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He's spelling it out for voters to get them off their asses. People said "yeah right" in 2016 when the ones who were paying attention said that the scotus was on the ballot, and it turns out we were right. It's probably good to hear the calm warnings straight from him rather than just from "alarmist" friends, relatives, and coworkers this time.

As a kid, I was in the room at one point while my mom was watching some TV show, maybe law and order or something similar. I heard somebody letting somebody else know (verbally) the details of some victim and described the cause of injury or death or whatever as "GSW". I asked my mom what GSW meant. She said "gun shot wound". I said that that couldn't possibly be right, and she was curious why. I said because "gun shot wound" is 3 syllables and "GSW" is 5; it's literally quicker to say the full thing.

So yeah, GSW is fucking stupid when said aloud, and even me as a dumbass child knew that.

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As a white guy with a beard in a blue collar industry, I'm shocked at what strangers will just assume I'm cool with hearing out of their mouths. They truly have no shame anymore. It's fucking wild.

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I have been working in power plants for over ten years. Entry level plant operators can make six figures with a high school diploma. At a decent plant, you'll be balls to the wall busy on 5-10% of your shifts, pretty steady with general routine stuff that's mostly just confirming that shit is normal 80% of the time, and the remaining 10% is in outages which can vary between busting your ass and waiting around but it's rough either way because you might be working every day for a few weeks. Every plant I've been to does 12 hour shifts with pretty frequent changes between days and nights, which is by far the worst part. You'll have an easier time getting in and moving up if you are pretty good with STEM stuff, but you're fine if you passed honors physics in high school. V=IR and PV=nRT will get you really far. Spatial reasoning skills are also really helpful.

I'm at a combined cycle natural gas plant where I started as an outside operator almost 3 years ago at $39.80/hour and am now a ZLD water treatment operator in the same plant at $52/hour; control room operators start at about $60/hour here. I had a really shitty 12 hour shift today so I earned every dime of that wage, but sometimes it's only like 4-6 hours of work in a 12 hour shift and a bunch of reading or YouTube in between while monitoring everything. Even the tough shifts are kinda good sometimes because I get to work the puzzle part of my brain.

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"Slammed" huh? Take a shot, everybody.

They're getting suspended and fired. Just say that. Stop with the slamming bullshit. It doesn't mean anything.

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No, askreddit is the reddit version of asklemmy.

No, they're just doing what they're being paid to do by special interest groups aka big business. It's not a bug and it's not a feature; it's the point. Optimal profits this quarter. Every quarter is a new quasi generation of executives who want a good quarter before moving on after x quarters.

I think I'd probably pack a bed, TV, microwave, and mini fridge into it and go travel and see a bunch of the world without worrying about lodging. I could also use it at work to eliminate my commute and save myself the high rent of living in Northern Virginia lol.

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It's fair to criticize Biden for not being better than he is but it's fucking braindead, bordering on parody to suggest that Biden isn't better than Trump. Only complete morons or people that aren't paying attention would suggest such a thing, so I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you aren't aware of what Biden has gotten done in his first two years.

I can't stand that he's old, he fucked over rail workers, he's still supporting Israel in their genocidal quest, and he has increased funding for police, but it's hyperbolic af to say he's just as fascist as trump, the poster child of American fascism. Dude literally attempted to overthrow democracy to stay in power. "The boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. We are just going to stay in power."

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Acid. Lemon juice, lime juice, vinegar, and/or wine. Salt and acid make the existing flavors fucking pop.

For anything cheesy, add a touch of nutmeg. Not enough to identify it, but enough to know that something changed.

Taste as you go.

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Time to drop a ton of photoshops of Musk with a diseased micropenis until he changes his mind about this. Maybe shops of Zuckerberg and Musk heads onto gay porn stars so it looks like Mark is dominating Elon's asshole in the literal sense rather than just the figurative sense.

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And the one thing they want is to maximize profits. It's not that they want rivers and lakes to be polluted, it's that not polluting rivers and lakes costs more money than polluting rivers and lakes. And if the fines aren't higher than the difference, then they'll just keep doing it and pay their subscription fee.

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Toxic by Britney Spears. Absolute fucking banger. Musically interesting for an American pop song. Each chorus has the chords walk down, which is pretty cool, but then on the next bar something really interesting happens. Instead of walking down from the second of the four chords, there are back to back tritone substitutions! So fucking cool!

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The article doesn't say, but if I were a betting man I'd put my money on the half that aids the party that is technically in power in the House yet achieving absolutely nothing; the half that is taken hostage by an extremist arm that is poisoning otherwise (presumably) respectable resumes. Can you imagine explaining in a job interview that you were a senior staffer for somebody like Boebert or Gaetz? I'd rather just say I was a senior staffer for "a member of Congress" and avoid talking about who exactly. I don't think I'd even mention which Congress because this session is so goddamn embarrassing to be affiliated with.

