Jazzy Vidalia

@Jazzy Vidalia@lemmy.blahaj.zone
0 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Baphomephit. It. ΘΔ&. b '84. Gen. Sec. of Antifa ☭ Gnostic Mystic. Absolute Mad-Lass.

Come throw 🔥 at me: https://t.me/jazzposting Check out my BBS: lunarpunk.town

Reddit is going to be a ghost town in a few months at this rate. If they wanted to push the website and app so hard, why not just make using a client a premium feature and charge for it? Give the users the option. Instead they had to go the worst route possible with this.

If I see a sign in a business whining about workers or people not wanting to work, I will straight up leave and go somewhere else. Tells me everything I need to know about how the owner treats their workers.

Because there isn't enough lithium in the entire solar system to actually support everyone using electric cars at least with current technology. Even with projected advancement this won't happen. We're going to need better batteries using different materials. We'll probably get to a point where renewables will supplant the current tech but it's going to be rough.

Also, it is very important to understand that we have probably been in the first stages of collapse for a while now. About 30 years. We just haven't really noticed because the rot is uneven and even as societies collapse they still often continue to progress for some time in various ways. It's just now becoming evident because it can no longer be ignored.

As for bikes, it won't be so bad. We're adaptable creature and we'll find a way to make it work. Cities will get denser and greener, but with less cars they will become quieter and more welcoming places. Public transit options will begin to become viable for the majority of people once again. There's some hope that necessity will help drive a better future. If there is one thing humans are good at, it is adapting to their conditions.

Thats because back then you got a paid lunch and in the 1990s companies stopped offering that and said it was a boon to workers because "you can leave the property for lunch" and other excuses like "liability" and such.

Now workers have to stay an extra hour and dont get paid for that time.

For the longest time, I avoided Reddit because of just how toxic it was becoming. This is really true of a lot of social networks. That's why I joined this instance (lemmy.blahaj.zone) because it doesn't have a downvote button, allows NSFW content for when I want it, and seems to have a friendly userbase. I was initially on Lemmygrad, but it really felt like an echo chamber and quite frankly I need a detox from "tankie" spaces.

I'm starting to realize the value in curating my spaces and paying attention to what I expose myself too. The last several years have been unbearable. Social media has put gasoline on a civilization that is on fire. It's been terrible for all of our well-being and mental health. And behind all of this are algorithms keeping us addicted and logged-on. What was once fun became an inescapable curse.

The thing is none of us are to blame for all this. Everyone was manipulated into it. But now we know we can at least try to do something about it. Independent and federated networks are part of that solution. Taking the social influence out of the hands of corporations who control what we see and manipulate our emotions so they can harvest and sell our data is key.

In the collapse of major social networks there is a silver lining—we have the ability to change the tide. This is a major opportunity for us and we should us it to make the Internet a better space. We all both need and deserve that.

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Rothbard is the reason we associate Libertarianism with the Right. He's the one that suggested calling themselves Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists. Before him, Libertarianism was a Socialist thing and had little to do with Capitalism.

Basically, modern Libertarians stole the term from the Left to re-brand themselves as something they weren't and to create this guise of pretending to care about people's liberty and freedom—which they also don't because Rothbard supported and advised Fascists and had no problem with slavery or indentured servitude.

The Right loves to steal and re-define terms used on the left.

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Exactly, parents will care when their children who received a Florida education are not competitive enough to compete in a capitalist environment. They'll realize this soon enough when their children haven't learned anything in school aside from propaganda.

Let them sacrifice their own children to Mammon. It is what they said they wanted, after all. Maybe this will be the wake up call they finally need. They wanted to "stop woke" and didn't realize it meant "stay asleep, plebs."

As someone who train-hooped out of Florida years ago, I fucking warned y'all and now it's happening. I knew this was the trajectory when Jeb Bush got elected in the 1990s and I was in middle school at the time!

I think when parents realize DeSantis just sentenced their kids to fighting to be menial wage slaves for the local corrupt petty bourgeois of every little shithole county while they have to attempt to convince professionals to move to their state they will regret all this and unfortunately the only way they will ever learn is by once again screwing themselves.

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The people that vote for the GOP would probably not give two shits about the kompromat. Were talking about a party of criminals, rapists, pedophiles, crooks, grifters, grafters, racketeers, and every other thing you can think of. If anything, their voters love it. They see hypocrisy as a display of power—a flex. It's a manner of "owning the libs." The only thing the kompromat would do is serve to embarrass and shame, assuming they still have any sense if shame. And if they have no shame, it is to their benefit to embrace and show it off.

We are dealing with a party that revels in wickedness. The only thing more powerful than kompromat is the words of the leader, the Orange Menace himself. If Donald Trump wanted to burn someone he'd just say something and his sycophants would believe it mostly without question.

Pretty sure there are still states in the US where a marriage liscense is basically just that. God I hate it here.

We're just getting started!

His not shutting up is going to be what breaks him. The trials are going to be very fun to watch. I can't wait to see this guy get dragged by the prosecution.

All fascist dictatorships included lots of rape. It is one of the defining social characteristics of authoritarian societies and was a present in the regimes of Mussolini and Hitler as well as their more modern counterparts such as the regimes of Saddam Hussein and ISIS.

These two things are really the same thing and are inseparable because it is always about power and the maintaining of authoritarian power dynamics. This is just what right-wingers do and have always done.

Too coherent and not enough rambling.

One of my all-time favorite Zelda games!

