93 Post – 602 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's simply not in the Democrat's self-interest in states where they control the elections.

This is clear evidence, as if we needed it, that gaining and maintaining power is all EITHER political party cares about.

We need an independent review of the system, apart from either party's influence, to make any headway with election reform.

Why not Federal prison? NOTHING they did was legal and at least the mayor (sic) and city council knew full well they were subverting the Democratic principles of the US.

No fine, no probation. Prison for these manipulative shits

Give this kids their cellphones back, nobody should have to piss in a cup.

They should only get to wear underpants - tidy whiteys! Nothing bulky or absorbent!

Trump should have to wear an orange jumpsuit with a serial number on the left breast and "INMATE" stamped clearly on the back.

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I'm on a game, Whiteout Survival, you've probably never heard of it. I haven't spent a penny, but I was curious about how much one obscure "upgrade" cost. Mind you, there are hundreds of purchases in the game.

It was $100 US, and it said 29,000 had been sold... in the last WEEK!

2.9 million dollars a week for NOTHING. And that's just that one obscure item, far from their biggest seller.

And that's just in one game you've never heard of.

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This is a great thread

Yeah it's been showing me that banner every time I start the game since the very beginning.

And I nope it every time.

That does suck. I'm sorry.

Sorry, of course you're right

The loss of the actual internet + The loss of actual search engines.

Let me explain. The internet used to be an open playground where anyone could post a website dedicated to their interests, and did so. There were websites about octopuses and electomagnets and all sorts of obscure niche interests. Free website space with plentiful, and everybody used it. You could see 50 pages of information about someone's dog Fifi, just because they wanted to put it out there. Or hand loading ammunition if that was their bag. Or why the Communist manifesto was a better document than the declaration of Independence. Anything went on your own web page.

And it became massive; so big that we needed search engines to find the exact thing we were looking for. When we wanted to find information about octopuses, we needed to search through all those obscure websites and find what we needed to find about octopuses.

So the search engine wars began.

We also had things like stumble upon, where you could be surprised by some interesting site, and there were rings, where interesting sites of the same genre linked together so you could follow a threat of interest through a bunch of obscure sites.

None of this was forced on you.

Now we have possibly 20 to 30 large websites that account for 95% of all the traffic on the internet? We have search engines that show us what they think we meant by our question, but not the exact answer to our question.

It's gone. We wondered how they were possibly going to tame the internet how they were going to close Pandora's box.

It's all gone.

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Piggybacking for-profit prisons.

Cops don't have to serve and protect or abide by the law. Power companies don't have to supply power. People who sell you things can deny you access to them.

Hey this is fun, let's do more!

That's a damn good stick

Playing stupid phone games. Really mind-numbing, no talent required games. Currently into "Whiteout Survival". I am over 60 y.o.

It scratches an itch.

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This is bullshit. What could it possibly matter to them, other than to force people onto their miserable platform. Bastards.

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Photography already killed art. It's nowhere near as popular as it was before photography. It's now becoming a time when commissioned works can be popularized as well. So art made by humans becomes even more niche.

Hey, I'm sorry for the roof thatchers and knife sharpeners out there, and what happened to their profession. The Appalachians and West Virginia is dirt poor because coal mining isn't what it used to be.

Why do "artists" think they're holy and should be protected?

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I broke my penis masturbating when I was a kid. There was an audible snap and it had an offset in the middle like you see on a road after an earthquake, was constantly weeping blood from the opening, and hurt like hell.

I wrapped that sucker in toilet paper daily and carried on, never told a soul.

Edit: apparently, I was lucky

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Such a waste of money. Remember, he has "the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? It’s like incredible!"

He should have just let her talk. Such a sucker.

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I can't believe this is happening. How can this be happening. We have the biggest threat to democracy in our short existence as a country and we counter it with the least dynamic candidate we could possibly run against him. I dread to think how we're letting power politics destroy this country. We hardly have a country left anymore. It's going to take something more.

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They approached from both sides of the car with their hand on their waistbands as if they had a weapon. Was he supposed to magic his way out of that? Talk to them? Plead?

He had a gun. They threatened a person with a gun. This is what happens sometimes when you do that. It's the risk you assume when you take up carjacking. It's a high-risk occupation.

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That last sentence though...

  • **"The cyberattacks share the timeline with the legal battle Internet Archive is facing from US book publishers, claiming copyright infringement and seeking combined damages of hundreds of millions of dollars from all libraries." ** *
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Those dumb bastards. Did they think we had unlimited money to spend on this shit?

Do you want Grandpa to pirate? Because this is how you get Grandpa to pirate.

This question was posted with a Wikipedia link. I didn't read it, but let's assume it didn't answer the poster's question.

Now I see in the comments a people saying "we know a lot" (but not Wikipedia I guess) or "it's just what Americans do" or "we got some good laws out of it". It just sounds like "move along, move along" to me.

Nobody answered the question. I don't know the answer, but to say that a person who has never killed anyone before then planned and executed the biggest mass shooting in American history (and that's saying something!) and we shouldn't CARE about motive is just weird.

