3 Post – 101 Comments
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I mean, I don't think we should look to the past for mental stability. Alcoholism, violence, and spousal/domestic abuse are all examples of things that were way more common and borderline-accepted back then. I'd rather someone's reaction to stress be a panic attack rather than beating their children.

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😬 I'm not sure how I'd feel about porn generated on a data set of potential STIs

"False narrative"

Lies. Just say lies.

Whatever happens, I hope she keeps Lina Khan for FTC, that's the appointment I care the most about.

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To be fair, I was in the camp of "put a sock in it" until I reached a point of "alright FINE, I'll give it a go" and now I'm joining the choir on it, desktop Linux is a dream.

For me, it's more that our species of primate's general wellbeing and health was hijacked by a cancer-like abstract concept.

What an unbelievable piece of shit. This dude is actually a demon and seriously hateful person. He shouldn't be screaming around at doctors and women for protecting their lives, he should be screaming into pads at a psych hospital.

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Luckily we here in America have much more encouraging and progressive viewpoints from people like our VP nominee Vance who said the purpose of "postmenopausal females" is to provide backup childcare.

Welp, looks like my next hardware isn't gonna be Dell 🤷‍♂️

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most Linux systems don't even use DHCP

WTF are you smoking? WTF is wrong with you that you think such a dumb claim would go unscrutinized? I would play Russian roulette on the chances of a random Linux installation on a random network talking DHCP.

Edit, in case being charitable helps: DNS and IP address allocation aren't the only things that happen over DHCP. And even then the odds are overwhelming that those are being broadcast that way.

Tsoukalos fired back with a lame schoolyard threat that probably didn’t help his cause, writing: “Tell me that to my face and let’s see what happens.”

I can't think of the last time anyone actually said "say that to my face" without a hint of irony.

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Sorta, but people didn't originally sign up for his company. People joined and set up channels of communication and outlets of information on a platform that got bought out and rapidly changed in unexpected ways.

I can buy the Oreo brand and only sell toothpaste-flavored Oreos and I think people would rightfully be pissed off. The first buyers would get a nasty surprise. Competitors would take off over time, but the nostalgia and attachment to the original product would still be there. "Remember Oreos before they fuxkin' sucked?"

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Jesus Christ that's basically uninhabitable for any extended period of time

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The work is moreso on the inverse, making sure it's not unjust. No matter how you slice it, someone's going to take issue on the outcome of each ruling.

What IS easy to quantify is the sheer number of legal scholars and domain experts sounding the alarm that many rulings are inconsistent with previously established law (and in many cases having profound negative consequences on the stability of our society), and that there are frequent conflicts of interest on a huge number of cases (cough cough Thomas).

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Not to mention it's still on, and changing it to another domain is a borderline impossible amount of work to do for any social media site that size.

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Interstellar marketing was pretty interesting, they basically told you nothing about the movie, but communicated the vibes of it well. I don't think the first trailers even showed space, despite that being where the majority of the movie takes place.

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I mean, they're one implementor of about 10 that use the same container standards. It sucks that they were first so their name is now synonymous with containers a la Kleenex, but the technology itself is standard, very open and ubiquitous, and a huge step forward in simplifying deployments and development lifecycles that would otherwise be too complex to reasonably handle.

Note that this is likely a good thing, the new maps are being drawn by a special master to give black folk more representation. The "state" that's objecting here is Alabama lawmakers.

I mean, I get it, but there's value in paying for support and updates, and it's untenable for an organization to do that for free. I'm optimistic for software running under this model, I'd 1000% love to go back to the pay once per major version model, but "pay once forever" software leaves some unanswered questions.

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I mean, they're all shit, but I found this part interesting:

McCarthy’s outside counsel earlier this week sent a cease and desist letter to the person soliciting influencers to bash Gaetz and claiming to be doing so on behalf of McCarthy, according to a copy of the letter obtained by CNN

Which to me, reads like Gaetz is setting up a social media false flag on McCarthy's side, which is an insane level to stoop to for pointless in-party infighting.

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That's true, but whataboutism is a tried and true tactic to deflect attention from Russia. We can do both. Fuck Russia for doing this now, and we should fuck ourselves/hold ourselves accountable and advocate for better transparency.

But this is an article about Russia, now's not the time for tangents.

It's a rough definition, but astroturfing is usually rooted in goals separate from or even counter to the stated movement. E.g. in your example outside support for a labor movement wouldn't necessarily be astroturfing if it's genuinely supporting labor. A fake labor movement sprouted by the companies themselves to take the wind out of the sails of real labor movements would.

I was about to say. There's a million concerns over environmental and economic effects (that I'll own up to ignoring when visiting family or exploring), but safety is still wayyy down the list. The statistic about being 20x more likely to die in a car crash on the way to the airport than the flight itself still holds very firmly true (and I'm being SUPER conservative about those numbers in case recent events tilt it, it's still a ~800x per-mile ratio).

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I'm somewhere in the middle on it. Like mentioned elsewhere, some of it feels like it's just to generate additional business around domain registration while companies buy up duplicates to prevent spoofing. Also ".zip" is a fucking travesty.

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Is Mozilla 100% forced to comply with this? What's to stop them from dropping their French presence and keep serving the browser unaltered on the public web? Do they also then get added to the ban list?

The thought behind this is alarming and worrying, but the mechanism of action seems shoddy and not thought out at all.

Ditto, I practically could've wrote that comment myself

It's a pretty popular meme format, it's not serious

That gets wildly different with how taxing games are and how much they specifically take advantage of x86_64 instructions sets. Even decade old games would barely squeak by, if they don't break entirely.

Oof, and there's only ten lines of code, too. And they look very purposefully written out.

It's not...? It's literally just another social media site, it doesn't hook into ActivityPub or any cross-broadcast protocol. I don't know why you're throwing around the word "fediverse" here.

Ahh, New Zealand. Very similar to the rest of the English-speaking world, but introverted.

Agreed. I'm sure if I was heads down in Excel for years beforehand it would be a significant downgrade, but as a casual user, making better use of some of the more advanced features became so, SO much easier with the Ribbon.

I'll make the "China bad" post. There are very few governments with an ego as fragile as China's. It barely even makes sense since they have the weight and soft power to lead by example, or develop healthy ties with the rest of the world. But they just. Don't. It really gives the impression that all is not well within their borders.

The consumer vehicle side of Polestar has always been exclusively electric, and was launched 7 years ago with the Polestar 1

Fediverse could absolutely do better on just that data, though I do want to note the really effective (or addictive) algorithms for TikTok, Instagram, Reddit, etc. work on a hell of a lot more data than that. Not just what you directly interacted with, but did you even just click on the link? Did you go to the comment section? How long were you in the comment section? What comments did you expand? When you follow a link or look at an image, how long till you go to the next post?

Like I said, there are ways to do better with what we have, but the "ideal" behavior is secretly fueled by a whole lot of extra data collection that gets distributed everywhere.

What a bunch of pansy dumb fucks. Poor Russia's gonna cry because Google is paying attention to markets that actually matter.

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Stories like this give me hope for the world at large to pull itself back from the brink. Especially in my hometown, the good ole USA.


I need to get off my ass and do the same, they deserve all the support in the world right now.

Maybe don't make the Lemmyverse have to sit through your cringey mental break? It's the polite thing to do?

It's a weird take, but I'm not sure I expect a new Jet Set to live up to what Bomb Rush Cyberfunk put out. That game was a love letter, and absolutely nailed the style, gameplay, and nostalgia. I'd be afraid of getting a new Jet Set and it ends up being kinda generic or uninteresting.

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