
0 Post – 384 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Former landed gentry

Everyone should go over to Firefox as well as advocate against this.

Which is why these union negotiations are so important. Sure, that will probably happen. But if SAG-AFTRA says they can’t be used on union shows, well, they won’t be lol

When I first started in film any time I had a SAG actor there were requirements I had to adhere to for their pay and hours, no exceptions. And I live in a right to work state!

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The first public crack in the armor really came in 2019 when he inserted himself in the Thailand cave rescue effort in the worst way.

Let's not gloss over the fact that he started calling people "pedos" for not liking his rescue idea.

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I have an 8 year old iPad that can still use Amazon video and can still run Netflix, and google drops support for these computers as early as 3 years. I’m not an Apple fanboy but that is absolutely ridiculous.

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Texas is so pro life they’ll end yours

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Who cares? Let them have fun.

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Ngl I’m pretty terminally online and spend an unhealthy amount of time reading about politics (both fringe and otherwise) but I have almost no clue what your comment is saying lol

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The thing that is bothering me right now is seeing “cashless” establishments. Frankly, it’s kind of discriminatory, and I do not know how you can justify denying people goods and services if they are carrying the currency of the country they live in. That does not sit right with me.

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Luckily the group doing the message about third-party apps is very coordinated so they have so far been able to protect it for a few days now

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Pretty sure SCOTUS has a case they’re hearing currently that may very well change the scope of section 230 so I’d maybe reserve your quips until after that shakes out lol

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It’s amazing how often I see democrats blamed for Republican policy as well. “WHY DIDN’T THE DEMS PREVENT THIS!?” “Did you vote for them?” “NO! THEY FAIL TO STOP THE GOP FROM DOING GOP THINGS!” It’s baffling.

Bless you AMD

AMD handles its version of CIP and Telemetry in arguably the most transparent manner. The installer of AMD Software Adrenalin presents the option to prevent its data-collection tool from being enabled at the completion of driver installation, regardless of whether you've chosen the "typical," "driver only," or "custom" install options. There's an entire page of the installer dedicated to this, you see a large checkbox about data-collection that's checked by default, but which you can uncheck, and complete installation.

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I think it's pretty unreasonable to expect someone in 2023 to not trust a video call from someone they know. We are entering that period now, but I could have easily been fooled the same way. I bet you could have too.

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I still can't believe IA took this risk, however. I agree it should've been fine, but they and we know it isn't. They basically begged for this to happen and I don't understand why when they clearly don't have their ducks in a row to pick this fight (unlike TPB which plays the game well).

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Glad to see this being acknowledged/making the rounds. I highlighted some of this in my own mod resignation post (not to pat myself too hard on the back here), as have other members of the mod team I was a part of. The changes are bad, but the complete disregard for (and dismissal of) this relationship mods and Reddit crafted for over 15 years just came crumbling down. No matter what the future holds for the site, that relationship is dead. And many of us don’t want to mod under the new circumstances.

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So I understand what you are saying, but as somebody who has watched way too much Futurama then he would ever care to admit, I feel the need to make an important distinction about it that I think might help frame the objective of the article better.

Futurama is generally not a pop-culture/current events show. Any references they make to pop-culture are generally dated (intentionally)/or semi-timeless. Some episodes are the exception, like Proposition Infinity and Eye-Phone (whatever the ep is called), but these are not the norm and definitely don’t happen with as much frequency as you’d see in shows like The Simpsons or South Park. It’s part of what makes Futurama so damn good. What I find the show reflects over time is values changing. The way they stop making being gay a joke over time. The way they stop using masculinity as a joke (unless there’s a particular intent with it/commentary), things like that. The relationships between characters evolve and morph and show how society has changed. The things that bother them, even.

I’m on a plane about to take off so I need to stop there. But I think if you decouple the idea that Futurama is a current events/current pop culture show, which if you look at all of the episodes you will see is rarely the case, I think it will make the article seem less lazy and more thoughtful than it originally seemed. That being said I admit it emphasizes the current events episodes too much. But their observation about “The Gender Bender” for instance is more in line with what I’m saying.

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What else would you expect from the company that has its app’s video player load every single available resolution simultaneously?

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I deleted my posts/comment history, resigned as a mod, and logged out for good. The best protest you can do is leave at this point. Anything short of private, restricted, or NSFW-abuse only serves to drive traffic for them and allows them to continue to serve ads.

The John Oliver idea was clever but should have stopped after he responded. It is now only driving traffic to the site and giving them classic “haha isn’t the internet funny?” free marketing on news outlets. They’ve even explicitly said in interviews they don’t mind it at all. That’s not a protest. No one is upset to see John Oliver memes on one sub and be in on the joke.

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It really should be 5% off if I have to scan my own crap. Especially the way CVS et al do it. Home Depot is the only one I don't care about because they just give you a wireless scanner and let you go to town, it's honestly faster that way and mutually beneficial.

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Only if it's on purpose! I just love reddit sooooo much!

Forget companies. If you don’t like what you’re reading, simply register as a Republican and join a school board or run for governor. You’ll be able to ban all the books you want with impunity.

Sarcastic quips aside, we literally have no context for what this post is about. Yet you’re already assuming it’s because of “wrongthink” or whatever.

I don’t think I really need to tell y’all that megathreads are, as a general rule, worthless. The only way they are even moderately useful is if they are recurring, such as a weekly megathread for beginner questions on a technical/hobbyist sub. A static, one time megathread means that no one will ever talk about it at all. That is not the right call.

