2 Post – 168 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The problem is, not doing so is tantamount to treason to them. The election was stolen, this isn't the USA anymore. This is some deep state globalist conspiracy. They're so far gone that the only path forward is to threaten war and physical harm to others.

Imagine. Some deep state conspiracy and the best person they could put in power was Joe fuckin Biden...lmao

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This is a tactical retreat. Once the retreat is done, you'll see that while Russia has given up physical land, they'll have taken digital ownership of it via the smash-hit mobile game Atlas Earth, meaning Ukraine occupies the space, but Russia earns passive income from digital ownership.

Checkmate you dirty capitalist.

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The exact same thinking can be applied to the other side though. Guy says it's not an imminent threat, so we don't have to do anything right now. Worry about it next year. Which is arguably what's been happening for a long time now

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Tying his name to it seems like a bad idea. People opposed Obamacare because of the name; half the country gets off on hating Democrats mostly because of the color of the ticket. Calling it Bidenomics will only make it easier for the talking heads to shit on it.

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I and another dude modded a 30k+ sub. There were 5 mods, but the other 3 are basically gone at that point, and I was brought on because I was active in the community. We both left, and within a week users are complaining about the slacking mods and wondering why spam is getting through, why discussion threads aren't posted, etc.

We didn't do anything with the shutdown, as it wasn't "our" community to shut down. We were just brought on for workload reasons. But we're both gone now, and the cracks were showing immediately.

Sadly, I'm fairly certain it's literally just me in the equivalent fed community. Haven't seen any other subs, at least.

Texas isn't any kind of power when the temp drops below 40°

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Yeah, lot of people are upset that Bethesda released a Bethesda game.

"Why is this like Skyrim in space and not like completely different studios style?"

Well, probably because Bethesda made the game and not the other studio...

Same person

As previous student who was in school when cell phones blew up in usage, I wasn't not preoccupied by my phone because I had to keep it hidden. I was preoccupied with keeping it hidden so I could keep using it. Texting with T9 without looking was a breeze. The only thing that slowed my usage was the fact I only had like 500 texts a month allotted to me.

Making the kids hide it won't make them less distracted. They just become distracted by hiding the phone. I feel like you'd almost have to just ban phones entirely, which today is pretty impractical.

I don't think it is lol. It's a rally he and his proponents called for, organized, and sought supporters for, specifically to halt the election process. Whether or not it was successful doesn't matter; I'd still get charged for robbery whether I stole money or not. It was govt supported; it was his rally, the sitting president. To me, the point was for it to be violent and messy, preventing the legal counting of votes, and giving him time to build a legal case for martial law or some other two-ply defense while he called more AGs and state officials to grift for votes to be "found" or valid ballots thrown out.

Is what the meme says supportive of him? No. Is he aware of that? Seemingly no. Is it incorrect? Also no. And that's the funniest part. It's literally calling it a riot while the most prominent images are his name on a hat, a flag, etc. Who staged this riot? I wonder...

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Using technology to increase productivity counts as a tech company. Having an app counts as a tech company. Shits ridiculous

That's all well and good, but any kind of non-involvement only pushes us deeper into that system. One side sucks and cares about general human rights, the other side doesn't. One side attempted a coup, the other is largely pretty pissed about it. And unless something happens overnight that hasn't happened in the modern US, the winner is going to be D or R. One side will get us closer to bring able to get a better system, the other side would gladly make up election results and stay in power indefinitely a la Putin.

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I live in WV.

We ain't electing a D. Manchin was as good as it's gonna get here, and by all accounts he's pretty shit. It's a running joke that people call him Maserati Manchin cause he's only ever here in his Maserati, electing to live in DC on his houseboat.

70% of the time, they're different sizes. And if they aren't, then the little chip on them let's the printer know it isn't the correct cartridge.

If only it were so simple...

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It's all over in WV. The state that seceded from the Confederacy. And then when confronted they say it's their heritage.

Mother fucker, what heritage?

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Malarkey is a hell of a thing

I'll fight em. Despite being in WV, there aren't too many confrontational people here. And I'm in arguably the most liberal part, so I'm decently insulated from the crazies. People always say "liberals don't have guns", but it's more "liberals don't cosplay with their guns when they go to the store"...

This has to be at least partly because of the civil unrest. Seems to me like a certain ruling class is getting antsy about Frances past and proclivity to remove noggins...

I'd prefer to stop trying to win over unwinnable people. Whether they join or not, the problem exists. Climate change doesn't care that we may want to placate the more dense-skulled in society. The problem marches on whether they have changed sides or not.

The science is in, has been in, and continues to be in.

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Therein lies the problem.

I vote D basically straight ticket, because that's the only option I have in my state. But traditional Dems still only want us drifting so far left; corporate interests still stranglehold politics on both sides. Dems just have the decency to support general human rights while transferring wealth.

Yeah, I don't think your issue is with Mr Beast in this scenario lol

My thought too. Having every 3rd post be an ad gets old, and the realities of how shitty a platform it is will set in quick. Plus old.reddit is next. Many people in the browser still use that. The future of RES is also in question.

Can you imagine having to use new Reddit and not having RES? only thing that'll be missing is the popup that says to turn your ad blocker off...

When Manchin goes, he isn't getting replaced by a more left Dem. He is as left as the state is gonna go for some time. Trump had ~70% of the vote; even the most liberal county, Monongalia, still broke for Trump, and that's where WVU is.

Anyone who thinks the citizens here will vote for another Dem are delusional. He's staying in power because he was already there, simple as. He was an agreeable Dem because he would talk about coal lovingly and bitch about things people wanted him to bitch about. If/when he swaps to R, he's going further right or the people here will vote a better conservative in.

