
7 Post – 229 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm just here for the free vacation.

Holy shit that's a horrifying number. And this is just the pregnancies. I have no words other than FUCK TEXAS.

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Or... solve the wealth hoarding issue at the top, instead of blaming poor people.

Airbnb is expensive. It also is often awkward, I always seem to get places where the owner wants to give me a tour of the place when I show up. Checkout time is always a massive stress, trying to figure out where the outside bin is, how to start the dishwasher, and remembering to return all the furniture to it's original position, lest we break a rule and lose our deposit. You don't get mini bars or room service or daily housekeeping, and you have no idea if the host is secretly keeping tabs on you somehow. It's just so much more work to stay at an Airbnb than a hotel, with none of the cost benefits as a trade off.

The other week we stayed at a Hilton and I checked in and out without speaking to a soul (via the app). It's a no brainer at this point.

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Sock shoe sock shoe.

I have to test if the pants/sock/shoe combo works before committing to the whole process a second time.

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I was lucky to get sterilized in Tennessee (pre RvW), and I'm absolutely hyped about it. I never felt maternal, and the feeling disappeared even more as I heard the 'discussions' about women's 'rights'. The more I was made to feel like a next gen's workforce factory , the more I realized a life of free time and savings was much more desirable.

Being an immigrant I'll likely have my plans made for me.

Christ, we cancelled it a month ago and I feel so fucking stupid. Stupid that we had it for so long for... what? I don't need anything so quickly that a couple of days delivery makes a difference. Food, water, heat, somewhere to sleep are things I need on a strict schedule. Knock off earbuds and some silicone molds for frozen shot glasses can absolutely wait. AND IT'S STILL FREE SHIPPING, you just add to cart and buy once you hit $35.

Only left the house to help my neighbor look for her escaped cat. It turned out to be in their basement. The cat gets it.

I'd met a guy in a hostel in America. I was about to finish second year of uni and we heard about this work abroad program, so we did it for the summer and I met him when I checked into a dorm room at the end of the trip. We had a little fun, and then I flew home.

Six months later and we had the odd conversation on Skype, it seemed like there was still some chemistry there. During half term break, we talked again and he suggested meeting up again to figure out if this was more than a fling. So we looked at dates and I realized my final year's exhibitions and exams blocked pretty much everything for the foreseeable future. We hung up the call and I carried on browsing flights and then I saw it. $250 for a return flight to California, leaving in 48 hours.

He'd already gone to bed, so I couldn't call him back to discuss plans. So fuck it, I put in my card details and my finger hovered over the buy button. It's now or never, so I clicked the button. BOOKED. I sent him a message and started packing for my trip. Yikes.

I'd got a message back that he'd pick me up from the airport, and as the plane touched down in San Diego I was freaking out that the spark might not be there or he might decide he doesn't like me anymore, it's been six months and our initial fling was a drunken party at a hostel.

But he was there waiting at the bottom of the elevator, and my heart absolutely flipped its shit when I saw him. We spent the next seven days inseparable, it was one long date, and it was incredible.

Fast forward six years and we're saying our vows in the park where we took our first romantic walk. We posed for wedding photos in the hostel room where we met. Fast forward another seven years and I'm laying in bed typing this, while he does a conference call in the office next door. Our spark is still there, and I love him so much.

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Imagine being cool with pedo felon weirdos being normalized in the news.

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Throw wildflower seeds (non invasive) over onto his perfectly manicured yard.

Another one is a long con: befriend crows, get them to come to your friend's house to feed. The neighbor will likely sho them away which will aggravate them. Crows hold grudges for a REALLY long time and only shit where they don't eat, aka his yard.

I'd like to hire you into our sales team.

If lazy means doing a full time job and two side hustles just to afford an overpriced home that you barely spend time in because you're always at work, then yeah, I'll admit it. You got me.

I'm just a sponge being squeezed of every ounce of productivity when I'm at work. It's never a case of "you're good enough" but always "aim higher, be better". I'm over it. The veil has been lifted. None of these businesses see me as a human, and I'm dedicating my world to them I'm exchange for the bare minimum. If everyone was fighting together I'd want to rally, but I don't get a better slice of the pie if I make it bigger. So... fuck em.

The facial expressions and the constant noises. It's like a food dish with too much salt, doesn't matter what the other flavor is once you decide you can't stand the overpowering vibe of the thing.

Also, can people add a quick blurb about these communities so we know what they're about?

I read that as "I spend my time at TARGET"

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NPC Hospital, where you're a doctor and have to deal with the massive body counts from other games.

Or a foraging game, open world style, where you have to travel to the right places during the right time of day to pick certain foods. There are lookalikes and also tons of risks like landowners with guns, pesticides, snakes, and tough terrain. I imagine it would be very much like The Hunter COTW but with plants.

Tech, specifically AI automation. My LPT is that most services are just using GPT4 in some capacity. Automated workflows are not plug and play, credentials expire, variables change, limits are exceeded, etc. Rather than pay a random company to build and maintain something for you, you can save a shit ton by just hiring someone in-house who knows Zapier or Make and having them build the workflow you need.