Anybody who has been a mod for more than a week knows that a megathread only stifles discussion unless it’s some major event happening in real time, such as Jan 6th. I get you don’t want musk spam but you’re over correcting.

If you read the article that was one of several things they threw out there to excuse their consistently delaying/not complying. The courts told them repeatedly that their opinions on the matter were wrong and they kept delaying over and over again.

I mean come on:

"Twitter contends that it 'substantially complied with the [w]arrant' because 'there was nothing [it] could have done to comply faster' after the court issued the February 7 order," the court document said.
The court rejected Twitter's "good faith" arguments, mainly because the company blew past the original deadline and repeatedly failed to raise concerns at earlier opportunities.

Twitter continued challenging the nondisclosure order and the sanctions, but the court rejected most of its arguments and ultimately affirmed the contempt sanctions, issuing its opinion on July 18.

This nonsense went on for months.

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If I were a Democrat and I saw that 6–3 Supreme Court, I would be very wary of attempting anything involving interstate commerce. The Supreme Court clearly has no regard for precedent or consistency anymore, the last thing I want to do is call attention to one of the most potent weapons I have for checking the powers of state governments and the executive branch.

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Firefox is my go-to now. I just use Brave if i need a chromium browser. Privacy badger + adguard + little snitch mini + proton VPN as needed. Life's been good lol

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Twitter has lost over 10% of its users and engagement/monthly active users is down, Musk even admits they’ve lost users. Traffic is also going down with the API change/requirement to be on Twitter proper, as well as limiting the number of tweets one can see.

Considering how much a Twitter is bots, that means the number of actual people who left is actually much higher. So yeah, something did change lol just because you haven’t noticed it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

Edit: I’m not sure why you are talking about left and right users tbh. Seems like you’re kind of shoehorning a “both sides“ comment since no one is talking politics here.

If we don’t want it to be like Reddit than we need admins/mods to be more liberal with bans and comment removals. The amount of “free speech” drum banging I’m seeing and demands by disruptive people that instances never defederate is already out of hand. You cannot let these people dictate your policies. If someone is consistently disruptive, even if they don’t technically break the rules or are borderline, show them the door.

We also need to get away from the “performative snark” (credit to another user who used that term recently, I really like it) that Reddit, Twitter, etc. highly reward. Don’t know what the exact answer is for that, but it’s a huge problem and I already see it when people are trying to have real discussions.

Don’t get me wrong, so far the quality here is much higher than most other places I’ve seen. But most conversations go one of three ways: You talk with someone and have an interesting discussion, somebody says something incredibly snarky/quippy instead of engaging “in good faith” and the other person gets dog piled on, or it devolves into a flame war and insults start flying.

Just because it’s better here doesn’t mean those other two undesirable situations aren’t happening way too often. I urge mods to intervene when people just start getting snappy with each other. A simple “keep it friendly“ goes a long way to reminding people to take a step back and remember there’s somebody on the other side of the screen. I know I often need that myself. It’s also a really great way to suss out who is there to pick a fight, because invariably someone will snap back at the mod over that and deserve a ban lol

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A lot of problems we don’t solve boil down to “it’s boring and expensive” lol it’s sad when you think about it. Everyone says they want infrastructure investment because they think it sounds mature or whatever, but when the day comes, they shake their heads.


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sounds like AC3 all over again. Can’t wait to play.

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It may not make a lot of sense to buy it again now for the nostalgia, especially with all the benefits of hindsight I have. Did it anyway.

Never, ever let this stop you from enjoying this hobby. Nothing about retrogaming collection makes sense. That's not the point! Enjoyment and utility or "making sense" are not directly linked.

Do I need to tear down a dreamcast and mod the ever living hell out of it to play it? No. Do I need to letterbomb my wii? Of course not. But I wanted to because learning the process and just doing it was fun in and of itself. Arguably more than playing the games.

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Hades is perfect. Every single pillar of that game supports each other.

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There’s a difference between “no AI allowed” (not what the unions are calling for) and “contracts need stipulations about AI usage” (reasonable).

If you are not familiar with what is actually being negotiated over, then please don’t weigh in. WGA/SAG-AFTRA are not calling for an AI ban. Every time these debates come up armchair AI “advocates” swarm like cryptobros to call everyone backwards/ignorant/resistant to change regardless of the context.

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Honestly, in my ideal world, all the communities I enjoy will be somewhere between 10,000 and 50,000 people (if I had to put a number). I don’t want a Reddit replacement, I want something a little more akin to the forums I used to enjoy. I don’t want an algorithm trying to upset me or force me to doom scroll and I don’t want trolls/“karma farmers.” We’ll see if we can build that. For now I’m just content not to see a bunch of NFT “snoovatars” (cringe) everywhere.

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Exoprimal. It’s the exact dumb fun I want it to be with its own little sense of humor that actually works somewhat. If you have Gamepass it is a no-brainer. I’m not sure about $60 or $70 or whatever it’s retailing at yet but this will undoubtedly be a game with a huge surge in users when they start selling it for $30 and under. The PvPvE format works very well for it, it gives you a real sense of urgency and has you moving very quickly. Gives the fights and deaths real stakes that aren’t just resetting progression or something.

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If instances weren’t supposed to ever de-federate then the option wouldn’t exist. They are using the system as intended. There is literally no impact on you, you can join up with any instance/community that you like.

I grew up before the internet myself. I can't say I'm on high alert for fake video calls lol I will be moving forward, however, now that it's a credible threat.

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Wow ban this clown