The only Bing app for Android is a chatgpt-browser hybrid? to – 3 points –

Like seriously wtf Microsoft? Google search has been terrible lately so I made the switch to Bing. It freaking boggels my mind that they haven't made a dedicated just-search app without the bloat that I can then redirect to Firefox (like I've done with Google).

Am I dumb and just missed the option or what?

My solution was to create a custom search with Nova that throws itself to Firefox. The bummer is that it doesn't give me search suggestions. Oh well, it works well enough.


Why do you need a dedicated search app? Of course it's bloated, because otherwise it would be just a glorified link to

Just set the browser search. Use a browser with the search widget and place it on the home screen pretending it's a dedicated search app

With Google the search is a lot smoother with the app and it gives me search suggestions. It's just optimal experience in my opinion.

Firefox doesn't have Bing as a default search option so I had to set it up manually - which then doesn't give me search suggestions either. Of course if I make my way to it'll give me everything I want but it was way faster and easier to just click the dedicated Google search on the home page -- too bad the search is terrible like I said.

There's of course the chance I'm missing something like I said in op.