
0 Post – 12 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Give us an option to block memes as well then, my biggest issue with Lemmy is the tsunami of terrible and practically unavoidable memes. I don't ever see sports content, rarely see NSFW content, there is a fair amount of Elon spam, but really the worst are the memes. Even doing my best to hide the meme communities they are unavoidable.

4 more...

Well guess I won't be "renting" any games from them then. If I buy something it means I own it, in perpetuity. In fact I'm fairly certain Europe has laws against this, though Ubisoft will probably just have to pay a "fine" that is more a gentle slap on the wrist. We need to stop fining these companies, it does not stop them from breaking the law repeatedly. Stop arresting pirates, start arresting CEO's.

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Discord went the way of Skype, it's just a bloated fustercluck now. I don't use it often, just once a month or so to keep up with a group of old friends, and every time I fire it up it has a new update bringing features I don't give a rats ass about.

I find the motion sensing and gps tracking to be the creepiest. Using motion sensing they can know when you put your phone down and pick it up, if it was screen down or face up, and knows when you are walking, running, driving, etc. Combined with GPS it can be used to pretty accurately judge when you wake up, where you go, and how you get there. Lots of apps also don't "close" when you swipe it away, they continue running in the background, so if you have the setting "only collect data when using the app" it will still collect data until you close it in the background or force stop it.

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Been using Windows since XP, watched it get worse with every iteration while getting a shiny new exterior. Was finally forced from Windows 7 to Windows 10 a few years ago and the day Windows tries to foist 11 on me is the day I go fully down the Linux rabbit hole.

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I think it's time we call and treat Trump for what he is; a dangerous cult leader. He leads a group of people who act like a cult, dress like a cult, and quack like a cult. They have their own cult news websites and social media outlets, and their cancer is spreading through republican rank and file. Nothing about it should be legal, it radicalizes innocent people and increases the chance of violent encounters in public spaces.

Trump needs to be locked up before he starts a civil war, which is probably his goal tbh.

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Respect, Lemmy, respect.

If we could get something to organize/manage our lemmy communities (sublemmies?) at the top like subreddits that would be fantastic. Given the great work your team is doing it's probably already in the works. Thanks to you I've just about completed excising Reddit from my life, just need lemmy topics to start popping up in search engines and to pull in some more diaspora to flesh out the communities.

I hope both Reddit and Twitter go the way of Myspace, we humans deserve better than to be treated like digital chattel being milked for money and data.

We can take it further... Light comes from the heavens, the domain of the lord almighty. Oil comes from the depths of hell on earth, domain of the devil. Do the right thing Christians, just like you always have, support the anti-devil white people solar power alliance.

I still use both, I'll pop on Lemmy at the start and end of a day to see what is going on, but still use Reddit just because it has so much more content. Plus it's the "home" of several manga communities I can't find anywhere else except Discord, and I'm not a fan of Discord anymore due to the Skype-esque bloat. I did however delete all my comments and relegate my account to purely lurking status, nor do I upvote or downvote anything on Reddit as well.

What a strange business decision, especially given their comment about wanting to convert as many switch users to the next console as possible. On one hand this makes Nintendo look incredibly greedy, not at all a good look. On the other I feel this has to be done based on user data from the Switch right? Surely they are going by the data showing OLED sales were low and more users prefer to play docked... Right? RIGHT Nintendo? Personally I just find it annoying, I picked up my switch 6 months before they announced the OLED version, and got mildly screwed out of a slightly improved experience. NOT this time though Nintendo, I'll just bloody wait. I don't consider myself a particularly unusual person either, if I'm willing to wait for the "pro" version then I imagine many others will too. Perhaps Nintendo intends to split the docked and undocked consoles, focusing more on a "docked" Switch edition that has a worse screen, and a portable Switch with a better screen etc. Sort of like the way they split the 3DS with the 2DS, then again Nintendo has done the "two console" thing for a long long time, OG Gameboy Advance and the SP, DS and DS Lite, 3DS and DS, they even did the Wii and the WiiU, Switch and Switch OLED... So I guess actually it makes perfect sense they would screw their customers for some extra moolah, sigh.