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Fuck this strawman, every single (voting age) gen z person i know has already talked about voting in this election. Even if it’s just voting for “not trump”. When one candidate is actively claiming they will operate as a dictator “day one”, you have a lot of incentive to vote. Especially when you haven’t already been living with crushed dreams for decades.

If the gas pumps have those unlabeled buttons around a screen, try pressing all of em. The pumps around here (nebraska) will mute the audio when you press one of the buttons, it just isn’t labeled. I’ve taken to writing “mute” on the magic-button with a sharpie whenever I pump my gas.

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In a perfect world the payout fucking destroys this police force and a new one is built from the ground up.

Realistically something as bad if not worse will happen there within a year. 50/50 whether it even makes news.

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no reason they shouldn’t face the same public shaming they impose on everyone else, fair’s fair!

also god wants you to do it, he told me just now when no one else was looking.

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I read that telling someone about a project triggers the same neural responses that finishing that same project would do, and can make you more prone to leaving it unfinished. I’ve started doing my best to keep super quiet about stuff if it’s a project that I really want/need to actually finish. It’s been working surprisingly well for me!

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This article is really trying for an eye-rolling kind of tone while at the same time, literally just being an advertisement for new Apple products.

MRW the jester improvs a silly little song about how i take way too long to shit and the guards start readying the guillotine but i genuinely didn’t realize i was taking such long shits and i just KNOW all these other fuckers have been making fun of me behind my back for weeks over it

Yep. Just shell stations around here (so far at least)

They’re super loud and in my experience usually political, think local office smear ads and oil lobbyist propaganda.

Oh my god you’re right and I’m disgusted

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Cockvore and hyperscat fan FOR SURE

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oh you enlightened centrist, where’d you get so smart?

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I saw it pointed out elsewhere that they may have been hoping the judge would lose his cool in some manner that would warrent an appeal or retrial.

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You literally can’t buy them anymore! Spotify quietly canned the project. Support pages are still up but I can’t find a purchase option anywhere.

I bought one pretty early into launch and even then they were already heavily discounted. It was a weird choice for a peripheral, but personally I really wish they had tried a bit harder instead of giving up outright

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🤡 this is you right now

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I have a half-baked outline for a character who goes by C. M. Mil’naire and is really embarrassed about the fact that his full name is actually Cash Money Mil’naire. I have no idea how to use him, but I love him too much to not keep around.

People get too embarrassed about publicly being wrong. I went in on someone recently in a comment thread, typed up like a whole paragraph tearing down what I thought was an indefensible point.

Homeboy replied like “hey you misread my comment”

Rather than edit everything away to hide my shame, I just replied with “you’re right, I’m drunk on a cruise!” and it was honestly a highlight of the voyage. Maybe some randys can get the same enjoyment out of rereading the interaction, and that’s way more than anyone would get out of “edit: whoops”

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Dr. Gay Ludwig Hitler, born to George Washington Hitler

You can’t make this shit up, what a world

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read a book

Bible, Koran, Torah, Book of Mormon, The Vedas... you know there’s actually a lot of objectionable shit in all of these.

I wonder if you meant some other books that support your ideals, jokes on me for reading the source materials instead I suppose.

finally a use for the .fail TLD

If I need to accept a TOS to use a vending machine, I don’t need to use that vending machine.

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I’m convinced that it’s not actually any better in theaters, we’re just a lot more willing to bear painfully loud audio in a setting where it’s considered normal. There’s an argument to be made that it’s similar to concerts, but for my money I’d like to not have to wear ear protection in a theater just because some director figured minor hearing hearing damage is worth an especially “epic” crescendo.

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But what if they don’t turn around? Your dog needs a gun.

Coyote Bao is pretty badsss actually

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Sure, a video app makes much more sense for podcast delivery!

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i wonder why

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What is so obviously made up about this story, the part where they worked in retail, or the part where they had illegally parked cars towed? Maybe it was the part where a third party was also upset about the illegally parked cars, much like everyone in this thread? All seems pretty vanilla to me.

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“Once in a lifetime” isn’t affordable, that’s someone sacrificing a lot to vacation outside of their socioeconomic class.

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Almost like a two party political system is intrinsically limited to a “lesser of two evils” situation every single fucking time. Whacky.

Yeah, unfortunately most of the danger fell on the (usually female) factory workers who painted the radium on. Fun fact, we do absolutely still use radioactive shit to make watches glow today, it’s just much less dangerous and sealed in tiny vials. Also it’s a gas that won’t eventually flake and turn into super fine particulate, like the radium paints of yore.

Which is why it’s only worth it sometimes. If that’s what it takes to provide the service without fucking someone over to the point that I’m expected to help them recoup their loss, then yeah, that’s what it should cost.

So the announcement date has been announced? This is news?

Hang on, is THAT why call quality is abysmal with practically every bluetooth device?

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Wow, you should read some actual evidence then instead of just thinking about it!

homie just learned the word “sealioning” and is really excited to use it

Random fellow in Nebraska here, it’s a depressing place to live if you’re not a staunch republican!

People say Lincoln and Omaha are pretty okay, but I suspect that’s just in comparison to the rest of the state.

Russia is 72% Eastern Orthodox by population. The US is estimated to be ~63% split between flavors of christianity, for comparison.

“Everybody has a bias”

Ok, yeah that’s true.

“So you can trust dailymail”


e: love the ninja edit

Any additional functionality added to an already feature-complete program is bloat, no two ways about it. If notepad+AI was a separate program, this would be a different discussion. Even if you can hide it completely, the fact that it’s there at all will affect performance. And even if it’s just a tiny blip in relative performance, it’s still the first step on the road to enshittification.

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Wow, a police officer in my town did this with his wife when she crashed into my mom while leaving a liquor store at noon. She did a blood alcohol test the next day, and that ruled she wasn’t drunk at the time of the accident.

oh shit, you’re above religion? you must be so cool and smart!