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I know a Sysco burger when I see one. Normal burgers aren't chode cylinders; Sysco burgers have goddamn right angles. They taste like they're about 40% gristle. It's basically just the "technically beef" parts of dollar store dog food pressed into the vague shape of a burger patty. The paper that separates the frozen turd patties is better, both in terms of flavor and nutrition. Fuck Sysco burgers. If Sysco reads this and doesn't like what I have to say, they can go fuck themselves until their asshole is as fucked up as a Sysco burger eater's asshole 93 minutes after their shitty lunch.

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There's nothing outrageous about consequences for war crimes when the real outrage lately is over the lack of said consequences.

Because he "tells it like it is" or something. Idk. The kind of people still falling for his grift are too shameless to ever admit that they ever fell for his grift, so they're doubling down, succumbing to the sunk cost fallacy. They just stay in their echo chambers and saturate their awareness with weird culture war shit and then never hear about what's actually happening. Half of them probably don't even know that their guy is a defendant in criminal court this week. Willfully ignorant.

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Kernel level anticheat for a few games is the only real speedbump I'm aware of, and it's only on a couple of game franchises like CoD I think. I would love it a ton of people made the switch and it hurt those games' companies revenue noticeably enough that they look for a way to moderate cheating without just lazily requiring Windows in order to play online.

Linux is finally convenient enough to realistically steal swaths of customers from Microsoft, and it's at the same time that Windows 11 is pissing a ton of people off. We're in for some strange times.

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If it was around the time I suspect, he might've been worried about the me too stories that were breaking. Which means he thought his own conduct could've been seen as questionable. Which means it was very questionable. So bullet dodged. Hooray for not being one of his sexual assault victims.

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The answer is actually pretty simple. Musk is a man child who doesn't like criticism. He lives in a bubble. He fires people who disagree with him and listens to anybody who fawns over him. He appeals to the loudest ones he allows himself to hear. That's why he made that dumbass truck. There's not actually many people who want that hideous, broken monstrosity, but his worshippers shouted that they wanted a truck.

He's also scrambling to get money coming in. Twitter is falling apart. People are starting to wake up and realize that he's nothing more than a lucky nepo dipshit. To soften his losses, he's doing a shitload of layoffs and cutting corners wherever he can. Quality is dropping on his products that already had quality issues. Brand recognition and reputation will start to be a net negative factor as a result.

If he wants to turn Tesla around, musk needs to pivot to producing tech for other car companies and stop making cars themselves.

I fondly recall excitedly using Netflix on my PS3 all the fucking time in like 2011. It was cheap, there was an app right there on the device I already bought, and there was a pretty good selection of content that got updated frequently enough. I had friends who would pirate and I was interested in getting into that until Netflix came along and completely fulfilled the need for me. The incredible convenience made it worth it over the work to learn how to pirate and the time to safely find everything and the risk of getting caught, and then even after doing all of that it would be on a computer and not just a couple of button presses from my couch. I know piracy has gotten to a point now where it's much more convenient, but back then it was a totally different beast. All of this was. YouTube was so much better for users and for certain classes of creators. Media and media platforms across the board are fucking terrible compared to back then. We used to chastise people for still having cable because Netflix was so fucking incredible in comparison. Idk what comes next, but these streaming companies are on the way out if they don't figure it the fuck out. At this point, I'd rather go backwards to go to a goddamn Blockbuster these days.

Your local library probably has a better selection of movies and TV for free than any streaming service you might consider paying for. Let's starve these beasts.

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Now that fast food is no longer cheaper than a sit-down restaurant, it just means that fast food has no use case anymore. You're better off picking up a grab&go type thing from the grocery store. Fast food used to be cheaper, more consistent, and faster, but with the concession that the quality wasn't great. Now it's expensive, it completely sucks in unpredictable ways, and it isn't actually that fast. It's like the industry only exists for people who are on a road trip and also want to punish themselves for some reason.

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I'll be a source. I worked at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in MD for over 10 years. Because of the trend of shutting down nuclear, I shifted over to operating a combined cycle power plant. Calvert with 2 units did about 1800MW combined, base loaded 24/7 except for outages, and those were staggered so that when one went down for maintenance and refueling, the other unit was still throwing 900MW to the grid. My current plant has 2 gas engine turbines and 1 STG, and on a good day when we're fully up 2x1 with ducts in, we can hit about 800MW when it's called for. Balls to the wall in perfect conditions on a plant that's not even ten years old, we can't do half of what Calvert was doing and they've been operating since the 70s.

