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The doctor I see for adhd set themselves up as a PCP for insurance purposes, so each visit is just a copay. You can find co-pays from free to $20 on the ACA Marketplace (Obamacare). Just find an insurance salesperson to help you, they are paid by the insurance companies so you don't pay for their help!

Testing cost me a little more and it wasn't as laborious as this makes it sound. One test was video-recorded while you clicked the mouse whenever something happened on the screen and the other was some questions about your history.

A few years back, some log cabin Republicans walked beside a sports car in the Austin Pride Parade. You could tell exactly where they were because the crowd fell silent as they passed. It was cool hearing the silence move down the street, nobody booed we just ignored them.

There have been members of the community aligned with the far right for a long time. There was even a hugh ranking gay nazi that worked for Hitler before he outlived his usefulness and IIRC ended up in a concentration camp.

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The rejection of fanaticism went out the door along with E Pluribus Unum in the 50's when the Christian nationalists forced their religion on the national motto. Then over the next decade black people were lynched and attacked with fire hoses when they were asking for basic rights.

They also started conversion camps where they emotionally and sometimes physically and secually abuse minors in conversion camps to attempt to change sexual orientation.

I believe it was Nixon who helped foem fox News to pull the Republicans further right and we've been seeing the consequences of that.

Basically the fanaticism has always been there, but with the internet and social media, it's easier for them to make their voice heard.

The laws governing public schools should apply to any school that receive public funds. Many private schools would quickly crumble given how chaotic and disorganized I've heard they are from teachers that left working in private schools.

Segregation should not be allowed in the education system.

Only way to have rights guaranteed for the LGBT communityvis to have more left-leaning justices than right-leaning ones at all times.

If being American required conformity, then why isn't the principal conforming to state law?

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Chipotle posted a few years back that raising the minimum wage to $15 (more than double current minimum wage) would increase the price of a burrito by about 30 cents.

I assume he means Haunted Chocolatier.

If you watch the video, one of the union members is at the Council meeting speaking to the City Council and another union member walks up to him to inform him that they were laid off with immediate effect. The workers both seemed genuinely surprised that they were laid off.

Republicans are good about showing up to every election and vote all the way down the ballot, which helps them pack the courts. They can then do things like this to give their party a better chance at winning an election.

Sharkbait! Ohh ah ah!

We learned in D.A.R.E. that X is bad for you. Seems like X in its digital form is also bad for you and for its dealer.

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Cornrows are long and the student has them styled as they have been styled in the Americas since before the founding of the US. This ruling is in blatant disregard to the law.

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This website has a listing of all changes in the piece from start to finish with dates and a recording for the chords that have already played!

In a way yes, NPR talked about a study where conservative brains have a bigger fear center in the brain. There were a lot of cool distinctions made between conservatives and liberals in their brains and behavior patterns.

They aren't being paid for summer though. Most teachers have a daily rate of pay for each work day. They then take that and divide it by 12 and pay the teachers once a month.

The paychecks received in June and July are for work done earlier in the year that are delayed so that teachers can budget easier and so the district can earn some interest on it.

This doesn't address what she found or the fact that her stance changed. TLDR below. From the article:

"But after taking office and examining hundreds of pages of curriculum, Gore was shocked by what she found — and didn’t find.

The pervasive indoctrination she had railed against simply did not exist. Children were not being sexualized, and she could find no examples of critical race theory, an advanced academic concept that examines systemic racism. She’d examined curriculum related to social-emotional learning, which has come under attack by Christian conservatives who say it encourages children to question gender roles and prioritizes feelings over biblical teachings. Instead, Gore found the materials taught children “how to be a good friend, a good human.”

Gore rushed to share the news with the hard-liners who had encouraged her to run for the seat. She expected them to be as relieved and excited as she had been. But she said they were indifferent, even dismissive, because “it didn’t fit the narrative that they were trying to push.”

So, in the spring of 2022, Gore went public with a series of Facebook posts. She told residents that her backers were using divisive rhetoric to manipulate the community’s emotions. They were interested not in improving public education but rather in sowing distrust, Gore said.

“I’m over the political agenda, hypocrisy bs,” Gore wrote. “I took part in it myself. I refuse to participate in it any longer. It’s not serving our party. We have to do better.”"

TLDR Far right republican ran on platform saying that schools are indoctrination students to be progressives. She spent many nights and weekends going over the curriculum for the district and found no evidence to support her previous claims and in her excitement, she told her supporters what she found. They didn't believe her and she was so disgusted that she changed her platform.

It could happen if we could get more people to the polls.

In 2020, there were 21.5 million people in the voting age population, of which 16.95 million were registered to vote, and of those 11.3 million cast a vote. Of the votes, Trump receuved 5,890,347 votes and Biden received 5,259,126.

Hopefully we will have even better turnout this Oct/Nov. We were the first state to have an in-person early voting period and unfortunately, over 40 years later, isn't well-utilized.

For those in TX, the last day to register to vote is Oct 7.

Voting goes from October 21-Nov 1, with one final day to cast your vote on Nov 5.

Applications to vote by mail must be received by Oct 25.

