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Joined 10 months ago

I’d only do this if I was desperate. The company already showed they are willing to just pull the trigger at the drop of a hat and don’t give a fuck, even if I was still looking I’d be waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Biometrics are one thing, why does this need read/write to external storage and settings, and system alert permissions?

Love how it doesn’t mention the fact that services are getting objectively worse content as they stretch thin, are increasing their prices across the board, and cracking down on password sharing which was previously touted as a benefit.

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For god sakes don’t use Brave. Brave has been caught doing shady shit in the past, and the CEO is a piece of shit on top of that.

Use Firefox with privacy addons.

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Save you a click:

“If a Google Account has not been used or signed into for at least 2 years, we may delete the account and its contents – including content within Google Workspace (Gmail, Docs, Drive, Meet, Calendar) and Google Photos.”

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The fact that they have to resort to checking logs to determine who is coming into the office should be enough proof of how pointless working from the office is.

If you literally can’t tell without a literal in/out log, you can’t claim performance or communication as reasons for requiring it. You’re literally saying “we can only tell if we check the logs.”

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I always chuckle when I see someone censoring an internal IP. It’s like intentionally not naming the room you’re in (kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, etc) when you’re on the phone so the person on the other end can’t find you on a globe.

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I’m sorry, while I understand this issue is a more visible issue for actors/voice actors, there are a lot of people who are going to be hurt by this in the long run.

You think scam calls are bad now? Imagine if Gamgam gets a call from “you” saying you’re hurt and scared and need money to be safe. And I don’t mean just someone pretending to be you, I mean that the person on the other end of the phone sounds exactly like you, up to and including the pauses in your voice, the words chosen to say, and even the way you roll your r’s. All because someone skimmed your public Facebook videos.

Someone wants that promotion you’re going to get? Record your voice a few times, then have you “drunk call” your boss hitting on them, and then harassing them when they don’t react well to it.

This is going to be one hell of a ride.

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I think you’re misunderstanding what this is. This is simply grabbing data from an extension installed on chrome, and putting into the firefox version of the extension. This doesn’t allow chrome extensions to run within Firefox.

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To play devils advocate: He isn’t entirely wrong. There are inherent risks with vaccines, and they can and do cause harm to a small percentage of people.

Now to stop talking crazy: The harm caused is extremely rare, and the percentage of affected people is quite small. These risks aren’t unknown or hidden, and they usually come from allergies or a compromised immune system’s.

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Yeah, that was part of the reason I decided to leave. I mean, it wasn’t the only reason by far, but just another item to snowball into the “fuck this platform” that pushed me to leave.

The number of people that actively told me I was dumb, abusing power, and my moderating could be done by anyone was crazy.

Then they bitched about the moderation quality going down when 50% of the moderation actions walked out the door.

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Save you a click: No user data was compromised.

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This is… annoying. I get the intent for malware, but honestly it’s a BS reason. The content will just be uploaded elsewhere. But what this will do is drastically lower their storage cost under the guise of… not even user safety, more “slightly inconveniencing malware writers.”

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SMS isn’t even secure. Mitm, social engineering, straight up theft, and more are all ways around it. It should never have been implemented, but especially not when totp exists.

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That headline is just dumb.

After the first few times I had apple remove a book from my library, and the only explanation they ever gave me was "sometimes books change, and when books change they are a new book," I just went back to DRM free. If I have to jump through hoops, and still can't keep the content I legally purchased, why would I legally purchase the content?

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Oh, I wasn’t a mod of r/piracy, I modded r/noahgettheboat.

But yeah, the users feeling entitled to both have a sub that was taken care of, and to shit on the mods, was quite perplexing.

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This seems as unlikely to be true, as it does sensationalist. Hate on Bitcoin all ya like, but don’t make off the cuff “calculations” and report it as news.

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I never understood Gen Z’s mindset to privacy. Caught my son telling people lots of personal info on chat roulette at one point, and had to have a long discussion. This was after already telling him about the fact that you shouldn’t just tell people online, or strangers, personal details. Never mind strangers online.

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I’ve been solely trusting windows defender for years now. Honestly, the main way I prevent myself from getting compromised is by sticking to trusted sources whenever possible. If the torrent is provided by someone who’s only ever uploaded one thing, there’s no way in hell I’m trusting it. Beyond that, it’s a balancing act.

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I don’t really get any an affair would matter after the fact for what is essentially a popularity contest, but… sure I guess?

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I think you’re missing the point. Both are true. It is both leaps forward, but still bad.

Just because something is “best in class” doesn’t mean it’s not a piece of shit.

Kinda sickening that prisoners are treated like livestock once they are in the system. Even once they are out, they are branded for life no matter the crime.

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Project Veritas lied about something? I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

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Their first problem is asking for a cover letter. I’ve applied to hundreds of jobs while looking, you think I’m going to hand write 100+ cover letters, customized for each and every job? Hell no.

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Still isn’t in many states. Something many people pretend isn’t a huge issue.

Their content?

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One little correction, digital zoom is not something that belongs on that list. It’s essentially just cropping the image. That said, “enhanced” digital zoom I agree should be on that list.

I honestly don’t see that in the post. It sounds like good old PR bullshit, a mask for “we totally didn’t know this was happening but now that the public knows we are investigating!”

Yeah you’re asking a handful of people who split their time across multiple duties to play cat and mouse with hundreds of teens who have copious free time they can dedicate to finding new proxies.

Not to mention, all it takes is one advanced student setting up their own proxies on something like a free tier oracle cloud VPS and you’re never going to win.

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Why would they not? There’s no way for such a system to know it’s AI generated unless there’s some metadata that makes it obvious. And even if it was, who’s to say the user wouldn’t want to see them in the results?

This is a nothing issue. It’s not like this is being generated in response to a search, it’s something that already existed being returned as a result because there is assembly something that links it to the search.

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Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Sometimes those people are children. But it’s still not the guns fault, obviously. The same thing would have happened if the nine year old child, who had no ill intentions, had a knife instead. Everyone knows it’s just as easy to accidentally stab someone to death as it is to pull a trigger. Happens every day in the EU, I assure you. So many accidentially fatal stabbings by children over the years.

/s in case it wasn’t obvious.

You don’t? Ukraine is its own individual recognized country, being invaded by a completely different neighboring country. That just isn’t what’s happening in Taiwan.

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So one semi long YouTube video is all it would take to get a burn? And you’d not even need a full length movie to need a trip to the hospital?

I get that these aren’t “instant” burns, but this is still a device people regularly hold for hours a day. And if you don’t realize it’s heating up, you’re likely to notice only when you’re in pain.

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As someone who regularly ships items with a slip of paper meant to be read, this was infuriating to read. Lmao

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My Verizon plan explicitly limits YouTube video to 1080p. If I paid for a lower plan, it would limit me to 720p.

I have no option to go beyond 1080p, even if I’m on the fastest possible connection.

Of course, if I were to turn on a VPN, I can suddenly stream at any quality my connection can handle.

This is a real world example of what you claim hasn’t happened. And you can verify it yourself by looking at their available plans.

So, the first reason is that the law likely already covers most cases where someone is using deepfakes. Using it to sell a product? Fraud. Using it to scam someone? Fraud. Using it to make the person say something they didn’t? Likely falls into libel.

The second reason is that the current legislation doesn’t even understand how the internet works, is likely amazed by the fact that cell phones exist without the use of magic, and half of them likely have dementia. Good luck getting them to even properly understand the problem, never mind come up with a solution that isn’t terrible.

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On Firefox check out the extension named Consent-O-Matic.

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Write your business critical process in brainfuck and have job security for life.

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