4 Post – 297 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Jack of all trades, master of Nirn.

Love how the collective of humanity needs to find out because the richest few fucked around.

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It affects them personally

People that claim themselves to be centrists in this economy, are either plain stupid or republicunts in disguise.

Yes, they are not mutually exclusive.

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This isn't because "everyone hates Biden", it's just because they have cero evidence and that's on them (GOP) and them alone. Biden has been a great president for everything he has been able to do so far. His age isn't a reason to hate him.

I'd rep him in Germany if his merch store sent overseas.

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That's gotta be quite some website you visited, if it didn't load at all without cookies. As someone from Germany, who mostly rejects every sites cookies, except for the essential ones most of the time, but sometimes outright rejects all cookies, I've never encountered a website that refused to load upon doing that.

Not defending any webpages that do do that, just contributing my personal experience.

Also: this for chrome or this for fiefrerfx

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Common fart-free water W
L Fart water got that negative rizz ong

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The message has been there since day 1 surprisingly they haven't tried censoring it yet.

edit: sorry should have fact checked it's being overwritten by shitstains with some W1 poster whatever thats supposed to be (bots of course)

edit2: TIL its the logo for KICK of course that explains everything

edit3: they're mostly back now 😎👍

It will be a better world UwU

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You forgot "and my axe", "to shreds you say" and "I wish they didn't remove awards so I could give you one", or maybe even the 'rare' "take my angry upvote and leave"?

Yeah I like that we can actually hold real conversations here, as far as 'real' goes of course.

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With all the shitbrands on amazon and similar sites I was only half surprised but still 100% more surprised than I should have been.

That's a crazy thing to say as someone who doesn't know me! It's 1:40 am for me and I don't have to work tomorrow. I am playing a game and tab to Reddit on my second monitor every few minutes to place that thing down. I'm just trying to fight the good fight, sorry to break it to you.

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Hate speech is not part of free speech anyways. Fuck nazis. Everyone that gets offended by that can get fucked as well.

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Yep, whenever I see those type of comments I always think to myself that they're secretly pro-reddit and want to deter us from advertising Lemmy and other alternatives on Reddits BIGGEST attraction and putting the FUCK SPEZ where people WILL see it.

I don't think a foil hat is necessary

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I shall make use of this whenever I shall enter discourse with the common enemy. Alas, thanks for allowing the addition of thy knowledge to me little brain. Perchance.

Edit: forgot to tip my fedora

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Rejecting bigotry is not supposed to be a political viewpoint.

Addendum: "YourContentSucks" just went through my profile and downvoted everything lol what a cuck A2: Actually now that I think of it the username does kind of check out

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Wouldn't it be a great idea for the ultra-rich to start storing themselves in these tanks now before the world goes to shit? Like, alive?

I think that would be a great idea.

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That's crazy and all 👍, but it won't make me do the switch from Netscape Navigator

We all had to take tags like xXBigChungus69Xx because Elon took the original xXXXx 😤

I never fully trust users with automated usernames and this just proves my paranoia.

Then again someone who calls subreddits "subReddit" is automagically a bot in my eyes anyways.

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I really do not care about your constitution. I'm from Germany not the US.

'"Germany places strict limits on speech and expression when it comes to right-wing extremism" or anything reminiscent of Nazism. Hate speech on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity also is banned in Germany.'

And I think this is the way all countries should handle it. No need to defend people promoting hate speech by debating me or your definition of free speach, I do not adhere by it.

Edit: I will wear 10A(ssholes') downvote as a badge of honor, thank you!

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I bet if you put some automation behind it with a raspberry pi or something this would be pretty cool. Program some different doorways etc..

Thing is, it's really not private enough to make a difference aside of looking and being cool to show to someone.

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Yes, please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

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From day 2 to the very end (0,0). No better advertisement possible. Don't even dare to try to change my mind.

I don't need masterclass in not giving a fuck, thank you.

Honestly, I'm pretty sure the deficit we could create on an individual basis will just be used by companies instead, so I'm just gonna agree with the others on voting being the most effective method of making a difference.

I'm using the script now thanks for sharing is it only for the join-lemmy message?

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10 assholes?

It's not that complicated, if you know the person you are trying to teach you could just appropriate a short analogy.

For example if I was talking to a CSGO player I would just tell them Reddit, Twitter, etc are just plain AK47s while the fediverse is a M4A4 that you get to choose a skin for (the site that you sign up to access the fediverse).

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I love seeing people mention JPEG-XL in the wild, I wish it was implemented in more programs and websites too. JPEG-XL was always the superior image file format. I'm sorry if facts hurt the feelings of the webp-Kings, but them's the facts. And I will dig my own grave on this hill. Good day!

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Very much true, but 8 characters is already pushing the limits of good coordination and this also puts it into the most readable form.

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As a German I would not even think of trying any of these except Rest or Call Waiter.

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I'm gonna use that sentence at least once in my life, if I don't forget about it. no curse of mine shall befall you from my dying breath very much for teaching me thy wisdom!

source: trust me bro

or whatever, I won't waste my time with this bs. "Alien" UFOs would never exist on this planet

  1. Why should Aliens care about us specifically? We are seriously not that important in the grand scheme of things
  2. We have no evidence of lifeforms intelligent enough to build spacecraft
  3. We have no evidence of lifeforms intelligent enough to build spacecraft fast enough to arrive here from a place that we weren't able to observe yet
  4. "Anyone capable of traveling interstellar distances would not be "captured" by us.
    It's like saying a caveman could capture an F-15" - quoting someone from a Reddit post about this bs story

I will actually human centipede myself if the stories about "aliens", that y'all want so much to be true, were true in the slightest.

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It falling apart would require it ever having built up. There was nothing to fall apart here.

All my homies use Hannah Montana Linux

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I can talk person to person with reasonable people. I do not find people reasonable that hate others for their skin color, their faith, or their identity, instead of hating them for their actions. I do not find people reasonable that want to exterminate those. I also do not find people reasonable that do not care about those being hated and death being wished upon them just because they are fiscally conservative .

My problem with "centrists" is that they're using the word to avoid consequences for the hatred they spew online. Those "centrists" claim to be centrists but the only issues they ever talk about are right-wing issues, 99% of the time the culture war that they wage. Just say you're republican and make it easy for me, I don't care if we agree or disagree on other issues at the current time, if you think that exterminating different people is okay you cannot convince me of anything anymore.

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Nicely done, very based indeed.

Something about a novel

Very good work everyone! I was a little too late this time but that was quick af!