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Joined 1 years ago

I'd never say no to a redberry pie.

I do not understand why it is so common for police in this country to stand in front of a car and then shoot the driver when the car moves. It's a manufactured danger and really does not seem like a smart idea to use your weapon to put a corpse in control of a heavy machine.

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No jackets. My school was using a wing of a building under construction as additional classrooms and you had to take a bus from the main building. In the winter you could not wear or carry your jacket around prior to your class in this building, so you had to spend your passing time visiting your locker to pick up your jacket and hope you make it to the bus in time to not be late to your class. The school was not small so I was frequently late or didn't wear a jacket.

The Dems have ran non ideal status quo candidates for so long it becomes fatiguing so people stay home or write in Snoop Dogg.

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There is a weekly Q/MAGA/Stop The Steal/Unmask our Children/Stop Groomers demonstration on a street corner near me and it's insane. They recently put up a BAN PORN sign. These freaks want to take away my JO material. I thought this was America.

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People know posting there won't get any engagement or discussion because it's annoying to sift through the posts in the megathread talking about the megathread.

The NHL put computer graphic advertisements on the boards and it has nearly ruined the sport for me. There are some bootleg streams that have a broadcast without the advertisements but most of them I find have the ads. Flashing shit. Cars driving down the boards. Animated logos. It's insane what the NHL decided to do with their broadcast product.

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This slime funded efforts to revoke another human's civil rights. That is not opinion.

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Do you guys still play block dude on the Texas Instruments calculators?

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You are supposed to say "questionmark".

I don't think a billionaire "coastal elite" could ever be described as an outsider or not part of the establishment.

I'm cooking a pork roast to eat this week and I'm going to a concert next week. I also just bought a 15 pack of beer. Amazing things happening over here.

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I'm really enjoying the relative lack of content and what feels like an absence of astroturfing or bot content and votes. Way less dillholes and the interactions I see are generally meaningful and kind. I'm slowly building my subscription list of communities and can check in on top posts for the day in the morning and evening. I really felt a compulsion to read most of the posts for the day on my few favorite subreddits (mostly picture based so lots of cool shit to look at and get inspired by). I have those communities set up in an RSS feed for when I'm looking to scroll through stuff.

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There are certanly a lot of very not nice places in the city. You probably don't want to be walking around them after midnight, but there is also no reason to be in these places at night as a visitor.

The downtown area is relatively safe (some recent gun clown activity in nightlife areas but it's the USA after all) and populated.

The city has come a long way since the bankruptcy in 2013. It had been struggling for decades before this too. Industry and population leaving the city for the suburbs. The stereotype comes from this and it's hard to move on from because the city stil hasn't even though it's made some big steps.

It's not a perfect city but having basic street smarts you would use in any other city will keep you out of trouble.

This is a new found perspective I've been trying to act on and it keeps me "happy" in the sense of being content. SSRIs helped me come out of a dark place and find that baseline and appreciate that what I have is just fine. I've been off them for a good 4-5 months now and have been able to keep acting on this perspective. Reducing the amount I drink and smoke has also really helped me stay at baseline. I was not consuming these things with my best interest in mind. I am better off only having these things in my home for special events.

I've got my little place to live, my cat, my little hobbies, and I go on my daily little walk. That's just fine and enough to be content. I'm comfortable and don't need much more. I don't really need to search for bliss all the time. I'll save that for a concert, food festival, hanging out with good friends, playing a new game, etc.

I got fried kayaking over the weekend so I'm staying in the shade this week. Trip lasted longer than I expected and the sunscreen got washed off when we had to portage. Going to get some cleaning done while I'm out of service. Probably going to watch The Prestige while rubbing aloe on my legs.

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Ate some acid in the freshman dorms at university. Dorm room was like 250 sq ft. Ended up walking around town for hours while out of my fucking mind and somehow did not get lost or robbed and made it home for a hot shower.

Great experience looking back on it, but probably not one of my better choices.

I am technical writer and was doing some writing where the standard was to NOT use the Oxford comma and it drove me insane. It took like 6 months to unlearn using it.

Not having access to publicfreakouts here has probably improved my health. One community I wish was stronger here is idiotsincars. The only subreddits I still read are askcarsales, justrolledintotheshop, and idiotsincars because I do not see them moving to a different platform anytime soon. I don't mind them being on reddit because they are good communities. Kind of stinks though because I don't participate there anymore. I still check them once or twice a day like I am trying to do with Lemmy to reduce my exposure to bullshit.

