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Tdont kid yourself,, look at the numbers, Trump is propped up by gen x. The demographic loudest against biden are gunna be around a long time.

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Amazon and bezos sucks, but Walmart and the Waltons is evil condensed. the only excuse to shop walmart is if it's the only option for 100 miles. Amazon at least has aws and few redeeming pro services that pay their employees and provide infastructure to others.

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They are in denial, it was an amazing place and still is in some ways. I went from loving it to realizing it was basically a walmart that helped drown out the mainstreet web. Small forums and irc chats may be too much to moderate now that so much of humanity is online, and it is truly suprising people are willing to mod sites for free that prioritize monetization over community and sustainability. Sure mods power tripped 20 years ago, but in many ways it was easier to find an alternative run by sme's or fans of whatever that just did it for community. So much so they donated their time and money.. but now,, Why spend money when you can create a sub / community. But then you are stuck with that platform as it evolves. It took me a while but i finally accept defederation is as critical as the knowlege base that we all helped create.

Yeah cool, you decide what your property gets to do since you're responsible for them. Government, nor your doctor shall stop you from telling your creation what is right or wrong, if you eat paint for breakfast because eating plants and animals is evil/poison, thats your right as a free man on the land. Best to start early too, so they dont have the faculties to question it later on.
It's not like there are bad actors and tens of thousands of ai gemerated fake news to sway popular opinion with branding and politics. And its totally a boon for a society when we can isolate ourselves in thought bubbles and share as few values as united people as possible. Really helps us maintain our financial security and opportunities for quality of life, standards for education and licensing for professionals responsible for life altering decisions. Its not like devaluing those professional opinions im mass will lead to bad things; what do they evem know, they didnt even study at Facebook UNIV?

The idea and value of freedom is great, but there are thresholds that cross into ignorant arrogance that causes individual and systemic harm. I know gov can't solve this, but i fully believe it has a role to play in helping set standards that reduce harm, even for your kids.

Sounds like most famous structures in the city. When it was built the locals called it classless and gaudy, including the empire state and wtc. this thing doesn't do much for me but it's different and one more thing that makes an aging NYC distinct against new cities with modern architecture. Sure it's a symbol of wealth and greed. So we're some of the greatest works left from the Renaissance. However This chapel to euthanasia could be closer to wall Street.

Omg!! Please tell me you know who makes that blue blanket. I have the same one since college 20 years ago and love it. It has almost no feathers left and I don't care, but if I can get another I'll be insanely happy. Haven't been able to find that thing anywhere. Also I had an 18 yo black cat too that I lost last year, so that pict I did a double double take on.

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Riders who get old mostly. Bikes aren't light once they start to tip.

Ceo of Drucker Drucker and Drucker

Texas is that guy in the giant lifted truck who is insecure about how they look. They are as proud as new Yorkers are about their little slice of crap. but unlike NY who promotes we got the best experiences/opportunities, they value freedoms. Except they REALLY REALLY dont. Ita a huge lie they lie to themselves and everyone else about constantly.

The bumper sticker slogan isn't really wrong, i think most of us are ignorant to what we do/don't like in this regard. I would have never said that before a month ago tbh because my wife never got them, and then when she did, I said why waste the money you dont need them. Then found myself staring at her more. I still prob wouldnt say it. As the women have shown in here we can be pretty oblivious. And I think im fairly in tune with small details making a big difference.

They wont even follow timothy 2:12 which says " stfu or burn in hell", I doubt they will listen to this.

Is this the reason people still go to church? What will it take for people to migrate? I personally wouldn't use a bridge that rots my brain to save 10 min on my commute. I wouldnt regularly going to and supporting a toxic infastructure to see freinds, id be inviting them to better locals. Not judging you, just wondering why be a frog in a boiling pot of water... then again you are here so maybe I just need my bubble or something to feel safe idk...

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hey are you a fellow human? yeah cool grab me a glass of water please uhh i don't work here

We are hiring a fellow human for low wages but you might get great tips what do i need to do? youll be a servant to rude dirtbags. can i call myself a waitress instead please? No our culture requires official titles to be fellow human for all staff and patrons and you will all go by the name Sam

So your answer will result in creators having to compete with people who dont create, but market better. This will discourage creators and the result will be less non corporate content will be created for us, everything will be bland crap made for mass consumption.

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I played the full game and the dlcs. Only the 2nd dlc and the baron stories are good. Id suggest people just play the blood and wine dlc, its really great. The game isn't very fun, but I do love the atmosphere and city design. I was totally sick of looking at wet horse ass. Gwents more fun than monster hunting though sadly

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Never thought I'd say this but the personalities are great to. It's like a worlds fair of cool dudes who can do unbelievable shit

Good reply, id fully support the exception for those living in vehicles and having the cost decay over time like registration does.

As for the cold, thats only a part of the country for a part of the year. I can buy 2 reliable cars and a motorcycle for the cost of 1 new luxury truck. People want new big and flashy to feel self important, ita sad. But I guess that acceptance of debt is what keeps America going now idk.

Well said.. Its the only rally I ever been to, and i left there with a shred of hope that has long since evaporated. Denver was also a blast.


Im 100% going Sony this year because I prefer s9 features to the giant telescope cam and ai BS that expires on jan 1 2025

Extremely anti post-modern-organic bias you seem to have. If we dont fill space with plastic and heat it enough, then HOW exactly do you propose we encourage establishing an entire Carbon-Polyethylene based evolutionary tree ?? 🌳

that looks super close. Im going Sat!!. Cheers friend.

Agreed with all of that. And luckily at my current shop, im a proud user of azure devops. Now thats a company who is good for competition and doesn't contribute to any social injustices. Sigh. Well I guess at least our available infastructure options and datasets arent managed by the ccp. Smh that will teach me to think my horse isn't so high

Not that anyone asked but If you like short stories Tolkien wrote one called the Smith of Wootton Major about a magic cake bauble.

I agree but also More money for more kids isnt a great policy for sustainability either.

the Time to ration having kids was like 40 years ago but I know people like their little budding ponzi participating youths to keep our retirement benifits from faltering. Guess its cool we can to pump and dump our population once we reach crit mass, all because freedom, so I guess that's something.

Moral of the story we damned if we do and damned if we dont. But I opted for vasectomy at 22 as having no kids is my solution to not being able to feed them. Pick your poison

I started referring to them as the democrat party too after the Hillary shoehorn BS. They don't get a free pass just because they arent gop. Fuck em both, we could do much better. This aint a good guys on both sides thing,the democratic party has failed democracy even if they arent a party of full blown facists

Did you say the same thing when it was hillary losing in the polls to trump, with bernie winning.. We are about to relearn some history because of bluedog pride. The media wants trump badly, we should be a bit more than alarmed.

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A cardboard box, Newsome, Hickenlooper, anyone under 60 years old with a career organizing people. Doesnt matter the dem party wont nominate anyone.

I mean that was exactly my point. I lived in denver and ny and I dont ride under 35 degrees F unless its only 5 min. Going careless wasnt my real reccomendation, but its a huge answer for a huge swath of population. I live in socal now and its trucks and suvs as far as the eye can see. And If even this crowd is going to downvote me, then its even more dire than I realized. People are crazy car centric, and its irresponsible way to live

I agree but will counter, maybe people should be prioritizing buying motorcycles and heated jackets over trucks and suvs that make up 80% of new sales. I think gas price should be based off mpg MORE than now. If you get 15 mpg than you pay 15 per gallon. Get 30mpg you pay 7 per gallon. Only exceptions are for vehicles used for operational work, not commuting.

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