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Joined 1 years ago

I'm convinced that 80% of all these threads and the responses within them are astroturfing by Google to cause everyone to despair that Mozilla is no better than Google and that there will never be anything that could be developed to compete with Google if Mozilla went under.

There's just too goddamn many of them and they're all filled with the same negative comments. It's just like the "no way bro, I love paying for YouTube why you gotta have everything for free bro?" bullshit from a few months ago.

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It needed better talent. Thom Hartmann was the sole survivor because he's actually listenable. Randi Rhodes and Ron Reagan were just shit. But progressive talk can be done well. Stephanie Miller is hilarious when she has the right crew, but she has a penchant for self-owning. She gave us John Fugelsang, who is just brilliant.

“Adam Kinzinger farted on live TV and is an unemployed fraud,” the spokesperson said in a statement provided to The Independent.

This is the official response. You'd best start believing in Idiocracy, you're in one.

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We have a dramatic shortage of residential property. We have a dramatic oversupply of commercial property. IF ONLY THERE WAS A SOLUTION

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Wasn't the right poised to take it all in a landslide only just... checks notes - yesterday?

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I don't even have to think about clicking on that link to know with absolute certainty that Clarence Thomas isn't under any pressure whatsoever.

Their attention is your lifeblood, and you’re actively giving them reasons to look elsewhere.


My attention is all the currency YouTube will ever get from me - and it should be enough. If I post videos to YouTube (for nothing in return) and I talk to people about videos I saw on YouTube or link them to videos - then I am a net gain for Google and they should treat me as such. If anything, they should be working (nicely) to try to get me to want to pay (or view ads) and just be thankful I'm there if I don't pay (or view ads). Instead they've chosen to work at ensuring everyone is so goddamn pissed off at their bullshit that they'd rather make it their full-time job to never give them another dime. Good job, Google! Smart!

Edit: Oh look, half a dozen lectures about how Google has to make money somehow. Hi there YouTube shills, I thought I would see you here.

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So with this guy, it's always whatever the opposite of the truth is, down to the smallest detail. Not only does he know exactly what a fuckin' mugshot is, he practiced this mugshot, he obsessed about this mugshot - so naturally he has to throw in a detail while being interviewed about it - he never even heard of a mugshot before. His carefully practiced blue steel death stare was just off the cuff, because that's the kind of tough guy he is don't you know - not the bone-spur draft-dodging cowardly piece of shit kind.

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I'm not reading all that. I just need one answer from any suit at Mozilla: are you going to sell us out or not.

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What I can't figure is... who sits down and thinks "fuck Elon Musk and Twitter, I'm sick of this bullshit" and then follows that logic with "you know what I need more of in my life? Fuckin' FACEBOOK, yeah."

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That's fine and all but why so much? This stuff has 390mg caffeine, Red Bulls have 80mg. Such a weird thing for Panera of all places to do.

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The Supreme Court of the United States has decided that corporations are people and money is free speech.

We have become what Benjamin Franklin feared we would become. He could see the future:

“In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no form of government, but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and believe further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government.”

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Bold of you to insinuate any of them are capable of embarrassment.

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I am confused. I realize this is just a flag change not even a dev problem but PEBKAC, still - in the event of an actual bug, why wouldn't Microsoft have a dev contribute to the project and fix it instead of just opening a ticket?

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I'm getting "site unreachable" on old.

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I'll say it again: Google pays 5-year-old "influencers" millions of dollars. They have always harvested your data to provide these free services - selling ads was just icing. They still harvest your data and sell ads and they still make the same money they've always made - only now they are insisting that everyone watch ads or pay for it as well. And of course, eventually YouTube will insist that you watch ads and pay for it. This is the equivalent of "network decay" for streaming services. This is unreasonable and while there are exceptions to the rule, most people have the same reaction to what Google is doing here: surprise, and dismay, if not outright anger and disgust.

Yet every single thread about it on the Internet is utterly overflowing with people lecturing us about how we shouldn't expect something for nothing, as if we aren't fully aware that this is the most transparent of straw men. These people insist that we are the problem for daring to block ads - and further - that we should be thrilled to pay Google for this content, as they are. And they are! They just can't get enough of paying Google for YouTube! It's morally upright, it's the best experience available and money flows so freely for everyone these days, we should all be so lucky to be able to enjoy paying Google the way they do. And of course it's all so organic, these comments.

Suggest that Google pays people to engage this narrative, however, and you will be derided and downvoted into oblivion as if you were a tin-foil-hat wearing maniac. This comment itself is virtually guaranteed to be responded to with a patronizing sarcastic and 100% organic comment about how lol bruh everyone who disagrees with you must be a shill.

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What a coward. The country can go fuck itself, so just own up to it you pussy. But no no, he's all "my wife did it." So not only can we go fuck ourselves, we're also rock stupid.

Why would the Democrats do this?

This is incorrect. Medicare Advantage completely supplants regular Medicare, you sign away your right to be on regular Medicare and you cannot go back.

If there is a plausible scenario that involves him straight-up lying, not giving a single fuck and telling anyone who is asking that they can go fuck themselves - well, that's the explanation I would go with.