My heart 💔

Our startup is failing internally. The product idea keeps changing, projects get switched rapidly, the engineering team got an ass beating by the CEO in an all team meeting for being 'too slow' (which was out of line by him) despite trying their best to keep up. We had an amazing chance to be one of the first companies doing what we do, and we've just whiffed it. On top of this no one has had pay reviews, some for multiple years. And we're trying to hire a new position and all the candidates drop out when they see what a shit show everything is. I've spoken off the record to half of the team (it's a small company) and all of them are absolutely over it, looking for other work, doing the bare minimum. I was hired a few years ago as a customer person, but we barely have customers and they're pressuring me to instead do aggressive consulting and sales stuff. I hate it, but the paychecks keep cashing and I hate job hunting.

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Kids clothes. I don't fit in them (am late 30s 140lb woman) and I don't try to, but I find myself always drawn to the kids clothing sections because of their bright patterns and prints. I have very basic sewing skills and I've been tempted to take a course on clothes making so I can recreate these in my size. I fuckin love bright colors and silly accessories.

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What features? I am on Boost because it feels like home to me.

And tomatoes!!! Might as well eat ice cubes at that point

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A law that prohibits labels from being too sticky that you can't reuse the packaging. For example, I should absolutely be able to easily peel off the labels from empty wine bottles and glass jars so I can reuse them.

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I like pineapple pizza. I also dunk my fries in milkshake. When I'm feeling hungry I'll open a ton of sardines and just go heavy on those salty fuckers right there over the sink. And I'm ashamed of none of these things.

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Because their extremist speech is normalized. Go on any xitter thread with a political tone and it's basically red flag after red flag of tweets that will be on the "what we know about the shooter" graphics in the future.

Heyyyy I'm at least double digits in age.

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Nah it's really bad at labeled diagrams. It knows what words to put on, and now to make it look good, but it doesn't know how to actually map things well.

Here's an image with the prompt "old lady's bungalow"

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After working overseas, I went travelling. I tried to book in at a popular hostel but it was booked up, and the second best one only had co-ed dorms. Booked into one of those and the dude in the room greeted me with "THIS ROOM IS FULL, MY FRIENDS ARE IN THOSE BUNKS, SORRY". I went back to the desk to check and they told me two people left that morning. I went back and told him "your friends left you, I'm your friend now". Later I bought beers and offered him one. We played cards. We eventually kissed a bit. I went home to the UK.

6 months later I saw a ridiculously cheap flight and booked it. Told him, and wasn't sure he'd come meet me at the airport, but he was waiting at the bottom of the escalator. We spent two weeks together and it was magical. I flew home again and decided to return in the summer. For the next two years I flew back and forth until eventually we moved in. Six years later we married in the park where we took our first walk together. We posed for photos in the dorm where we met. This year we got tattoos, both with a little symbol to represent the room number.

I'd travel the world 600 times over to find him if I had to. At our wedding I talked about how saying yes to opportunities led me to him, and I still believe strongly in the power of yes. I love him so much.

Everyone is excited for your new community, but not enough to ever contribute.

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I had a zit on my armpit that made an audible pop, my soul still shivers from that one. Also marrying my husband.

ATM. Friends use it for 'at the moment', but all I see is ass-to-mouth.

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I told my husband I was one of the few lucky ones who didn't have a Me Too story, until he pointed out the time in the club where a man shoved his hand down the back of my pants and tried to grope me and I grabbed his fingers and bent them back until he screamed like a bitch, and the time I was walking alone by the canal and a man chased me and I ran into a business and they had to lock the door to stop him getting in.

It's so bad for women that these situations don't feel like anything to complain about. Because nothing technically happened.

They're a lot of fun if you can get the film. Some company reverse engineered it and then went out of business, but I think there are still options if you're willing to pay $2 a photo.

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Pho. I have a killer recipe for the instant pot but it basically works out to the same price as just buying it from our local takeout. And they're Vietnamese.

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Packaging should be made to be reusable. Glass jars must have easily removable labels, plastic wrap would only be allowed for sterile equipment, otherwise you have to use paper and other biodegradable materials. Branding would have to be completely removable too. Basically, packaging would remain a product of the state, and would be completely controlled. Corporations would have to pay packaging tax to subsidize control of this.

I moved from the UK in my early 20s, prior to that I was young and stupid, so I neglected to vote there. Then I moved to America and started the green card process, and didn't feel it was right to vote for things back in the UK as it wasn't my home anymore and it wasn't my place to say what should happen there. I finally naturalized around a decade after I moved here, and immediately signed up to vote. I actually cried at the polling station because I was so happy to vote for the first time ever!

Ukuleles and stuff from the Aldi middle aisle

I'm new here and quite liking it, but I have to say, the constant "it's not working out" messages in these posts make me not want to engage as much. No one likes to invest in a downward trend.

Maybe the community needs to be a little more enthused, and it will keep newer folks around?

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