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Joined 11 months ago

On the internet, even if it's a very nice open source platform, always operate under the assumption that nothing you say or do is anonymous. This is Internet usage 101, however, people seem to always ignore this. Do with this as you will :)


What You See Is What You Get

  • Used for software such as Microsoft Word, where formatting the text actually changes what you see on the screen
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In any eastern European country, I simply look the driver dead in the eye and pass, if they're far enough to actually stop. However, whenever I visit Greece, especially Athens, not even the green light can save you. There is a running joke among Greeks and it goes along the lines of "stronger car wins". Basically, if you have a fast car, you have priority on any intersections and pedestrian crossings, and the police do jack shit about it.

Man, I love Greece, beautiful country, amazing people, but with disfunctioning police and government in general.

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That nearly everyone is carrying a tracking device with them, designed to disguise itself as a convenient entertainment device.

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Many people have asked me this (I'm the certified neighborhood tech guy :P), I always recommend Linux Mint, with the Cinnamon desktop environment, or KDE. Ubuntu used to be the best one and it's still very good, but pretty heavy on hardware and they keep adding frustrating features nobody asked for.

Please please please, at the start, stay away from Arch and it's derivatives. I daily Gentoo, but you need a decent knowledge of Linux to use both. If you need help, post to the Linux community or DM me :)

Oh boy, where do I even start. I guess we should first have a minute of silence for my wallet...

  • Fixing old computers

    In high school, I agreed to take the decommisioned PCs home. They were in various states of not working, I diagnosed the problems, bought parts, upgraded and fixed them all. I now had a ton of relatively old but reliable computers. What's the logical next step?

  • Home server room (homelab).

    I live in a flat with a giant basement, so it's full of these old PCs and servers. I needed a server rack, switches, cabling, the whole nine yards.

  • Photography

    New lenses and filters constantly bought. Sometimes a new camera body. This is my most expensive hobby by far, but I take care of the lenses so they at least hold value, unlike the PCs :)

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How? I'm interested, because I wanted to buy one a few months ago :)

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Anything, but with tmux running inside. You can copy text even in a tty, split the terminal window, detach from and attach to tmux sessions, etc. I will never use a terminal for any moderately complex task without tmux again :)

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Crete, Greece
Záhorie region, Slovakia

*dumb house.

The only way

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  • Privacy

    Protects one of your fundamental rights, or nearly all of them if you think about it, as well.

  • ham radio

    Getting certified is super easy in many places and there are many hobbies within, such as electronics, building antennas, etc.

  • poetry

    This hobby has to be the cheapest of all. Go to the park with a pen and paper, bonus points if you leave your phone at home, and let your mind wander :)

Oh you sweet summer child.

gestures at my entire uni classroom, in which nearly all the people I know have RGB peripherals and computers at home

Donald Trump

Oh, wait. He wasn't fictional...

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Start caring about your privacy, governments and corporations are spying on you

Cash and only cash. I live in Europe, so basocally wherever I decide to travel, my euros will be accepted, otherwise I'd rather get ripped off by an exchange than give a single piece of metadata to my bank :)

Travelling to places with a different currency outside the EU, I take my debit card and on the very first day withdraw some of the local currency from an ATM.

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Oops, I guess all my math problems infringe a trademark. There are simply way too many things named X. Also, the X.org foundation don't have as much money as Twitter, which makes any fight a lost cause.

Or the personal information they gather

And then send us the links. Sharing is caring :)

Reinstalling is only needed when the old and new CPU differ in architecture. Since these two don't, you don't have to reinstall, just make sure you install the amd-ucode package :)

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Why not NTFS? Back when I used to dual-boot, I always used the NTFS on my shared games drive. Never had any problems, especially with ntfs-3g on Linux

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I personally use JetBrainsMono, it's my favourite. What do you guys think?