Imagine what modern nuclear tech could do. We should've been a step ahead of everybody with this.

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You're definitely right. Facebook got super shitty and most people didn't leave. Netflix got super shitty and most people didn't leave. YouTube got super shitty and most people didn't leave. Amazon's shitty video service got even more shitty, but Fallout was about to come out, so most people didn't leave and I bet they actually got more subscribers (but idc enough to look it up). It seems like most people have accepted that things just get shitty over time. Or maybe they're just not noticing the shitty changes? Idk. It's hard to look at our projected trajectory as a species and be left with much hope. There's good in this world, but it seems like none of it is coming from companies.

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His last words may have been something akin to "oh fuck, don't look! Nobody'd better mention this part in my biography!"

I'm in Ashburn, VA. I just looked at Zillow and saw that the cheapest single family home right now is $625k for 2060 sqft. If you have a credit score >719 and put $100k (~16%) down, it's only $4438/month according to their estimates.

So my wife and I live in an apartment with no kids or pets, and we both work a lot... Maybe one day we can afford a townhouse? I just found a decent looking one that's only $450k so $3200/month...

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He's already ignored your requests to be more professional. You've already made it clear that his behavior is making you uncomfortable. I'm sure there's a code of conduct or similar somewhere that he agreed to that would prohibit this bullshit. Fuck him. Whatever happens to him is on him at this point.

Damn, I didn't know there was such a thing as a sommelier but for boots. How many licks does it take to reach your level?


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Good on him for that, and may we all follow in his footsteps; don't accept additional work responsibilities unless it comes with the title, pay, perks, etc.

It's never a bad time to say ACAB. Occasionally, one does something decent, but even a serial killer might occasionally hold the door open for somebody at the post office or whatever.

Every time I see a positive police story, I suspect copaganda. They are class traitors, restricting our liberties in order to protect capital, and it's by design.

Because we're shoulders deep in late stage capitalism. It won't be long before we start seeing consumer scarcity. People are living paycheck to paycheck and can't afford much beyond basic needs. There are only so many hours in a day that people can work, so that's not stretching much further. We're rapidly approaching the breaking point. In a world with finite resources, a system seeking infinite growth will eventually collapse.

Trump signed an executive order to put it in place later. Biden on day one paused everything to vet whether it aligned with where he wanted to steer the country. He decided to not do that by something as flimsy as an executive order and made it a piece of a big bill that was signed into law, protecting it beyond the whims of a future president. Trump's administration deserves credit for mobilizing it, but executive orders probably don't have the teeth to actually make that idea come true and definitely are far from permanent. Now it is the law of the land, and that's because it went through both parts of Congress and then was signed into law. It is indisputable that charging more for insulin is against the law, and this law was a textbook case of legislating constitutionally. Big pharma has no grounds for suing or not complying, but they might've if it were just an executive order.

That would've been true a few months ago, but now it's even more true because only the dumbest stayed and downloaded the app.

Then why isn't America rioting?

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The criminal number-inflater inflated a number? I'm shocked.

They’re likely going to drag out her entire life story as a porn star to try to make her look bad.

It's gonna get cringey and gross. They'll ask how many men she's had sexual relationships with, how many of those were in exchange for money (conflating porn with prostitution), asking what she had to gain from speaking out, what she did with the hypothetical money, asking whether paid NDAs are illegal or even abnormal, etc. They're gonna try to harm her character and then distract from the actual crime which was that trump used campaign funds for this and didn't report it as such. She's gonna get dragged through the mud like Monica Lewinsky. She's brave for going through with this to make sure he faces some amount of accountability. It would be so easy for her to just give up rather than become targeted for speaking up. She's far from perfect, but we should all admire her tenacity.

He's learned that pussyfooting around actual answers gets the same amount of applause and much less criticism compared to actually taking a stance. He's a coward who just says whatever makes people adore him most. He doesn't believe in anything beyond what currently suits him.

Also, it's pretty fucking gross that the guy currently on criminal trial for a hush money payment cover-up over an affair who also was found liable for sexual assault in a recent civil case is being asked whether he would restrict contraceptives if elected president... and he's not just saying no. This is after installing justices who overturned Roe. There's no takeaway I can see other than that he wants women to be vulnerable to impregnation without access to prevention or abortion. He's endorsing breed-rape. Trump voters are woman-haters, and most of them are either too stupid or too cowardly to stand up and say that. A vote for trump is a vote to make every woman you know more vulnerable to a stranger ruining her life with his pathetic little pecker.