Al Capone didn't go to prison for operating a racket or any of the numerous murders he committed or was involved with. He went to prison for tax evasion. This might be the closest we get to him ever being held accountable and I'll take it. Hopefully the court understands this and gives him the maximum sentence knowing the context of his actions.

It's a bit disappointing, but that's just how things work.

Also, given that Trump has been comparing himself to Al Capone recently in his speeches, this is quite hilarious outcome.

It's poorly engineered and underwhelming. It's too big to handle properly.

There are people in literally advocating for it and their sycophants support it purely out of the sadistic urge to kill everyone they believe is unworthy of life. See Nick Fuentes, or even to a lesser extent people like Alex Jones who call their detractors traitors. They make it a point to call their opposition demonic and accuse them of witchcraft and blood libel.

They don't even have the 5 for $5 anymore either. You could get a milkshake, fries, and three roast beef and cheese sandwichs for $5.

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I wish we'd stop doing that at this point.

You're literally defending a political camp whose supporters raided the capitol. They don't deserve to have their ideas on the marketplace because not only did they lose, their reaction to losing was to attempt the overthrow of the government. Blocking and reporting you, you dimwitted fascist.

Reddit is going to be a ghost town in a few months at this rate. If they wanted to push the website and app so hard, why not just make using a client a premium feature and charge for it? Give the users the option. Instead they had to go the worst route possible with this.

That whole game is a vibe. It had a very nice aesthetic that made it fun to play.

That is the other end of this. No matter how absurd their beliefs are, they will believe them over the facts. No amount of numbers or data will convince them because they have already decided what is true and believe through faith. Republican voters are abusers, pure and simple. They will vote in the manner that maximizes their power and for them that means "parental rights" so they can abuse their own wives and children. It means removing abortion and forcing women to marry their rapists. It means discriminating against and throwing out queer folk in jail to make an example of them and scare others into "integrating" into their "culture" which is nothing more than a breeding program for extra workers.

The challenge is getting normal folks to see that the Republic ideal is a police state enforcing a theocratic breeding and political education program upon the masses and implementing it through the extreme violence against those who dissent.

This isn't conjecture: their biggest mouthpieces like Bannon, Steve Miller, Chris Rufo, Nick Fuentes, and others who form the ideological core of the "new" Republican parties not only admit it, but vocally advocate it. When they speak, may we should listen and believe it when they tell us who they really are.

The best thing we can do with parents like that is don't even bother to out them in a home. Let them work themselves to death or die on the streets. They get what they earn.

They are being "ran off" because they no longer hold muster and they refuse to provide any new ideas. This is how the marketplace of ideas work. Their ideas failed and are being rejected because they are unserious. Now they are demanding these ideas which have failed to be inserted back into the academic space by force.

If only there were other opinions and ideas we could discuss implementing other than "liberalism" and "conservatism" but academics won't let other ideas replace those in the marketplace because the failures are refusing the leave the square and are threatening violence if they don't get their way.

Don't both sides this. They weren't banned. They weren't mobbed. They lost and refused to leave.

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That's the entire Right. You cannot win them on the grounds of good-faith, truthfulness, or humanity because their politics is solely about power. Conservative politics are the politics of abusers—litterally everything they wish to "conserve" within society includimg "tradition" is their freedom and ability to abuse. That's it:

Family values is not about creating healthy families, it is about patriarchy and the right of the parents to abuse their children.

Defending the sanctity of marriage is about defining LGBTQ people out of legal rights and entitlements.

School choice is about controlling what ideas not just their children are exposed to but their neighbors as well.

Etc. Etc.

Every conservative position is a bad faith push to further their ability to control the lives others and their ideas deserve neither respect nor a platform.

But that is the whole point of this. These people making and advocating for this kind of stuff are abusers. The GOP is a pro-abuse party. We need to stop pretending otherwise. The goal is to enable abusers. When these people talk about "parental rights" that is what they mean. They believe they have a right to abuse their kids including starving them. They also believe that anyone who tries to assist their children—even so much as feeding them—is interfering with their right as a parent.

I know this because my step-dad was exactly of this type of mindset when I was a kid. They don't see children as having rights or dignity. They are just property of their parents with zero personage to them. Food insecurity even when the parents have the ability to feed their children is used as a form of control. "If you won't do as we say you won't eat" was very much a thing in my household and a lot of others I knew growing up.

Allowing free breakfast and lunch at school usurps their ability to use hunger and starvation as a punishment. I know it's dark but it's worth noting.

The orange skin thing isn't natural. He does that to himself. Oompah-Loompa has been a popular look for the American bourgeoisie for a while.

The GOP is not ideologically opposed to government, they believe the government's sole purpose is punishment, keeping people "in their place", and engaging in grafting / racketeering. They have no issue stealing our tax dollars for the purpose of giving them to the police, military, and business subsidies.

Hey! I know you!

The Torah is part of the Bible. The semantic is not necessary. Also even Jews use term Bible or Jewish Bible when speaking about it too sometimes, including well-respected Jewish theologians.

Most people know the Bible--or rather the Old Testament--is the Tanakh, usually with a reordering of scrolls.

"Hostile militaristic dictatorship" is just the United States. There's almost zero difference between the US and China in those regards. The only real difference is that Chinese citizens are actually being lifted out of poverty at a rate not seen at any point in history while the US is continuing to impoverish their citizens. Both of them spy on their citizens and have insanely racist cultures.

There's no moral difference between using TikTok and Facebook.