Like It or Not, the Left Can’t Get Away From the Democrats to politics – 19 points –
Like It or Not, the Left Can’t Get Away From the Democrats

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You know how it is, OP. If no bus gets you exactly where you want to go, you take the bus that gets you closest. What you don’t do is take the fascist sedition bus because your preferred bus doesn’t stop at your front door.

Perfect analogy! Perfection never exists and parties can be extremely complex. Agreeing with the one that is more reasonable is exactly how political voting works.

I live in NY. Which bus I personally take in this analogy has no impact on where we end up, so I’ll follow my conscience.

Vote straight ticket Democrats but on the Working Family Party ticket, that'll show em.

  1. What exactly do you think would show them? I am not powerful, and the system is rigged.
  2. Why do you assume I’m voting straight-ticket Dem on WFP? If nothing else, our electoral votes are going to the Dem for president regardless of what I do. I’m considering writing in Chuck Tingle, frankly. My conscience will feel good and there will be zero effect on the outcome. The Dems fucked up their job so bad I had to have my tubes out to sleep at night. Fuck all this noise.

If no bus gets you exactly where you want to go, you take the bus that gets you closest.

This is a shit analogy because it assumes that the two buses are going in different directions. It's just gloating from people who like where both buses are heading.

why don't you ask the gays/trans bout "both buses heading in the same direction"

this "they are the same" bullshit can only be said by someone in a real nice place of privilege, as for me, one bus is already calling to cleanse me and quite a few of my friends off the face of the planet because of who we love and what some of us identify as

Neither party voted to legalize gay marriage. The Supreme Court decided, because Republicans are bigots and Democrats are ineffective cowards.

What have Democrats done about the increase in violence toward LGBTQ people? What have they done about anti-trans legislation or book bans? What did they do with the majority we gave them last session? They didn't codify Roe, and we lost that. They didn't codify Obergefell either.

One bus is barreling toward the bottom of the hill. The other is coasting backwards in the same direction.

one bus is already calling to cleanse me and quite a few of my friends off the face of the planet because of who we love and what some of us identify as

My friends as well. Which is why I'm not going to give the Democratic Party a participation trophy on this. I see an existential threat towards people I care about, and no urgency whatsoever from the only party that is in a position to even try to stop that threat.

I'll accept the analogy once their bus is no longer in neutral.

What have Democrats done about the increase in violence toward LGBTQ people?

Not a damn thing, they talk big like they are allies, but leave us to defend ourselves and treat us like they are doing us a favor.

This queer says both busses are going on the same direction. You dont get to use my community to vote shame other people for your own gain. What has the blue bus done to protect the trans community? How long ago did the bathroom debates come about and what have dems at the federal level done to protect them? Not a damn thing, in fact Biden has advocated for states rights his entire career. So the abuse that the trans community is receiving right now has its roots in people like Biden that supports a weak federal government in favor of states rights. Same argument he made for women's reproductive rights.

We need to try the Montgomery Bus boycott method and boycott all busses. Shit got done then

In this metaphor that means... not voting?

That doesn't sound like a path to success...

Not voting for them, just like the Montgomery Bus Boycott there alternative methods of transportation, and they used those methods until they broke the system and made it work for them

And how exactly are you going to convince conservative voters to join your boycott? Because without that, your boycott will result in fascists taking complete control when they are the only ones who show up to vote.

I don't need to convince conservatives to join, like blacks in Montgomery didn't need help from white bus riders. We out number them, simple math. All it takes is breaking up one side of the duopoly and gain a party that represents people, not capital

You get how voting works, right?

People who support candidate A are going to vote for A because they’re not joining your boycott. Assuming everyone else, or even a large chunk of people who support candidate B join you and refuse to participate? How do you think that fares for B?

You end up with A elected in a landslide, and policy veers even farther from representing B.

Then one side needs to do better and represent the working class, not their donors. But since thats not gonna happen they need to die off as a party so an actual party that represents the public can emerge.