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The fairy should come dancing by soon, right?

Netflix just fucking sucks now. It has killed me off it's service. We have been subscribed since 2012 and I'll occasionally search something I don't have on my home media server and the search will autocomplete what I'm typing, but not actually show the content I want. It will display some other related garbage. I can't imagine paying monthly and suffering through ads for this experience.

Coney island

OSRS high level PvM or deep wild pking.

I'm seeing a technical death metal and brutal death metal show at a tiny venue that has 90s WWE on the bar TV and serves $3 beers. The kind of place where you are 2 feet from the musicians. Defeated Sanity from Germany and Stabbing from Texas are at the top of the bill. Two others at the bottom I have not heard yet.

12-18oz of black coffee, a fried egg over last night's leftover rice or a packet of instant oatmeal. I eat very early so I'm hungry again around 10:30 so I have a Second Breakfast. Usually some canned fish since I find it pretty satisfying and because it can easily be prepared different ways. Usually "Mediterranean" sardines over chopped onions, herring over hopped giardiniera, or the classic plain sardines on hot buttered toast with hot sauce.

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Small cars today are huge. I am also 6'4'' and drive a Mk7 Golf. There is more than enough room to get comfortable. Much bigger than my Mk4 from 15 years ago.

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I use it after cleaning the impeller on my aquarium filters. They naturally collect goop around the magnet bit of the impeller which makes them quiet, but eventually there will be too much goop and they stop spinning or make a horrible racket. If you clean it off all the way it will buzz and rattle for a while. A big blob of vaseline will quiet it down until the goop builds back up.

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I just went from a 3570k to a 12600k and will run this 1080 till it can't run no more.

This game is insanely good. The different ways you can engage in and approach combat makes this really fun just to fuck around in and kill hiss guys.

I'll never be interested in shorts type videos and would like the general view 30 day removal of shorts to also apply to the subscription view. It seems like bad design to only have the removal apply to the general view.

It's probably in his interest to stop pulling dick moves. Sometimes you shouldn't do things that you are able to do.

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It's a good idea to change your oil every 12 months even if you don't reach the mileage for the maintenance interval. The heat cycles from the engine creates condensation in the engine and the water reacts with the petroleum in the oil and produces some not nice stuff. I haven't been reaching my interval but my car will still beep at me 30 days before the last oil monitor reset.

Can you post what's on the label of the cap? I think that will help tell us who made the item. I couldn't find anything searching the number on the board with the company name on the plastic.

Since it says Marines, I'm thinking this is some novelty item that might play Sousa's Semper Fidelis.

Ergo Proxy

Check out Dracula 3000 if you are looking to laugh at a vampire horror movie featuring Coolio in space.

Individuals are eatin beans.

Where is the part where that matters in the slightest.

You are proposing that, in justification of the dick move, this user is "no doubt" squatting or obtained the username maliciously when that isn't the case based on the third paragraph of the article and other interviews with the original registrant of the handle. I don't really think that's a good faith discussion.

Regarding your second sentence, I don't disagree but at I'm also not trying to make a point beyond my first reply of "sometimes you shouldn’t do things that you are able to do".

Most of my Reddit commenting was done on threads for people looking for advice in one of my hobbies. I generally had a good experience giving feedback here since most people in the subreddit were level headed. Sometimes you got the occasional asshole parroting the usual online "best way to do something" that goes against some people's actual real life experience that is being shared.

I didn't really make any meaningful (non joke) comments outside of this subreddit since I didn't feel like getting some dick in my notifications trying to start a fight over whatever I posted. Sometimes I didn't mind battling the dicks in the hobby subreddit since people lurking can actually learn or get a different perspective from "No, you shouldn't take what's in a listicle as fact. Here is my experience with this."

Golf Mk1 or Scirocco Mk2

My relative lived in the bush with their cats for like 40 years without internet. I'm not sure they had ever used it before or even knew how to, so I think that made it easier. Just had a land line and antenna TV.

Moved back and had a hard time figuring out why the doctors wanted to contact by email. Figured out how to use GPS via Android Auto pretty quickly. Internet shopping wasn't mastered.