8 Post – 276 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No surprise there. Weren't they banning people for posting their Mastodon/Cohost accounts or something?

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We should stop obsessing over Reddit.

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But have you considered paying $8 a month to use features that used to be free and also associate yourself with far right?

It's their brand. And I'm glad it is. It's something Samsung can't copy (I presume because of the Google backbone) or attack.

(Written on a Samsung phone btw.)

Edit. I should probably add why it's good even when I'm not in their ecosystem. It raises the bar for competition and shows that privacy adds value.

Yeah what kind of linguistics dweeb doesn't understand that language is fluid and shapes with time and location.

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Hopefully they realize it's not healthy for Wikipedia in long term and make a course correction.

No idea how they work internally but probably some kind of mentoring program would be in order. There's no way someone relatively new will learn all their quirks that have been developed in the past decade and too many people on the internet expect you to know everything already to be worth a shit to them.

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It already exists. Just look how YouTube demonetizes whatever.

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How the children obtained guns remains a part of the ongoing investigation, according to the Sheriff’s office.

I bet it's one of the parents or a close relative that didn't properly store their gun.

When are they going to start throwing people in jail for this?

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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives individuals the right to ask for their data to be deleted and organisations do have an obligation to do so, except in the following cases:

  • the personal data your company/organisation holds is needed to exercise the right of freedom of expression;

  • there is a legal obligation to keep that data;

  • for reasons of public interest (for example public health, scientific, statistical or historical research purposes).


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Because they took OW1, changed very little, made it a lot more microtransactiony, didn't release a promised co-op mode that basically was the reasoning to release OW2. I'm sure there's more but that's about it.

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I'm not s fan but if you really think it's the worst game on Steam woof...

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No I just post-birth aborted that man your honor.

Like he doesn't actively silence people on his platform lmao.

The divide between those who eat this bullshit and those who were responsibly raised will be fucking wild. Like think about that one dude in your life that hadn't heard about 'X', a thing that's common knowledge, and how baffling that was but now it's nonstop bafflement with a certain percentage of population.

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I don't think these protest will turn Spez's head and I'm sure new communities will pop up to replace the old ones with time -- but I'm certainly enjoying the show.

Let's just hope Reddit bleeds enough users to make this the new Reddit.

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Fuck off. The tech got popular and public got educated on what makes it work.

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I'm not following? Free speech usually means that you have freedom to express yourself, not that you're speaking for no pay lol.

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How is dismissing a correction with a blunt "nope" nice and tacking on etymology when we're talking about modern use of the word?

Fucking dumb to force them to reopen and then when mods say fuckit ban the sub. This is some bad parenting.

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So call me what you will but I just want a new "Reddit". I want a place where I can come up with a niche and find a place where people are talking about it. Whether it's experts or enthusiasts but I want to shared experience of "talking about X".

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At worst this doesn't convert anyone. Then you can count up from there. And it also vocalizes support, which might come across as pandering but that's about it.

I'm don't to see how this article is bad for anyone. At most, mildly annoying because "we knew that already".

Reddit has had a pop-up for years afaik on mobile, always pushing their app.

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Yeah, being part of an instance means you're trusting them to moderate content (as with individual subreddits/communities/magazines). It's a good thing. Maybe if down the line one instance gets so huge that it's basically "the one" it could be a problem but if the fediverse keeps things relatively spread out it's fine.

You can't delete your account if you're banned? Seems a bit iffy.

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I'm still on my Bing diet from Google but they'd be an easy recommend if the search didn't suck ass. I'm not saying Google is that good either, equally bad on most cases, but from time to time I still need Google's help because they're getting me closer to what I want than Bing.

But sure, focus on spammy, intrusive ads straight in the OS. Fucking idiots. I don't understand how they think they'll win that war without improving the product. I hate the AI as well because I can't trust it.

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It definitely is a different story when your (presumably) really good friend with industry connections is a piece of shit compared to just doing the right thing without risking anything, even getting praise for it. He's just a human with maybe less than average integrity who did good when it suited him. Who can really say why they wrote the letter.

And funnily enough Starfield being Xbox/PC exclusive is an example why their hoarding is bad for gaming, and why the Activision deal shouldn't pass.

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Not to blow anyone's mind but that's pretty popular rhetoric on Reddit. Usually when described how right speaks about the left.

I apparently have always used Twitter wrong since I mostly just lurk and people I follow don't get into flamewars or whatever they're called. It's kinda unrecognizable for me how you describe Twitter.

Mastodon on the other hand is just pretty dead for me. I haven't found that much interesting stuff and I don't really know where to look.

From my perspective, they function pretty similarly. I don't see the toxicity you're talking about. Quote tweeting is handy because it's not used to put down others but just, you know, sharing and adding something to the original tweet.

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And that's pretty clearly how it should be.

Oh it's a tankie instance. Not a big loss then.

It's a step forward at least. Tipping culture is terrible but think what good press one of these apps would get with "tips included in delivery fee" or whatever perfect marketing slogan they can come up with.

Thats what goes for mild inconvenience these days.

Is that enforceable? Seems ridiculous.

He probably just got confused. You know like how old people sometimes get. Jokes aside this makes most sense to me.

3... 2... 1... And a Quran is being burned in Kyiv. Turkey backtracks.

I don't think Musk cares one way or another, it's too much to ask that he has principles. He just wants people to look up to him and mysteriously it's that group. So he'll gorgle their balls as long as they gorgle his.

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Fuck off or grow up.

And it should be pretty easy to get a group of people with same level of asbestos exposure who haven't used J&J's talc and compare the cancer % between the groups. That's where J&J should be focusing if they knew they were in the right.

But surprise, this is probably just throwing everything to discredit science.

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