What makes someone arm themselves and go to a movie theater or an elementary school or a concert should be damned important to a society that cares about mental health and the safety of its citizens. It's SO EASY to say "evil" and put it in the past, especially when the perpetrator is dead. It's much harder to think about how to prevent the next one. Sure, they use guns. But then it's knives. Or hammers. Slower you say? Well then how about sarin gas? Mail bombs? Potassium cyanide in Tylenol? Letters containing ricin?

We need to know more about the psychology of the mass killer. We act like saying "evil" is good enough. Are we all religious now? There's devils out there? Or are they people, people with problems that never got recognized, until it was too late?

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Is that a good deal? I mean, it says "multi-million" and then it sells for less than 1/2 million, so I'm guessing good deal.

IDK, part it out on eBay?

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That's not right and I'll tell you why. You're not wrong about geocities opening up the ability to create websites to a lot more users. Geocities and other website creator sites like that were great, and did exactly that. Even MySpace did the same thing. But then here's where corporations threw the control element in.

They added a social element. They took away a bare website presence, maybe a counter to see how many people came by, and replaced it with an upvote and downvote system where your thoughts were subject to peer pressure and social correction. MySpace, Geocities, all of those independent free website creator tools died in favor of Facebook, digg, Reddit, Twitter. The odd stuff, the weird stuff, the truly countercultural stuff, disappeared under the tyranny of the masses. People turned to blogs for a while. But soon those died too.

So now we have the new element of control. The control of what you get to see. What the web search engine shows you. What rises to the top of your feed. Hell a lot of the times you have to really work hard to find your own friend's posts. I'm looking at you Instagram.

But by all means disagree with me. But you won't convince me that this is better. Not in a million years.

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Hey! I just started looking at SQL and this is the first SQL joke I've ever seen or at least ever gotten!

So, congratulations me!

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We were once playing "The Newlywed Game" on a cruise with our kids and the host asked where the strangest place we made whoopie was. We both answered on a trampoline. To which our horrified kids said:

On OUR trampoline?!?


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Somebody has to give us the inside politics that led to this public embarrassment! It's so juicy! I can't wait to hear how this got so far, and who the players were. What was the disagreement?

They've GOT to let us have it all! It's too good!

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Literally, how does one accomplish something like this? There's requirements, a certain number of credits, that take time to earn, and it seems simply impossible. Maybe it's 5 undergraduate degrees, including AAs and other 2 year degrees? Did he start at 8?

Questions questions.

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Exactly this. If I could occupy myself it would be great. Being paid to sit and stare at walls is a way to induce madness.

Truly I tell you, no matter what you were paid, you would scream to leave.

I'm glad one of these is finally getting off the ground. So far we haven't seen anything high speed in the US, just "fast".

I'm afraid the money in our politics makes it impossible to get projects like these off the ground. There's too much effort to line their own pockets by politicians, and not enough effort to serve their constituents.

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My wife's English, and were enjoy a cup of tea when I get home from work. We take it with half and half and sugar, and we unload our day with each other until we're both smiling and having fun together.

It's damn near perfect.

I'm 62 so this happened a long time ago. My mom didn't like novacaine so she found a dentist who didn't use it (I found that out later as an adult). For whatever reason I had 15 cavities one year. I couldn't stand it but somehow I got to the last day of many and I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't willingly open my mouth for that pain, I just couldn't.

The dentist took that hooky little metal instrument dentist's have, held it near my cheek, and said, "If you don't open your mouth, I'm going to go in RIGHT. THROUGH. HERE." Those last three words were punctuated by him poking my cheek with that little hooky instrument; once for each word.

I opened my mouth in the worst fear and feeling of abandonment I've ever felt. I now need nitrous and my wife holding my hand to get through a cleaning. Dr. Fryer. A sadist.

WHY are people embracing these kind of people and these kind of solutions?

Calling them "stupid" makes you feel smart until the world collapses in front of you. Something is happening to make a LOT of people choose wacko dictators to lead their countries and overthrow their constitutions.

I believe speed of change in society has increased to the point where people are afraid, like literally scared, and technology has moved ahead so quickly that again they don't understand it and they're afraid. They don't trust the people who are titularly in charge of the transition and they feel powerless to enact change.

And somebody comes along and says I'm going to tear the whole damn thing down and they get excited and jump behind them.

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Police should NOT be involved in the mental health process.

Currently they are legally required.

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Um yes, the first one.

Islam will be the only opium of the people!

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Oh my goodness, do I need to spell this out?

IT'S THE POST. The very post we're commenting on is an example of how art is trying to be shielded from the advances of technology whereas coal miners knife sharpeners roof thatchers... everybody watched them starve and nobody cared.

They were clapping while the miners were sent into starvation. People were dying and we were clapping because an industry we didn't like went away. It's all because "Art Lovers" are rich and elitist that they want an outcry. Which of us has a collection of art, or even one piece? Nobody who thinks about paying bills I'll bet.

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