Check your registration status, local polling locations and hours, important dates, and other election information at the link below.

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When minimum wage was increased to $7.25/hour (although it should be increased again).

Affordable Care Act

Funding for covid tests and vaccines

Don't know if these count, since they only come from SCOTUS decisions however Congress has not written a law stripping these rights. Right to have a same-sex relationship (2003) Right to marry a same-sex partner (2015) Right to employment while LGBT (2020)

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It's worth finding a doctor that treats adult ADHD and see the effect that meds have on you.

I somehow had untreated ADHD, but still managed to get good grades. It was amazing when I started taking meds for ADHD. There have been advances in some of the meds that help lessen the side effects. Also as an adult, you may be able to better perceive the difference between unmedicated and medicated states.

The biggest hassle is finding someone that treats adult ADHD and is on your insurance. Tons of people around me treat child ADHD, but there's only a handful of people around that treat adult ADHD.

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They get off on making others' lives worse, even when it brings theirs down. Remember Cruz was part of the Tea Party, the super crazies that threw the republican party even further right and helped pave the way for Maga.

I know, his mental state hasn't been very good at any point in his campaigning. I remember seeing a speech of his that interrupted some TV programming shortly after he became president and it was just mindless rambling. I have ADHD and I couldn't even follow it, it was so bad.

That's not how tempo works. The Music played is still at a tempo of 170 beats per minute.

You wouldn't win if you were pulled over going 50 mph on a 40 mph road by saying that you were stopped at lights for 10 minutes and thus your average speed for the last half hour or whatever is under 40 mph.

No, but they'll make sure that you get some trauma

According to the website below, searching for "beer", 22 oz weighs 23.281 oz. So it's close!

Actually SCOTUS ruled that extending the copyright pulls it out of public domain in Golan v Holder. Congress passed a law that put some literary and musical works back into copyright from the public domain. A case was brought by some educators and musicians that the removal of these works from the public domain infri get on their free speech, but the Court disagreed 6-2.

Yes, "[a spokesman for the family] said that [the student] will continue to serve in-school suspension and that his attorneys plan to file for an injunction in an upcoming federal civil rights lawsuit."

Not just 80s, Lingo was a popular game show that aired in the 2000s and (from what I heard from a redditor a couple years back) still airs in some countries. Wordle is a rip-off of Lingo.

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Only $200 per incidence? That doesn't seem very steep for giving with peoples' lives

I hope things will change, but we still have abysmal turnout. TX started allowing early voting over 40 years ago and we still struggle to get people to the polls. Early voting is a span of 2 weeks, where in the 1st week, polls are required to be open for at least 9 hours and can be open from 6 AM to 10 PM on the weekday and shortened hours on the weekend, and in the 2nd week, polls are required to be open at least 12 hours a day and typically have the same hours as election day. Yet we still have virtually no lines through all early voting and a massive line on election day.

It doesn't help that the news only bangs the final day of voting into peoples' heads.

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Not so much in the US. At least in my state, they don't have enough subs and have to double up classes when a teacher is sick.

Sales tax, property tax, lottery also

By that same logic, could a business owner of a corporation claim said corporation as a dependent because corporations are people now?

I think only about half the population think this way. Your voice is in your head speaking thoughts kinda like they show in movies. The other half thinks in pictures, shapes, colors, and sounds.

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If anything voting matters even more! Especially for those of us that are in red states. Thomas already said that he would reverse Lawrence v TX (2003) and Hodges v Obergefell (2015). The anti-sodomy laws are still on the books in TX and the TX AG has said that he would use that law should Lawrence be overturned.

It's comments like this that keep people from the polls, when we should be running towards them! We could turn TX blue, if people just bothered to show up. We were the first state to have in-person early voting (1980) and we still have terrible turnout partly due to this mentality.

We need more people voting to help shift the country to the left. There are lives at stake if we let the Republicans win.

Unfortunately for us, people kept voting him into office even after he called the Texas guard to watch the US army with the Jade Helm panic that Russia started. Idk if they will ever vote him out

There's a US mint in DFW, Houston refines the majority of oil for the US, I think there's some US gold stored in a fort north of Austin, not to mention all the corporations that have HQs like Lockheed Martin. Not sure if all the corporations would be able to get out quickly enough or if those would be tx companies needing an international trade agreement.

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It's winter, but we only had low Temps for a few days in January. It hit 94 (34.444 C) at the DFW Airport on Feb 26, over 80 (26.66 C) in Austin for the last 3 days, and a high temperature between 75-82 (23.88-28.33 C) for the last 3 days in Amarillo.

Usually this is the colder part of the year hovering around 50-60 degrees (10-15.5 C), but this year has been warmer. In the last decade, we've had Temps like this up to Christmas time and then it usually doesn't get this warm until aprilish. Climate change has really been messing with our temperatures though.

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In many states no, they are called "at-will states", where the employee can leave or the company fire you for no reason at all. It's phrased that way to make it seem better than the evil unions making you stop working to strike to fight for your rights.

They call it the Flow state, there are books and I'm sure seminars about getting into the flow state to help you focus and get more done.