19 Post – 264 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Things I'm into: All things IT (also professionally), social and environmental justice/volunteering/activism, cooking, baking, eating, music (listening, singing, string instruments), fantasy books, audiobooks, PC gaming, parenting, Germany, Bavaria, Seattle/Washington, and, ADHD đŸ„Č

"Reports of Meta's Destruction Greatly Exaggerated"

OK, it's one of my pet peeves that every fricking disagreement is headlined as X destroyed Y. Click-bait is the bane of the internet and makes everything worse. Don't participate.

I'm glad Kev got to speak their mind, but I highly doubt this changed anything meaningful over at Zuck HQ.

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Remember: The oil industry knew for 70 years what burning oil does to the climate and has been actively undermining that truth for 50 years - that's the Climate Scam.

This kind of propaganda is desperate. I'm surprised they found this many streamers who apparently don't care where the money comes form.

To summarize: "OMG, Sanders donated campaign funds to a non-profit we don't like!"

The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) also allows members to donate campaign funds to any entity described in section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, including charitable or educational organizations, or governmental entities.

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Similarly, 20% of respondents who are personally close to a trans person agree that it’s never appropriate to discuss that some people are trans in public schools — a view that has been pushed by the anti-LGBTQ+ group Moms for Liberty and other so-called “parents’ rights” groups. That percentage rose to 41% among respondents who don’t know any transgender people.

Trans people must be very powerful, if the mere knowledge of their existence appears to be this dangerous to these ppl.

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I really don't understand... Was their thought process someone like this?

"We were gonna hook up any day now, but since she came out that won't happen anymore, so I'll unfollow her!"

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I'm not sure enough people with enough sense are actually voting...

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I guess by using it a lot 😁

Biden already did steps 1 and 2, and step 3 is in process. So far, Biden has made the most progress on weed legalization of all US presidents đŸ€·

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Ridiculous ... for 11k of text.

Why are the pyramids in Egypt?

::: spoiler spoiler Because they didn't fit in a British museum. :::

As evidence mounts against President Joe Biden's involvement in his son's business dealings, legal minds don't yet see enough proof to impeach.

So, what evidence???

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"Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

"Do you know who I am?"

"Oh, it's you?!? Get the fuck out of this theatre now, Bitch!"

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On the other side of the spectrum: Older games that I own on CD-ROMs are much faster to pirate, download, and install than it would be to find the CD in the attic and then hunt for the USB CD Drive ;)

They had to be forced to properly show all the fees, only happened in Sept 2022

Exactly, the only way to govern in a multi party system is bipartisan. Most Republicans cannot put anything above the party line anymore.

When the "Amazon smile" was added in 2000, it was a very different company. I used to work there a few years after that and did not leave on good terms a decade later.

In those early days, there was a bunch of innovation that was good for customers, for example showing critical reviews online (vendors were horrified as previously only curated good or editorial reviews were shown), or listing used items alongside the new ones, Amazon music let you upload your own mp3s, AWS majority leveled the playing field for startups, ...

But even back then everybody knew that the warehouse jobs had very bad conditions (though that was certainly not unique to Amazon).

By 2015 I had certainly had enough. Vendors were squeezed for every cent, Amazon just copied successful products and produced them themselves in China, the management culture became more and more toxic (Managers had to find bad performers in their team, no matter if there were any), new people earned so much more than people who had some the same job for years, promotions decisions were majority influence by office politics, senior managers ran pretty much unchecked, the interview process was so hard, everybody who was involved from the Amazon side doubted they could make it through themselves, ... Currently, established authors have 0 recourse of somebody sells AI-generated books under their name.

I could go on :p

And so, it begins

Reddit CEO slams protest leaders, saying he'll change rules that favor ‘landed gentry’

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman said Thursday that he wants to bring an end to a user-led protest that has made large parts of the influential website inaccessible this week. Huffman said in an interview that he plans to institute rules changes that would allow Reddit users to vote out moderators who have overseen the protest, comparing them to a “landed gentry.”

The protest took down thousands of message boards, known as subreddits, starting Monday, and some communities say they plan to continue the action indefinitely. The action has been led by Reddit’s unpaid, volunteer moderators, who have a high level of control over how their subreddits are run. Participating communities went “private,” making them unviewable even to members. The protesters oppose changes that will most likely cut off their ability to access Reddit through third-party apps, and their action has hobbled much of the site.

Huffman, also a Reddit co-founder, said he plans to pursue changes to Reddit’s moderator removal policy to allow ordinary users to vote moderators out more easily if their decisions aren’t popular. He said the new system would be more democratic and allow a wider set of people to hold moderators accountable.

