More than 26K rape-related pregnancies estimated after Texas outlawed abortions, new study says to – 703 points –

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Holy shit that's a horrifying number. And this is just the pregnancies. I have no words other than FUCK TEXAS.

Having visited the place for extended periods of time I can confidently say Texas is a shithole. I don't know why they think it's so special.

They think themselves special because

A) it's a very large state, nearly as large as Alaska. Originally or was going to become several states, but it being admitted to the union prior to the civil war as a slave state the leaders of the country chose to leave it as one huge state because they wanted to keep the ratio of slave and non slave states equal.

B) they used to be an independent country (like Hawaii). Nevermind the fact the only reason they asked to join the Union was that the nation of Texas was broke and couldn't pay their bills.

C) they're quite populous, nearly as much so as California.

Basically, when you're second best at everything and broke af you get a chip on your shoulder.

Texas is that guy in the giant lifted truck who is insecure about how they look. They are as proud as new Yorkers are about their little slice of crap. but unlike NY who promotes we got the best experiences/opportunities, they value freedoms. Except they REALLY REALLY dont. Ita a huge lie they lie to themselves and everyone else about constantly.

A lot of states have one major city that dominates everything. Who cares about upstate New York or southern Illinois?

Texas happens to have three such metropolitan areas, but they act like anyone gives a shit about the rest.