Should be 1gbps asymmetric now, with a near future goal of 1gbps symmetric.

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... and a bunch of people continue to rub elbows with Nazis instead of deleting their accounts and moving to Mastodon. I wonder what the breaking point will be?

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Jim Jordan? Isn't he the one involved in the sex abuse cover-up conspiracy at Ohio State University?

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Do it! Do it! Do it!

Remember, Republicans are all bad people.

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GM wasn't harsh enough IMHO. They should have black listed people who immediately flipped base C8s for significantly more than MSRP. Base C8s (not Z51) going for over 100k, with miles on them, was fucking ridiculous.

I'll say it now: car dealers are useless dinosaurs and there is no point to having them anymore. I don't need a dealer to tell me what options I want on my car. I can select those on a webpage after I've reviewed the available options. I need a place to take my car for service if it's a factory failure / warranty work. I can do the rest myself or pay another focused professional to do the work.

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Don't worry, this was just locker room murder talk. NBD!

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People need to start pushing for publicly owned infrastructure. It's a national security issue, not to mention long term investment issue.

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Isn't this the Jim Jordan that was involved in the sex abuse cover-up conspiracy at Ohio State University?

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Republicans are bad people. They are never good people. The people that vote for them are bad people.

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There is literally nothing that GOP members could do that would estrange Republican voters.

2 more... is run by the defeds

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This was a cool this 20 years ago. The OGs don't care anymore because we want to spend our free time doing other things, not spending extra time at the office. Your booze and foos tables aren't the draw you think they are.

Dude is dying from liver failure from alcoholism. Wikipedia is updated with source.

The south was not burned enough during the civil war.

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Once again, Glenn Greenwald is rimming his Russian handlers in print form.

Yeah I was wondering who "nobody" is in this context.

Yeah but the Biden crime family!

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Yes, can't endorse this enough. Judicial appointments need a term limit, no matter the position. Maybe 10 years maximum.

I remember after 911 it was pretty polarizing suggesting in public that the WTC attacks were blowback for American meddling overseas. Americans in general are pretty stupid and don't see a bigger, longer term picture.

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Who will rid us of this meddlesome priest?

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Imagine how fucked and shitty your life has to be, to be a 12 or 13 year old trying to carjack people.

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Personally I disagree with the assertion that was the quiet part. Anyone with a functioning brain knew this would happen when a Trump faced an impeachment. Like, bright billboard with horns blaring obvious.

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"Corporate executives are all worthless liars. News at 11."


That's because NPR is too pussy, and all the other outlets are super far right. Overton Window is a B.


I'm tempted to buy argument space in the upcoming election booklet and attack my Republican representative and drop "Trump Crime Family" repeatedly. Maybe a super sarcastic one in support and then a more serious one against.

Remember when conservatives didn't operate off pure cognitive dissonance?

Oh, I don't remember that either!

Wonder if she did that when Germany invaded, too.

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Inb4 all the progressive voters who think long term enough to say "I'm not voting for Biden in 24"! 😂😂

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"In other news, fire is hot. More at 11!"

He's just faking it! Old Man Joe really pulls all the strings! He's both extremely cunning and hopelessly inept! Simultaneously at the same time!

About the same as every other American city. We Americans hate the poor, so, it's predictably terrible.

Started daily driving Linux on a laptop 20 years ago. Moved my desktop to it by 2007. I haven't ran Windows at home except in a VM (5+years ago) since around 2009. I'm much happier with the quirks of Linux than I am using Microsoft products.

I hope Wayfair collapses and dissolves.

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I wonder if Tuberville was involved in an sports related sex abuse scandals like his colleague Jim Jordan was.

Back to my original comment - the "" file has a _MACOSX folder that contains some kind of metadata dupes of the PDFs themselves. Probably where you're getting the 2x count from.

Companies should have fines for at least as much as the revenue they generated with those devices. Designed obsolescence is something that needs to be *abandoned, even if it hurts really bad financially.

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He was the 1970s inspiration for men to wear really tight, closely-cut jean cutoff shorts.