LA School Board President Jackie Goldberg responds to homophobic protest over the reading of a picture book about a gay family to – 14 points –
School Board President DESTROYS Homophobic Protestors

She captures my feelings so incredibly well.

Nobody in any of the schools is saying to kids that they should be gay or trans. All they are saying is that some gay and trans people exist, deserve to live, and be treated with respect.

Arguments of people who don't afford basic respect to others do not need to be respected.


I love hate this.

So great to see someone in authority speaking it passionately in support of LGBTQ+ rights. Even better that they are LGBTQ+ themselves.

But it's sickening that there are people so arrogant in their closed mindedness that this protest happened in the first place.

So great to see someone in authority speaking it passionately in support of LGBTQ+ rights. Even better that they are LGBTQ+ themselves.

yeah, as far as i know Jackie Goldberg is the real deal and a very cool person even though she's like 80. for example, iirc she's a card-carrying member of DSA

Thatcher's (rest in piss) Section 28 was in effect for the entirety of my pre-college education. I used to think I would never come out, and considered being in a relationship with another man an alien concept until I was almost 20. I eventually turned out fine, but I still don't want anyone to go through the things I did, so I'm glad she's standing up for these kids.