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After being friends with her for a year, one year less than the amount of time I had a massive crush on her, I asked her out. She rejected me, but we agreed to stay friends and she assured me that nothing happened and we can continue like before. However, I now feel like I'm being used (or how do you say it). She doesn't talk to me as much, only contacts me when she has a tech problem. That doesn't seem like a friendship. When I confronted her, she said she wasn't ghosting me, stopped for like a week, then continued.

I still think about her every day.

Ever since I started talking, I wanted to be a heart surgeon. I read tons of books and watched hours of youtube videos about heart surgery, some of which were so graphic, that they made my mother pass out.

Later I got interested in networking, Linux, and systems programming, and this is my current job. The tons of graphic videos with blood, etc. increased my tolerance to nasty injuries pretty drastically. I was a bystander to a few very serious car crashes and I had no problem helping the survivors with incredibly awful injuries until the paramedics came, so I guess at least something positive came from it.

In my opinion, the Framework laptop is great for people who want the newest and fastest CPUs, whule also getting the customizability and repairability. I mean yeah, I'd buy an older Thinkpad, but programming in C doesn't require much compute power or RAM. However, my graphic design and video editor friends won't make a living using the same machine as I do. For them, the Framework is miles better than any other brand new machine with the same specs (if they want repairability, etc.).

Thinkpad T60. A relative of mine got it from their employer, IBM, as a decommisioned machine that was only used by said relative. I was 4 years old. I played hours of GTA: San Andreas, then about a year later I installed Ubuntu which sent me down the Linux and C programming rabbit hole. I learned so much. Thank you, kind relative (whom I'll not name, not doxxing myself).

Very good solution. However, what benefit does the user get by formatting the drive every time a new game is to be installed? I mean, the thing already doesn't have internet access and no important data is on the drive anyway. Am I missing something?

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Can I see the documentation? Couldn't find it and am curious :)

Nothing, really. I only check the chats with my best friends, look at the time, and check the school timetable (I do have it on paper, but they always make some changes and then I'm the idiot for going to the wrong class...)

Yes I do, but I prefer to not be a part of a cult of fanatics (so-called "religion) who only pretend to live their life by some ancient book. Don't get me wrong, the religious books, such as the Bible and Quran do contain a lot of knowledge and some pieces should be followed, but going to church on Sunday just to show everyone how "good of a Christian" I am is unbelievably dumb.

I see God as an entity that helps me, and I do believe in the afterlife. It just seems so bizzare to me, that I should follow some rules that people made, saying that God actually did... The church is a company like any other and I'm not going to support it, ever.

That's more like "TerribleTerrible"

Is this an extension? I found multiple ones. Which one are you using?

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Yep, I imaged my friend's game drive to test this out (they have many games) and sure enough, some didn't work after booting into Windows and later launching them with WINE. Thanks for the clarification :)

Do people deliberately not use archive.org? That's the one I always use but with everyone using these alternatives, I wonder if I should use them too.

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I've had this idea for a long time now, but I don't know shit about LLMs. GPT can be run locally though, so I guess only the API part is needed.

What status quo are we talking about? Sorry, my English sucks...

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I always write by hand, it makes me less focused on formatting (even though little is required in this case) and lets the thoughts flow easily. I write with a mix of Demotic and Ancient Greek, English and Slovak, so this way I don't have to bother with switching keyboard layouts. Make sure you buy a quality pen to make your diary writing experience that much better :)

I usually write at the park or on the beach, but once I come home, I open up a Markdown file in my favourite text editor, type out the previously written text and save. Then I encrypt it with GnuPG and burn the paper I was writing on.

Sounds cumbersome, but for some reason this approach makes me the most peaceful, I honestly have no idea why :)

Why? Never heard of it but it seems similar to Tails. I'd rather use Tails than something I've never heard about, but is there anything inherently wrong with it?

I agree I should have phrased that better. Something like a "secret agent following you wherever you go" maybe?

Are you talking about speed or the amount of data you can transfer? If the speed is unlimited then oh boy, gonna move to Mexico :)