
9 Post – 391 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Also zeppo@lemmy.world. Not a lot of Zeppos out here.

This is splendid. 100% fuck DoorDash and UberEats.

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He claims it isn’t true, but they did a $250k settlement with her. Hmmm.

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His ex-wife Ivana said in their divorce hearings that he kept Mein Kampf on his bedside table. Very believable, but perhaps he had it just as a token since I'm not convinced he can really read.

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This guy throws away one of the most famous brands in the entire world and then says "uh, it's the Jews!". Out of all the incredibly stupid things he has said, I still find "And soon we shall bid adieu to the twitter brand and, gradually, all the birds." especially irritating.

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auto-bans like that are so dumb because it could be I went into some not-allowed sub and said "wow, this sucks, everyone here is a deluded idiot" and then you get banned from some other sub for "participating" in the Bad one.

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On X, formerly Twitter, he wrote: "My deepest hope is that Americans of all political persuasions can unite and agree that: 1. Jesus Christ is Lord 2. Satan is evil."

Uh, no dork, we're not going to do that.

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I guess this is based on the idea that iPhones are expensive or exclusive? Or rather, some people think that iPhone owners think they're elite for having what is actually the most common phone in the US? They haven't been the most expensive phones on the market for at least 7 years.

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"We're" not falling for anything. The people supporting him now approve of what he did.

Splendid. About time some of these conservative fucking psychos were forcibly told to just shut up with their constant hate and violent bullshit.

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The UK now? Splendid. It was otherwise not a great day for me but things are looking up.

What a ridiculous idea. Proving that wifi exists in a polling station means nothing, and gathering the info from people’s phones is definitely a privacy violation in a vote setting. This psycho and his devices should not be allowed anywhere near where people vote in any state.

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This prick has become on of the most dangerous people in the country. He’s eager to agree with any senseless right wing conspiracy theory and boosts them on his platform, responding with very thought-free one word replies like “yup”, “exactly”, “concerning” or “!!”. It doesn’t seem like he has the mental power or any desire to assess whether some claims are true, such as his assertion to Don Lemon that undocumented people being counted on the census unfairly boosted the representation numbers for California - totally ignoring that the same would be true for Texas and Florida, as if no immigrants live in “red” states. Same with the “Democrats are mass-importing voters!!”. I don’t think he even cares if this tripe is true, as long as he gets to slam Democrats and rile up conservatives. The panic he’s trying to inspire with the “illegals voting!!” BS is predicated on the assumption that immigrants would all vote for democrats, which isn’t even true.

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Oh, so that’s how she’s intentionally fucking it up.

I agree! I've been wasting time on reddit since 2008 or so, to the point that now and then I'd block it on my router to avoid going there from habit. Not all bad of course, but it's been increasingly futile and counterproductive in the past few years.

I've never used third party apps, but I stopped going there when it became clear the management has zero respect for the userbase.

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Ah, they guy who tried to get Paypal to switch to running on Windows strikes again.

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Good summary of the issues. I've been fairly disappointed with what a lot of people think the AI text generators are good for - replacement for search engines, magic oracle that can tell you any fact, something to write legal briefs. And the people who generate documents and then don't even proof read or fact checking them before using them for something important... Some uses are good, like basic code generation for programming tasks, but many are just silly.

The instances where some professor with zero clue about how AI text generation works or the issues you outline here has told a student "My AI detector said this was generated!" have been absurd, like one professor with obvious serious misunderstandings told a student "I asked ChatGPT if it wrote this and it said yes."

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I truly hate those 'unusual fruit or vegetable or body part' ads. It's as bad as browsing fuckin /b.

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What I find interesting is when landlords talk to each other, it’s “passive income!” but when they talk to the public, it’s so much work, and they’re providing housing to people out of altruism.

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How else would one interpret it?

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It’s just a slightly poor headline. The article says

the AG alleged that Trump’s net worth in any given year between 2011 and 2021 was overstated by $1.9 billion to $3.6 billion.

You could subscribe to what you do want, and browse Subscribed

Military would be a great place to start looking.

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arranging gooning meetups


“Gooning is a flow state: an extended edging session marked by mindlessness, loss of control, and total surrender,”

I had to stop reading this shit. I can’t believe there’s an article about it. I guess 404 can go ahead and go bankrupt, fuck off.

Edit, to be fair, it was a quote from a Vice article.

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We called it static.

So… just subscribe to the ones you like and only browse Subscribed. Probably easier to do a whitelist than a blacklist since apparently you hate 80% of the content here.

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“Sea creature” makes it sound so mysterious when it’s really just a sperm whale.

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Two queens? Black can't lose.

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Growing up and never going there I always thought Hooters waitresses were topless. When I found out they weren’t, the whole thing actually sounded more pervy to me.

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Well, let's see what the ToS says. sh.itjust.works here.




His voters are a disgrace. Imagine listening to this degenerate jerk whine and ramble and flatter himself and lie and bully people and think “oh yeah, I want this guy in charge”.

He’s targeted young men with his message of materialism and misogyny.

How horrible that they have this 39 year old ideologue for a statewide superintendent.

Have you tried changing your default search to something else?

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It doesn’t transmit the data; it supposedly stores it locally. The issue is it’s a huge convenient plaintext trove of information if the system is compromised.

Yeah, when they wouldn’t even enter a closet locked with a bathroom knob. Total assault, massively violent “raid”.

Obviously, disgusting behavior without a shred of ethics. My only question is why or how it worked… Hyperloop is one of the absolute stupidest ideas I’ve ever heard of. It’s literally something I imagined when I was 6 years old. When I was going to sleep, I’d imagine that I could drop down under my bed into a tunnel with a wooden car that would take me to my friends’ houses. Just like Elron Musk, I never pondered safety, as in what would happen if my magic car broke down or started on fire.

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if you aren't happy with my answer,

whose answer? It’s unprofessional to talk in the first person on a company account without a signature or byline telling you who the speaker is.

Even better is when they destroy a bunch of virgin land to make a course when courses are already overbuilt in the area, then close it.

I lived in a city that had a mayor who was elected to a few terms and was going on 10-11 years in office. An out-of-state developer wanted to turn 400 acres of old growth forest by Lake Superior into a golf course, spending about 25 million. For some reason he made this basically the only thing he tried to get to happen in his last 2 years in office. This was also at a time when a lot of courses were struggling or closing because they had built too many in the early 2000s.

Many people were opposed to it but the usual sort of people thought it was great because 'wow someone is spending money'. One fairly dim guy I knew who worked in construction said "YEAH. Do you know how many jobs that will make??". The problem is they were going to hire a bunch of people to build it, which would take about 6 months, and then the permanent positions at the course were going to be like 6 people. Finally, they didn't do it, the mayor left office, and basically nobody ever talked about it again.

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Considering that Big Tech’s thing lately is “were going to fire 12,000 people and shunt their work onto other employees for no reason but to raise our stock price”, I’m a bit skeptical.

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Very inspiring. One objection, though… he’s not really a founder of Tesla. He bought his way in and made them accept a clause that he could say he was a founder, then pushed out the actual founders.

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