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I would have agreed 4 years ago, but idk about now. They've been increasingly "Oppo-fied" and I'm having more issues with my 8 Pro now on A14 than I did on A11. Camera apps not working, different keyboard issues, constant Bluetooth disconnects, apps opening and then insta-closing. It's frustrating AF.

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That is an extreme oversimplification of the issue. It would be way easier to support capitalism if the end result wasn't continued increasing concentration of wealth with a decreasing number of people. Maybe a better phrasing for the disdain people have is that we hate American capitalism. That encompasses not just the market, but the tax system and general financial landscape Americans have currently. It's the ability for companies to report record profits, announce layoffs, increase supply, and fight against wage increase and better benefits, all in the same breath, that creates the hatred people have right now.

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I disagree. I recently saw a video of someone saying "if the Bible said 1+1 is 3, I'd be finding ways to make the math work so that 1+1=3." How is anyone supposed to have discussions with someone who's views subsist in that mindset?

There are absolutely unwinnable people, to me. Additionally, they may be winnable, but we're on a clock, and we can't wait until it's done to decide to leave them behind.

I do agree that there are factors larger than them causing the issue, and that needs dealt with as well.

Are you looking for an answer to a question, or are you looking for a debate?

At any rate, reducing the utility of an item to what it's "lowest performance" should be to lower it's ability to harm for non-intended uses is asinine. Who sets the limits? Does a knife need to be razor sharp? I can cut a lot of things with a dull knife and some time. It would pose less danger to you if all knives I had access to were purposefully dull. To prevent me from procuring an overly sharp knife, make the material strong enough to cut foods, but brittle enough to not be one overly sharp. Knives, after all, we're made to stab, cut, and dissect a wide arrange of materials, flesh included. This specific design poses limitless danger to you, and needs to be considered when manufacturing these tools.

Guns are not majorly sold specifically to kill people, in the grand scheme of things. Hunting is probably the largest vector of volume gun sales in the US. How do you design a weapon that can be useful for hunting, but ineffective at killing a human? They all possess the innate ability to do so, but so does even the smallest pocket knife or kitchen knife.

I'm also a big gun control advocate, so I'm not defending anything I like. The failings of US gun control are squarely on the idea that everyone should possess a gun until they prove they shouldnt; it's reactive policy. Active gun control would limit who can possess a gun from the start to those that will only use it for "appropriate" reasons.

Apparently I'm going to be a bit of a dissenting opinion, but I think they're interesting as an option. The appeal of "as-stock-as-possible" Android on a mid-high range phone is where I land in what I want. It's why I had a 1+ 5T and now a 1+ 8Pro, but continued software and OS issues with their version of Android and just continued price climbing and parity with the shitty OPPO OS they are using has me searching elsewhere.

I left Samsung with the...Galaxy S3? I think? And have had no will to return to their bullshit. I had an LG Nexus 5x that bricked itself, which isn't a glowing review of the brand in my eyes. Pixel is the next closest competitor, but I don't care for camera power, so it's large selling point is way down on my priority list. Nothing is as good an option as any for what I am usually looking for, tho I may wait for this cycle to complete and see what Phone 3 looks like.

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That's my absolute biggest problem with this "young people want socialism" bit running around constantly. I've been paying into SS for almost 2 decades, and there hasn't been a single day that I've been able to think "even if I don't save $3mil for retirement as recommended, I know SS got me". I'm giving money away fully expecting to never get anything in return.

Socialism doesn't seem that bad when you are actively participating in it already. The tiny violins get real loud when it's also stated that the wealthy would be paying into a system they won't benefit from. Meanwhile I'm subsidizing every stupid ass Boomer in existence...

I mean, he did at first. Lmao and then (idk the order in which it happened) he flipped with his base to "vaccines will give you rabies and chemically castrate you" when they started coming out. He initially bragged about how fast he was helping companies develop the vaccine, then it came out and he decided to trash them

Idk if the Pride flag, something that inherently describes a large part of a person's identity and is a sign of community, is equatable to the Confederate flag.

It is part of no one's identity; no one alive was part of the confederacy. No one alive has parents in the confederacy. It is a sign of the Confederate States and their secession from the US over owning slaves; it is a sign of racism.

I can agree with that

I have no desire to continue trying to win over those people. There are absolutely still people to discuss these matters with. But we can't abide by the lowest common denominator.

This also ignores that shouting at someone in no way infringes on their ability to speak. It's just something they don't like to happen. Ironically, much like women going to abortion clinics and getting shouted down and harassed, simply based on their religious belief that abortion is wrong. But whew, let's not apply logic to their beliefs...

I don't know if he started it, but he was quoted as saying "Bidenomics is working", so he, at worst, is endorsing the name openly.

And yeah, but that sorta proves the point. Tying a Dems name to something is all it takes to mob it down; ignoring that it was incredibly similar to "Romneycare"

They have a tiered system where important NPCs can't die until conditions are satisfied, wonder if the condition to die was satisfied but dialog still got delivered?

Screenshot this and attach it as a request for citizenship exception.

Nope, just plain ol' hateful people here. Every single county went Trump in 2020, even the ones with large college and educated populations. Closest it got was Monongalia county were he only had 50-60% of the votes. If any county would be blue, it would have been Mon, but they couldn't win there either.

Eh, I'd say that's pretty good in context. Bethesda has, for the most part, put out very successful games. Bugs and Bethesda are pretty synonymous though, and that this is on the less buggy side is something to quell hot takes of "Bugfield" before people even touch it. And I think the embargo restricts deeper comments on the game, so these may he the only comments we get for a few more days.