Precisely correct. This married woman - who wants more children and is a clear case for an exception - couldn't be allowed an exception, because the whores need to be made to suffer for their poor choices.

We can't be muddying the waters with all this "nuance." The whores are going to pay in the state of Texas, and that will be that.

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"Botched" implies that this was done by mistake. This wasn't done by mistake.

“I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and in the county at large. God had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.

When God parted the Red Sea, he allowed Moses and the Isrealites to cross, and he subsequently folded over the waters and killed everyone else present. This man believes this is an apt metaphor for what is about to happen in America.

The religious aspect is utter bullshit, of course. I'd like to think the on-the-ground reality won't match up with his fantasy either. Sure hope everyone watching this jackass is taking notes.

I bet Kristi Noem wouldn't have stood for this.

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Name one nasty lie you sack of shit.

Nope, been playing it for a couple days now. It's just the same as it ever was. The web port itself is seamless (been playing on Firefox with a 10-year-old Macbook), but the game has a clunky, PITA UI.

It's kinda maddening in that no matter how well you clear every level, your character is likely to stall at some point and you'll have to start over. For anybody who doesn't know, you can start the game over again using the same character and re-loot the same levels; they don't respawn once you clear them otherwise. In this way you can continually train up your character to make it further into the dungeon. At first it seems like this was a mistake, but then it seems that it actually was a design decision. It was the first of its kind, so it gets a pass I suppose.

The shopkeepers inventory also does not cycle until you buy something and then that slot refills. So whatever you've got is what you've got. Unlike most of the games that came after, you are actually somewhat dependent on the shopkeepers for decent gear.

That said, it's still fun. Really fun. It's not hard to see why it started something.

It's too lucrative to die completely, somebody will always be there to take it up.

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Memes won't change what will happen. He will get a stay from an appeals court, they will reduce the bond to a fraction of what it was and he will pay it and suffer almost no consequences

Edit: oh hey, I can predict the future would you look at that

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Every one of these people:

I don't understand why the usually hawkish Republicans don't see this.

You seriously think they don't see it? They're all either fully compromised or largely funded by Russia. These people aren't well-meaning citizens doing their best for America, they are fully loyal to Russia and all of this is a part of Russia's well-understood and plainly stated plan.

This baffles me. That anyone would idolize Nazism is baffling, but particularly Russians. I mean does nobody remember Stalingrad?

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This looks like a great game, but "can we do this? Is this even possible?" I mean Super Paper Mario did it in 2007.

This is going to sound like hyperbole, but this thing changed my life and I always love it when I get a chance to share it with somebody. It requires no electricity, it has no moving parts and in the 11 years I've been using one, it's never broken. I give you: Omega Paw.

It requires clumping cat litter, so if you use that you're golden. When it's time to clean, you roll it - and as you roll, the loose litter flows through a grate, but the clumps and waste stay on top of the grate. As you continue to roll it, the waste falls to the ceiling. When you roll it back, the waste all falls into the drawer, which you pull out and dump. Cleaning the litter box takes literally 10 seconds. It's awesome.

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I keep hearing about these 'consequences' of which people speak, but I have yet to directly observe any.

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low quality posts

You're being charitable, imo. USENET was plagued by a seemingly never-ending parade of mentally ill savants who lived to post, lived to troll and lived to avoid killfiles. It made it deeply unpleasant.

I see in the AMA they're discussing moderated newsgroups, I never saw any in my day but frankly, moderation is often worse. Reddit had, I think, the most workable idea of them all, community policing and hiding content beneath a threshold. The unfortunate corporate reality of Reddit begat Lemmy and here we are now.

With Lemmy and the Fediverse, I don't see USENET as being in any way relevant, other than its continuing role as a solid resource for above-average pirates. I don't miss it even a little bit, it was utter rubbish by the end.

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Florida Supreme Court justices have personal ties to abortion, Disney. Should they recuse themselves?


Despite their personal ties, Florida’s judicial ethics code doesn’t require those justices to step aside, said Bob Jarvis, a law professor at Nova Southeastern University.

There's literally nothing else to be said about the subject.

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I find it difficult to believe he didn't know this was possible. It's far more likely that it's not even slightly shocking to him that it's possible.

What's shocking to him, I think, is that it appeared in this feed.

Nevermind who made it - though if they get found out, I'd imagine they're window-fodder for sure. In reality, the people who facilitated this whole setup should be concerned. In his mind, this had no place being here, it wasn't funny in the slightest, and there will be hell to pay.

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I don't think this will matter at all. The first instance that brands themselves as "we only federate with instances that exclude all relationships with Meta," that's the instance I will be in and all the people who I want to hang around will be there also. Federating with Meta will be like holding a flashing neon sign that says "stay away from me."

I don't want anything to do with Reddit anymore and I haven't had anything to do with Twitter or Facebook for more than 10 years - and all for similar reasons. Huge groups of people brought together by money are fucking poison.

This does not appear to be the case:

"No: any type of freezing — commercial or in your home freezer — does not kill these bacteria. If you are at high risk, do not eat shellfish iced or "on the half shell." Only thorough cooking — boiling, heavy steaming, frying, broiling or baking — will kill Vibrio vulnificus."