GOP state lawmaker arrested in Alabama on felony voter fraud charges to politics – 563 points –
GOP state lawmaker arrested in Alabama on felony voter fraud charges

Alabama state Rep. David Cole (R) on Tuesday was arrested and charged with voter fraud on accusations he voted in “multiple or unauthorized locations,” according to jail records provided by Madison County Sheriff’s Office.

According to the sheriff’s records, Cole was booked Tuesday afternoon and released on bail amounting to $2,500. The charge is a Class C felony, meaning conviction could result in up to 10 years in prison., a local news outlet, said Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office confirmed he was prosecuting the case.


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Dang, that voter fraud the ‘Pubs are always talkin’ about sure does seem to be everywhere. Lock ‘em up! Right?

They know there's fraud because they're the ones committing it

Republicans are dishonest and think everyone else is dishonest too. So if they are committing voter fraud everyone else must be doing it too.

Yep, such hypocrites. Always screaming "FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD!!!!11!" but when someone on their side gets arrested for it (I feel bad saying "when", because it's always a republicunt), suddenly everyone is quiet, because it "obviously never happened" they never talk about things that don't fit their agenda. But at the same time they always keep talking like they are the ones taking the high road.


Oh, also, of course Biden is guilty without any evidence. AND THE DEEP STATE and FAUXI planted COMMUNIST INSURGENTS and THE SPACE LASERS! ADN HUNTERS LAPTOP!! JAN 6 WAS FBI AND FAUXI PLANTS!!! But at the same time the shaman was NOT A PLANT AND SHOULD BE FREED! Free Lil Marco. MARXIST CHIDEN WAS BOUGHT BY CHINA!!
(I hope the MAQA speech was better this time I'm trying to improve at it)

Your MAGAT raving is vitriolic enough, but it's spelled correctly and uses correct punctuation. Might want to try again.

Ah I always have problems with that, last time it was not randomly uppercase enough- I'll keep this feedback in mind next time, thanks!