
5 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hacker news isnt an appropriate forum for most questions tho, that one is valid

Is this just referring to the firefox sync feature? I love being able to access tabs from my laptop on my phone and vice versa.

It bothers me when OO doesnt stand for "object oriented"

this response is based on the few paragraphs available to non medium members

The second paragraph mirrors my experience with coding to a tee. I may have forgotten to turn off the oven while i was absorbed in Pycharm at least once, and ive certainly given a triumphany "fuck yea" with a raised fist worthy of a freeze frame ending to an '80s film upon succesfully accomplishing a task.

During a recent difficult time in my life, learning to code was the only activity i found that gave me substantial relief from the stress.

One of my favorite things about vinyl is having to flip the record over. I think it demands more active and respectful listening.

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Can you elaborate because this is not obvious to me. Maybe we sre thinking different things when we talk about "openness" in this context.

I started learning to program in February, which reinvigorated my love of computers. I discovered awesome new software like syncthing, and just recently started daily driving linix (debian 12) and its been great. Just little things like customizing my wall paper which i havent done for years. 2023 was a great year for me and tech.

Oh and i switched from chrome to Firefox, looks like that's been a common theme for the year!

What are some goos resources for learning jq? I really struggle when it comes to nested keys/values which obviously limits my ability to use it.

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Yea that is very confusing, especially when UBO is often referred to as simply UBlock. Thanks for the info.

I think it's safe to say guns are an offensive weapon

I never got into Spotify. Soulseek is all I need.

"alright, we need to make our service worse to satisfy our real customers"

Not dropped, but google has suggested all new android projects be done with Kotlin instead

Thats really awesome, wish i could find something like that in the states. Good luck!

Can you add links to each section at the top so you dont have to scroll past ones you might not be interested in?

I am struggling with using flex for the first time and holy cow do i feel this

Im biased here, ive been learning python for almost 16 months and only dabbled in Javascript and never did any Ruby, but for a first language, i think python is fantastic. Its "easy" enough to keep you feeling like your skill is actually improving, while still being able to do pretty much anything (where performance is not a high priority). I also just think javascript is ugly to look at.

Ive been using startpage lately

I have a T560 and i run debian with sway. It serves the dual purpose of getting me more comfortable in the terminal (i even use power shell on my windowa desk top a lot more now), and it runs much better than KDE or gnome did. Im missing some obvious quality of life settings like easily adjusting the power settings (it never sleeps, just turns off the screen and locks). But again, im trying to get more comfortable using the terminal so for me its more of a "take the training wheels off" thing.

I have a friend working on something like that. It does real time rendering of planet physics, down to accounting for known behavior of the constituent molecules. Pretty wild stuff.

Someone hit me with the full text please.

I started using powershell more because it comes with a lot of bash aliases out of the box. Besides a brief period of using ubuntu in like 2006 because my windows install got corrupted, its my first foray into linux. Ive been daily driving debian 12 and i love it. I feel like getting used to the lingo helped ease the transition.

But if you actually use powershell for more than simple tasks and take advantage of its object oriented nature, it might make the switch harder. If you plan to use the command line as little as possible i think the switch is trivial. Your biggest worry is going to be analysis paralysis with all the options, but i just installed debian with the defaults and trying out different desktop environments is really easy and i havent yet had a problem that wasnt simple to solve with a google search.

Whats the learn/work program?

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Thanks, thats a good idea. Its a terminal music player, perfect if youre the kind of person that just likes being in the terminal

There are usb turntables that let you rip your vinyl, but theyre usually not the highest quality turn tables. I like vintage tables because it adds to the atmosphere and there were fewer corners cut. You could probably get some separate equipment that would let your turn table talk to your computer.

Is it a low code tool?

Do you still need to root your phone to use vanced?

Do you have to chmod all your scripts when you include the shebang? Or do you have it configured to save with the right permissions?

I love thay idea im gonna implement it tonight

I have perused it, but its both so dense and so broad that its not that helpful unless i know exactly what I'm looking for. I have also tried info and tldr. I actually like tldr the most,. although the exhaustiveness of the man pages must be admired. I dont find it to be the best teacher.

That really pisses me off.

If also like to know what site this is so i can avoid it. I DMed you.

I tend to agree with you. I work in a retail pharmacy and literally have had nightmares about work. Some folks dont know how good they have it. But in their defense satisfaction is an unfortunately ephemeral beast. When i first switched from the floor to pharmacy i was happier than id been in years. I still wouldn't go backwards, but god damn some days i would love a job where i can sit down and the only customer i have to worry about is my boss.

What VPN do you suggest?

Im curious to check it out in case anyone wants to DM me an invite code.

got one! thanks lemmy

That was before learned helplessness became a staple of the internet experience, i think a lot fewer reddit users will be motivated to leave compared to the people who left digg for reddit.

Happy to be proven wrong, though.

I use comic mono for the meme, but i also like courier and old school terminal looking fonts

What a great read! Thanks so much for sharing this.


IPv4 should be deprecated, but it's not