
0 Post – 147 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sometimes the real DDOS are the companies we buy along the way


"Don't worry, there's no romance, we're just fucking!"

Meanwhile where I am in Canada, with massive amounts hydroelectric power: "bUt tHe gRiD!"

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I love the bias in the article, like the 3rd party apps were basically just stealing revenue. And understating exactly how insane the api prices were too

Sure is weird that Google wants to get rid of adblocking with its WEI spec for "security" purposes....while delivering malware via ads!

“The MBTA's fraud detection team has increased monitoring to account for this vulnerability [and] does not anticipate any significant financial impact to the MBTA."

Oh well thank goodness the business isn't hurt!

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Fuck pebblethrow

Hard no

We don't have freedom of speech in Canada, it's Freedom of Expression, which limits hate speech among other nasty things. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_expression_in_Canada

Think of it like a built-in Paradox Tolerance solution!

In Maui, some of us didn't survive :(

But covid hasn't tuned out Americans!

Now you could spend 28 hours on them! Bonus!

This is the best explanation I've seen for this

All the way off!

What a terrible day to be literate

I found it would constantly jump to the top when reading/scrolling as new content was added, so I found various apps to be a much better experience. I guess that's what happens with such a jump in new lemmings coming online!

I understand the scrolling/jumping problem was supposed to be addressed in 0.18.1, which is great!

I guess that fully explains it, they did love money, amd risked losing it through inactivity. Classic, only doing good when forced by market pressures. Thanks!

I'll always upvote this, until The End comes

Definitive diagnosis is kind of like, a thing in medicine. We like knowing what stuff is, so should things take a turn for the worse, the correct treatment can be applied. We try not to guess in medicine, or go "welp, no idea, good luck, kid!"

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And look what happened yo Hong Kong after "promises" anyway! A reasonable person would expect the same treatment or worse for Taiwan

Not a helpful sentiment

You're right: you were wrong

Perspective: ready for the next pandemic with some tuning!

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The article is weird too, like, it's not that hard. Yes, the fediverse is just starting out, but clearly the author of the article has problems with things that aren't google logins and instagram

Clearly you know nothing about medicine or science. Or society.

Glad you're here, a devastating blow to reddit if this is where you live now! Welcome!

Like IBM!

This is brilliant!

I'll conveniently save the fee by not watching movies in the theatre!

Not very good trade secrets if Zuck knew them!

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People generally don't realize this, but it'll become apparent soon enough!

I've heard that before, and yes, I believe that's actually what they mean. The heart of China actually left the mainland, and Taiwan is the last remnant of true China left.

Fuck the ccp!

Fuck cancer

Working links, OP ones do some funky redirect or something:



Give it a whirl sometime!

Sadly, looks like beta is full for now. Can't wait until it opens, though!

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