McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills to Mildly – 395 points –
McDonald's is getting rid of self-serve drinks and some locations may charge for refills

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Now that fast food is no longer cheaper than a sit-down restaurant, it just means that fast food has no use case anymore. You're better off picking up a grab&go type thing from the grocery store. Fast food used to be cheaper, more consistent, and faster, but with the concession that the quality wasn't great. Now it's expensive, it completely sucks in unpredictable ways, and it isn't actually that fast. It's like the industry only exists for people who are on a road trip and also want to punish themselves for some reason.

If you're not traveling, $7 at my local Publix's butcher can buy you some decent sushi or a fish & vegetable entree w/ either salmon or talapia that cooks in 17-18 minutes.

stoners and idiots will keep them afloat for decades.

Fast food is often the only restaurant option for people working night shifts. I used to clock out at 5am. You know what's open at 5am, when you're hungry but too tired to cook dinner because you've been on your feet for ten hours? Fast food. Maybe a diner if you're near a truck route, but honestly that's not much different.

It's far from the only way society ignores the needs of people who keep everything running behind the scenes, but it sure was annoying.