How's your week going? to – 94 points –

Keeping the weekly post warm until @alyaza comes back 🙂

What's everyone been up to? Any plans for the weekend?


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I got fried kayaking over the weekend so I'm staying in the shade this week. Trip lasted longer than I expected and the sunscreen got washed off when we had to portage. Going to get some cleaning done while I'm out of service. Probably going to watch The Prestige while rubbing aloe on my legs.

i feel you, i burn way easy. last time i even applied sunscreen and didn’t even go swimming or anything :/ no clue if i just have to remember to reapply it or what, but it’s a total pain haha. hope you’re feeling better soon!

I am fanatical about applying sunscreen when I'm outside which sucks cause the one time I wasn't an insane person I got cooked. On the boat I always wear a UV shirt, brimmed hat, and gloves to ensure my hands don't get sunburned because that would be the worst. I have an open deck kayak and was sitting cross legged most of the time so I have a really interesting sunburn pattern lol.

Ouch hope you're not too burnt! I burn so easily, I wear factor 50 SPF and still end up red. Not a fan of summer weather, though here it's mostly rained for the last week so I'm grateful for that