Reddit’s current policy says moderators may be removed by higher-ranking moderators or by Reddit itself for inactivity or violations of Reddit-wide rules. They may also remove themselves. Many have held their positions for years.

“If you’re a politician or a business owner, you are accountable to your constituents. So a politician needs to be elected, and a business owner can be fired by its shareholders,” he said.

“And I think, on Reddit, the analogy is closer to the landed gentry: The people who get there first get to stay there and pass it down to their descendants, and that is not democratic.”

Moderators have argued that the high level of control over their communities is well-deserved because of the hours of free labor they’ve put into making and enforcing rules on their subreddits. Any plan to reduce their influence might result in another backlash.

Huffman, who co-founded Reddit 18 years ago this month, said he believes the leaders of the protest may have had popular support when it started Monday but have lost most of it since.

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I only have one thing to add to this topic:


Just pointing out that not everybody who can't spell shit is poorly educated.

Dyslexia, ADHD, having a different native language, ducking autocorrect, ... Lots of reasons.

The bigger issue for me is the anti-science stance so many are pushing/following now, but whenever one study comes out reinforcing what they already wanted to believe they pounce on it. That's not how the scientific consensus works and that "methodological fetishism" fed right into it. We still need experts' help to understand what's significant.

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They have done nothing to earn open community's cooperation. On the contrary, they have not atoned for weakening democracy in countries all over the world AND distributing powerful data about its users both for money and by inadequate security.

OK, I'm just using fancy words to say Fuck You, Meta and Zuck in particular.

Oh, these are of amazing quality - thanks for sharing! Look at those arrow heads!

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I drive an older leaf, cannot confirm 😂

If anything, the mods are indentured servants who toil on Lord Huffmans plots for free. Landed gentry, my ass.


That's so funny!! ... and sad.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., loosened up the Senate's dress code, saying, "Senators are able to choose what they wear on the Senate floor." Republican levels of outrage quickly surpassed their anger at Donald Trump for unleashing a mob on the Capitol that broke the windows and smeared feces on the walls.

Similarly when you cross a border... you don't have to give them you password, but they can just keep you for a few days. Also note:

Currently, police officers have the authority to demand that you unlock your mobile phone using face recognition and fingerprint identification. When unlocking your phone, police officers have no right to demand that you disclose your passcode or pattern.

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It is an interesting perspective, but the white vs black history distinction feels like semantics to me.

How does black history make any sense without naming who did all the enslaving, lynching, segregating, ... ? I think I'm more in the camp of "there is accurate history" and there is "white-washed history" and the people who would like to continue to propagate white supremacy love the latter.

This was driving me crazy.... at least I know why now.

Is this theory even falsifiable?

They prevented the Capitol Police from getting sufficient number of people and equipment without permission from Trump and he never gave it, if I remember correctly.

Easier way to say it is that there was just no way to be sure what that boom was.

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I feel this way a bunch.

One thing I'd like to add is that there is this essay by Australian moral philosopher Peter Singer, called "Famine, Affluence, and Morality", where he argues that we are all quite immoral for not giving all our extra spending money to starving people. Since its release in 1972 nobody was able to really to find any major flaws in his arguments. Knowing this won't make you feel better, but at least it's not just you ;)

My approach: I volunteer at a local food bank, whenever I can. I know that nobody who is hungry is turned away, even if they don't live in the official service area, or where here a few days ago. I donate to this foodbank, when I have some money to give. Not because I don't trust individuals to make the right decision with money, but because I know it will reach and help more people that way. Also, I never carry cash.

As a dear friend likes to say: The medicine for fear and anger is Community, Action, and Compassion. Good luck!

8 of these keywords could have just gone to the domain directly... teach your relatives about ctrl+enter, so they don't have to google those and look at ads :p

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Yeah, that feels like crossing a line for me. I don't believe in guilt by association.

How do you know somebody didn't just subscribe to monitor them?

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I've heard many formerly conservative peeps say something like that: Nobody indoctrinated me, I just met the people who were supposed to be othered and it turns out they are cool.

For the record: Same at schools - nobody is saying you gotta be gay or trans, but apparently just telling kids that different people exist is a threat to their indoctrinated lifestyle.

Sent you a little bit of money, - it sucks that this is necessary, but thanks for doing the good work <3

The death penalty is super expensive, no doctors or pharmacies want to participate, it's been proven to be a lousy deterrent, it's not applied fairly, ... No wonder he loves it.

My guess is that this is referring to "auto moderator" and similar type of tools, so functionality that needs to first be created in the Lemmy core, before you could support them on your client.