
@OctopusKurwa @lemm.ee
9 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Meanwhile Trump sold people like Lil Wayne pardons for 2 million quid a pop and sprung Roger Stone and Paul Manafort.

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I spent fucking years screaming into the void about that cesspit

I for one welcome our trans communist overlords

You should. I printed out a screenshot when I got blocked by Rudy Giuliani on Twitter lol

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We recognise tyranny when we see it and have a lot solidarity with people living under an oppressive regime that hates them.

I completely agree but I would just like to point out that Glenn Greenwald is also a massive shithead.

Doing a great job at committing genocide

"A kind of Fable - Black and White - Dungeon Keeper kind of experience"

Three remarkably different games there. Ol lyin Pete just wanted to mention the greatest hits to drum up interest in his nft nonsense.

Reagan was a fucking hateful monster who was responsible for so many of the evils that still plague America today.

Killing the fairness doctrine and the Mental Health Systems Act to name just a couple.

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You came up in here with your irrelevant pedantry and you call other people toxic.

Nobody gives a fuck how you spell nationalize you gobshite

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This is about hiding money from his victims 100%

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Tell kids about gay people


You can't convince me this fucker isn't back on the crack.

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If you think morphine is comparably dangerous to cannabis then you're nuts.

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Yeah but a guy with a Stalin pfp told me Ukrainians are the real Nazis /s

Or whoreson if you want to go a bit Shakespeare.

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I mostly lurked on Reddit too but I've been trying to engage with this place as much as possible in order to help it grow.

Long may it continue. I haven't felt this optimistic about something in ages


Bottom right works for "balding right wing con man" too

I'm not one of these people that thinks it cures cancer or anything. But comparing it to morphine just muddys the waters.

It is absolutely safe enough to be recreationally legal. Morphine is not.

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They've been using meat grinder tactics since the Winter War and aren't about to stop now.

Spez did say Musk's Twitter was something to be admired and emulated lol

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It really is remarkable how fucking awful he is

Thank Newt Gingich

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Funny how they offered no examples of these "reasonable" arguments.

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Congratulations you added nothing to the conversation and you were a prick about it.

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The loss of Ken Rolston and Kirkbride and the rise of Emil Pagliarulo is what fucked the elder scrolls writing.

You shouldn't hand your big epic fantasy world to a guy who couldn't give a fuck about the lore or stepping on the toes of other writers.

For real I absolutely cannot wait to see what unhinged nonsense he incriminates himself with.

I'm hoping for a full on Mike Pillow symposium.

I've never wanted to watch something that doesn't exist so badly.

I for one am extremely grateful

Oblivion is pure comfort food to me. Sure it's a broken mess to the point where it's best not level up, but it just has this serene vibe to it.

Holy moly a half gig of beans

Threw up in my mouth a bit 👎

Quick is a pretty cool surname.

Some of the sayings in the gospel of Thomas are so strange.

"Jesus said, "Lucky is the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And foul is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion still will become human."

Lol the fuck does that mean?

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The Republican party has been pandering to nutcases for votes for a long time now. John Birch society, Evangelicals, tea party and now Maga.

Not too surprising seeing as Arkansas elected this goobers goober dad too.

Trump admitted to using tax loopholes because he's a fucking moron who can't help but incriminate himself.

Finally got this human centipede of content up and running.