Ohio voters add abortion rights to state constitution

Pips@lemmy.sdf.org to politics @lemmy.world – 1474 points –
Ohio voters add abortion rights to state constitution

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We legalized marijuana too!

I don’t smoke weed and I don’t have a uterus, but I voted to protect both and I’m glad we won!

Hey everybody! This guy doesn't have a uterus!

Could be a lady, sometimes those hysters gotta be ectomied.

I like the use of "guy" as unisex. Like the word "dude"

He's a dude, she's a dude, they're all dudes

I use "guys" plural to refer to any group of people, including all women/girl groups. I know saying "that guy" still means "that man/boy" but I'm hoping people will adopt it as completely unisex

A guy can dream (I'm a cis woman btw)

hijacking this post to ask some passing linguist, why is it that any of the invented neopronouns that are socially acceptable and potentially gender neutral, like guy, dude, bro (maybe not that one), how come they're all male-coded? is that cause it makes it go down easier, or do they just become associated with the boys over time?

I'm not a linguist, but I can answer partially. Women have their own: chick, dame, gurl come to mind. While dame is antiquated, I still occasionally hear "chick", and "gurl" is used somewhat like "bro" in a close-friends-one-of-us kind of way

I suspect that, depending on how things progress, words will continue to become more gender neutral. Language is supposed to be fluid and the meaning of words rightly changes over time to reflect the society we live in

And if I had to guess as to why we have so many that are gendered, it would be for men/boys (of the past) to be able to identify whether the person in question is dateable and for women/girls (of the past) to be able to identify if the person in question could be a threat

Times are changing, though, and hopefully we can continue to go into a more inclusive/neutral direction. Back when I was a teen alot of this was unheard of. I didn't even know trans people existed until my 20's. It took me a while to wrap my head around it, but I've mostly caught up and try to use the appropriate language where applicable

i have a guess! it’s because they originate with guys saying them to other guys. just the way they feel and type of situations i see them in first. (also, don’t forget that every bit of language is invented, not just whatever is recent)

i do it too. casual forums are for casual language. i’m a woman and a retired copy editor. words and their usage were my career, and i was trained by one of the top copy editors in the country. you’re on the side of the angels. 🍀🌸😜

"One small step for guy, one giant leap for guykind."

Could be a lady, sometimes those hysters gotta be ectomied.

Hysters arent so bad, but if you're going to ectomy them, I'd recommend a fleet of Yales or Toyotas. Id avoid Crowns unless you like cleaning up hydrualic fluid.

I don’t smoke weed and I don’t have a uterus

Same and I'm personally anti-abortion, but that's my personal stance and I have no right to try to force that on others.

I've always said that the best way to reduce abortion would be to treat the reasons behind why women get abortions.

Suppose some women get abortions as a form of birth control (as the right likes to claim). You might be able to reduce this with better sex education and better access to birth control. If abortion happens due to rape or incest, figure out programs to reduce the incidence of these. (I'll admit that I'm not knowledgeable enough to come up with specific proposals, but I'm sure people who know more than I do could come up with something.)

Nothing is going to be 100% effective, though. Abortion would need to be available for the cases that slip through. This would reduce how many abortions are performed by supporting women more instead of by banning them and putting women's lives in danger.

The conservative's greatest fear, people who actually care about people other than themselves.