
1 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Correct, they do in fact do those things. What were you trying to say?

That's a pretty dumb saying, where did you hear that?

Do you plan on answering the actual questions they've been asking you at some point or are you going to keep answering stuff they didn't ask?

Almost all TV media is left wing. Most online media is left wing. Social media is left wing.

Literally none of this is true. The only universe this is true in is the one where anything left of fascism is "left wing."

As in because the pendulum swings from the far left to the far right? Or were you just mistakenly conflating those two completely opposite political theories?

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She was also not a web designer lol. Insane ruling by the SCOTUS, totally ignoring standing. Same issue with the student debt relief overturning. This court does not care about standing at all and is willing to throw out that most basic principle of law for the purpose of their judicial activism.

An easy way to pick out racists in the modern day is if they just casually call black people "blacks." It seems to be one of the words that, although it's not used by non-racists, hasn't been phased out by some of the less explicit racists yet in the way "colored people" has.

This couldn't be a more astroturfed comment if it tried. This reads like it came directly from the mouth of Steve Bannon.

Mary Miller comes to mind. Illinois Nazis man.

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Dore hasn't been a leftist in a long while, but he's probably endorsing him because Dore and RFK are both massive anti-vax conspiracy theorists.

The movie was definitely woke in the traditional meaning of the word before conservatives tried (and failed) to change it. Not only was it a very feminist movie, they also took specific aim at Citizens United and capitalism broadly, which makes it a squarely, unambiguously left-leaning movie.

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That's cool, you should specify from the onset that your experience comes from a place outside of the actual country where the "woke" culture war originated and is mainly happening, and you should still link stats to demonstrate that the majority of people there have a misunderstanding of what the word means like you claimed. Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, and most people in the country driving the "woke" culture war still know what the word means.

Voting blue in specific locations in Colorado will actually do things. If 600 people from FL moved to Boebert's district and voted blue in 2022 she'd be out of the House. Do that in a couple of districts across the country and Dems would control Congress and be able to actually pass policy again. People can move to blue states and still have an impact; the Presidency isn't the only thing that matters.

For real, the state is saved by having Chicago in it, otherwise it'd be as much of a shithole state as the surrounding ones.

No it doesn't. It means the same thing to most people that it has always meant.


The right just has so much insane propaganda about it that you've been convinced most people fell for it, which they haven't.

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Is there a timeline on when Wisconsin possibly becomes something resembling a democracy again thanks to their new Supreme Court though?


They certainly adopt rhetoric from the left which helps them get elected, then enact exclusively right-wing policies when they actually have power, sure. Fascists usually use populist rhetoric to get into power but then they never do anything to actually reduce inequality (because that would be the opposite of fascism).

For real, this is one of the very few things right-wingers are correct about. Of course they're correct because they're hawkish on China rather than because it's bad to let authoritarian countries have literal spyware on the devices of your citizens, but something something broken clocks. That being said, I think a carve out for universities studying media would make sense at least, but hopefully the whole thing doesn't get overturned.

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Oh jeez, people are still doing lab leak conspiracy theories? Maybe someday we'll have evidence of that and the years of conspiracies will finally pay off.

I don't have anywhere close to enough time to actually be the person who starts and moderates communities. If enough people start them and start participating in them then I'll start participating again, but "be the change" only works when people have free time to do it. I would love for Lemmy to take off, don't get me wrong, but all I was saying is that it hasn't yet and the claim people try to make here that it's already good enough to replace Reddit is pure cope.

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Chill out, I never said it did.

I'm not sure how to do spoilers so spoiler warning for anyone reading.

That isn't how the Ken revolution ends. It ends by saying that they will eventually get as much rights as women have in the real world, again emphasizing the fact that women do not have equal rights or opportunities to men and that society should fix that (which is the literal definition of woke). It ends by saying "progress is being made, will continue to be made, and ought to continue to be made" not by maintaining the status quo. It seems like you missed just a few extremely crucial lines in the movie and that led you to this wrong conclusion that the movie is somehow not woke or not leftist, which it undeniably is.

Unfortunately I still have to use Reddit for D&D stuff, otherwise I'd be able to switch more easily. Also the subreddits I used to be able to browse for hours just don't exist here so I can only basically get on Lemmy for maybe 5 minutes at a time before I'm bored and have to close it. Maybe it'll continue to grow and get better in the future; here's hoping.

I didn't say you did? Weird response.

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Lemmy doesn't have nearly enough people to be worth using as the only platform people are on unless you never engaged with any niche subreddits. I was pretty active on subs where only like 100 people participated, so finding things like that on Lemmy are impossible. Lemmy is only decent for tech people at this point, it needs to get a tremendous amount of extra people joining to be good enough for anyone else to drop Reddit entirely. And even then, lots of info exists on Reddit and nowhere else that still make it a useful tool for other purposes.

Sorry I just don't buy that a large portion of people are already using Lemmy and nothing else (you might be, idk) unless they only care about memes of beans and nothing else.

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You could try reading a comment before replying to it next time. Assuming you replied to the right comment, which might not be the case.