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Joined 1 years ago

It's more the free and public versions have plateaued

No I would definitely vote for trudeau a 100 times over before Biden, and we have at least 3 choices in almost every riding. We don't have to worry about gerrymandering and voters reform while unlikely is at least a topic mainstream politicians will tall about.

Comparing ourselves too much to the states is why canada is the mess it is, it's still no contest with the states.

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Well your clearly not here in good faith so I'll keep it brief.

Singh is in his pocket, a waste of a vote. I was an NDP voter all my life, I'm done.

Sorry can't hear you over the sound of my dentists drill.

Polliviere is an absolute idiot who will ride a wave of hatred for Trudeau into office.

Worse than Biden, probably, worse than Trump no way.

Voters in Canada have no power and no representation as all votes are whipped. Your MP is a seat filler

No I live in a green riding.

yeah but that kiddie pool is being rented out for 1500/mo

For the lazy US has 3.5x more guns than Finland and 35x more firearm homicides (which, not to nitpick, is not necessarily the same as a firearm death). If us has a 10x reduction in firearm homicides to be more in line with their gun ownership they would go from being ranked 23rd (as of 2019) to 42nd or so, going below countries like Canada (although Canada's gun crime is strongly linked with the us), new Zealand * and Sweden.

I'll also point out though that Finland has stricter gun laws than the states, relavent to this post they have a minimum age of 20 to buy firearms. They need licenses and a justification to carry them around, and there are fairly strict storage rules.

* I realized that 2019 was the Christchurch mass shooting, which brought the rate from 0.2 in 2018 to 1.2 in 2019, so probably not very representative of NZ gun crime.

On the rare occasion I have to wear a dress shirt for work, I'm making sure it's as wrinkled as possible. I wouldn't want to be mistaken for one of the execs, it gives the impression that you don't work hard. I think it'll continue bubbling up in the same way not wearing a tie and not having curtails did.

I think they might be talking about the taste of blood of a fresh or infected piercing. Blood tastes like keys.

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I would suggest growing your own mushrooms as the safest way to be sure they aren't tainted, it's pretty easy (the hardest part is keeping things sterile) and you can grow quite a bit at once in a small footprint. In my jurisdiction it's not even illegal so long as you destroy the final product upon maturity.

That's a lot of work on twitches side to keep it hushed which makes this weirder.

I don't think that's weird, twitch really doesn't want the pr of being wrong or having a pedo on their platform, its a lose-lose and I would expect them to try and cover it up regardless.

You may appreciate "miracle workers" the first season is set in modern times (kinda) but each other season is set in a different historical setting.

the fact that it would require us to spend time on reddit every 5 min and the fact thatthe admins would wipe it if it showed any real problems.

I played like 40hours of Cyberpunk 2077 before going on social media. I Thought it was going to get "mid" reviews, but I guess I got really lucky to not hit any serious bugs. Lesson being: If you wanna enjoy a game, don't look at any marketing materials, and don't seek out social media about it until you've had time to form your own opinions.

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It already is on mastodon, it's on basically every twitter-like social media.

I am genuinely disappointed after looking this up and finding out it's a real song not snoring.

My old campus had a huge Canada geese problem, their aggressive breeding season coincided with spring exams. People would get out of exams and then charge the flocks of angry defensive geese. Leads to a few stitches and at least one broken arm.

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from googling the exact phrase in the review, it seems the game is Ultra Fight Da Kyanta 2

the old owners of my home neglected to get the the eves-troughs fixed (they were shitty landlords), it cost me about 10K for the replacement which will last 20+yrs. the leaking water ruined every window frame in the house, and cost us about 50K to repair that damage. replacing those windows also like halved our heating/cooling bills (and made the upper floors comfortable to exist in). Luckily we got a nice interest free government loan because it's greenifying our home.

they had all kinds of other landlord specials, like pouring concrete (not levelled right) down the basement drain and making the stairs to the attic out of plywood. fuck landlords. Did I mention they made over 400k on the appreciation of the house and were probably making 2-3K more per month than their mortgage from renting.

Your both wrong there are crabs and then there are crabs 🦀🦀🦀🦀

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try a disappointed sparkit

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Those same streamers are also reporting 16GB of RAM usage when loading up a new map, which means that the minimum recommended spec of 8GB was a blatant lie from the devs.

I'm not saying this is necessarily the case, but just because a game uses 16gb of ram on a 32gb system does not been it can't make do with 8gb on a more limited system.

E.T is on Vacation

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The use of Lady/Male is kinda off putting

I know this is a joke but it can cause real problems. In Canada Engineer is a protected term, so if your customs agent is feeling like being a dick and you put "Software Engineer" instead of your official title (Mine is "Software Engineering Developer") and you aren't a licensed engineer you can get your visa denied and get royally fucked.

[PDF] Here's the Engineers Canada Stance on it.

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IOT devices shouldn't connect to wifi. ZWave or zigbee is much better suited to IOT stuff, but it seems to mostly get adopted in very limited, locked down proprietary shit like Hue Lights.

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I always read ofc as "of fucking course" it makes no sense to include the f.

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If you can tell the contribution is ai generated, it's not good enough

they become old when they get posted on facebook. They become vintage when most of the facebook boomers stop using them.

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A bunch of nazi's used it as a dog whistle and it got added to a database of hate symbols.

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Isn't this character like 13?

Sisyphus pogging or sissypuss pegging?

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You may experience a lot fewer problems if you switch instances, is notoriously overloaded.

The modern version of this trick is bunny the dog, that dog that "talks" by pushing buttons.

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Work that isn't super unethical exists. It pays well but not obscenely well like ad industry. If you are a highly in demand engineer you are making a choice by working for an ad company.

so average person takes 20K breaths a day, that's $1000/day every day for no effort.

Steps obviously vary a lot more. If you get the recommended minimum of 10K steps a day then that's $2.5K/day.

I feel like were I given this sort of earning potential I would probably seek to get in shape as a first step, which would make the step choice the overall better choice.

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If all your code isn't on one line you aren't a real programmer.

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I like this, but I don't like calling them affairs when everyone involved knows about it.

Well apparently it's programmed to bypass the safety system after 3 attempts under the assumption that the user knows best.

This seems like a really dumb choice, but I can see why an engineer would want to point out that it's not incompetent engineering but an incompetent business department.

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Blockchain is a nebulous buzzword with a vague meaning. But I have yet to see a sensible definition of a blockchain that doesn't include git. At the end of the day they are both just Merkle trees.

Git is pretty useful imo.

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I'm a big fan of any of 3blue1brown, his videos are university level math explained and visualized extremely well.

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So the creator of ublock found he had taken on more than he could handle and transferred ownership of ublock to someone else. That project stopped getting updated and was eventually acquired by Adblockplus which is a for profit company that lets advertisers pay to be whitelisted.

Ublock origin is from the original creator of ublock and was original intended as his personal version of the extension free of the responsibilities he agreed to with ublock.