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Joined 1 years ago

Oh god I hate living in a red state. I’m not trans, but I just want them to be as acknowledged and their privacy respected as anyone else. This bill is just fear mongering and cruelty for cruelty’s sake.

Ohio is hopelessly gerrymandered to be red, with no hope of recovery, so anyone the Religious Right deems ‘abnormal’ would be better off getting out of the state, despite the big islands of blue in/around the big cities and college campuses. And that’s just sad.

An embryo is not a baby. Nobody is getting murdered when a pregnancy is terminated.

Not pictured but relevant: the lever controls a mechanism which exposes a switch to a subatomic particle- the switch is triggered depending upon the state of the particle, and will release a poison into a sealed box containing a cat. Depending upon the status of the cat (alive or dead), Sisyphus’s boulder will be diverted.

My dearest friend for the past 25 years became a drug addict. She died of an OD on Saturday. Left two young children with no parents. (Dad left years ago). I witnessed her spiral into addiction and destruction over the past 2 years. I couldn’t stop it. I tried.

If you want to become an addicted to something, please try masturbation or video games.

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Sorry. :-(

We legalized marijuana too!

I don’t smoke weed and I don’t have a uterus, but I voted to protect both and I’m glad we won!

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That is embarrassingly low.

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What kind of “small government” legislates morality?

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They should be forced to carry their impeachment hearing to term; even if they don’t want to, even if they were fooled/forced into starting them, even if they know it’ll be dead on arrival.

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Don’t do that. Don’t get my hopes up like that.

Conservatives aren’t Christian. They just pretend to be so they can manipulate each other.

If they use this as an excuse to get a mistrial, I’ll lose my shit.

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It’s a cult.

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Republicans would poison the village well just to make a Democrat mayor look bad as they & everyone around them lay dying.

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Rural Ohio is a goddamn nightmare. I live in a dense suburb (almost urban) and all the signs in my neighborhood say “vote yes,” but if I drive out one county away, all the “vote no” and accompanying misinformation starts rolling out.

Misinformation like: “Abortion kills babies” (it does not).
“Abortion harms children” (it does not).
“Abortion infringes on parents’ rights” (it does not). “Abortion is dangerous” (only if it’s done in secrecy, because you’ve made it a crime).

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“Once you've been to Cambodia, you'll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands.” -Anthony Bourdain

"I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend. I will not take advice from Henry Kissinger." -Bernie Sanders

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I don’t know what’s funnier; Alex Jones’s estate being liquidated to pay back the families of his victims, or Mike Lindell being forced to pay the $5 million “prize” he offered to disprove his election fraud lies, and then was sued because he refused to pay it after he was easily disproven.

God damn it’s a good week for honesty.

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I don’t understand why people don’t realize that trump is also a Netanyahu ally. They’re old pals.

It’s not like trump winning over Biden would change anything about the US policy on Israel- except probably make it worse, and trump winning over Biden would definitely make things in the US and pretty much everywhere else US policy affects worse.

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Why would they let a woman who threatened to kill a judge oversee trump’s criminal case?

(Sorry. Had to be done)

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“Party over country.” That’s their stance.

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Ohio Republican plans usually involve insane amounts of gerrymandering and bribery.

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Left to the American people? So he favors a direct popular vote, without an electoral college?


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Do. Not. Brief. trump.

He’s a massive security risk.

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“I am asking you once again to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.”

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The Jewish portion of the “he surely won’t eat our faces…” club.

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House Republicans: “We will never cooperate with Democrats, never ever.”

House Republicans (later): “Democrats, please cooperate with us!”

Damn. I never even finished Q-Bert 1. That game is hard! Are the sequels any better?

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I’m afraid I just blue myself.


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So people can be automatically registered for the draft, but not automatically registered to vote? Seems like bullshit.

If your beliefs prevent you from fulfilling the duties of your job, then you should probably consider changing jobs.

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Christian fascists and their ongoing efforts to turn women into second-class citizens.

It depends who you ask. Or who’s asking. If it’s a bank asking trump, they’re worth billions. If it’s the IRS asking trump, they’re worthless dumps.

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What’s most pathetic is the scale. $2.1 million may seem like a lot for a single use drug, but that $2.1 mil loss dissipated out to shareholders probably isn’t so much. I don’t have the exact numbers but I’ll bet the loss of revenue isn’t even a blip to the average shareholder income.

They’re killing newborns based for what amounts to nothing to them. It’s sick.

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Whenever they say “woke” I filter it in my mind to “being a reasonable person.”

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I hate living in a red state.

He’s such a whiny boy.

No reason for this, except to be cruel.

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I’ll give you a hint. It rhymes with “Russian Oligarchs.”

(Sorry, I couldn’t think of anything that rhymes with Russian Oligarchs, so I just said Russian Oligarchs)

If you’re still stumped, it was Russian Oligarchs.

Republicans are terrible at being people.

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