IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip to – 457 points –
IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip

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Damn. I never even finished Q-Bert 1. That game is hard! Are the sequels any better?

If you're on NES, turn the controller 45 degrees to the right. You're welcome.

Wasn’t the controller on the arcade a goddamn roll ball? Ugg

I see you're also in the Ibuprofen demographic.

What's the Ibuprofen demographic? Is Ibuprofen no longer used in the US? It's the go to painkiller here in Germany.

I think it means he’s old enough to take ibuprofen everyday because everything hurts when he wakes up. I too am this many years old.

Yeah that makes more sense, thanks!

I was saying that since we're getting older, things ache now. We need ibuprofen to decrease the pains.